So…Why Use Multi-Formats In Marketing?

Some thoughts on the benefits of using multiple-platforms when distributing your content.

Amazon-Proof Your Business➡️


So, why use multi formats in marketing?

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

Today I wanted to talk about a situation I’m dealing with right now. So one of the things that I’ll do when working with a new client is we’ll have an initial strategy session, it’s kind of the first thing that I always do sometimes it’s complimentary.

You can find out more about that in my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business, get a free copy at, you can find out about our complimentary strategy sessions.

But in a lot of cases it’s paid for you go straight to my website and pay for a strategy session you get that taken care of and we could set up a time to be able to do it.

Most of the time nowadays we’re in here it is in 2021, we do a lot of it online, a lot of it over zoom or whatever format works out best for both of us. And the video chat format tends to work out pretty well because it allows me to record it.

That’s really what I enjoy the best is having a recording a video recording something I can see. And something that I can go back to go over again, create different forms of, of media for it, because one thing I found is that when working with clients, everybody likes different formats.

So one of the most open formats that people are really used to nowadays online in general is video. So you can never go wrong going with video as long as you’ve got proper audio.

And you can understand everything that’s being said, You can’t go wrong with video video is a great way this is why I do this show via video every night.

Videos great, you could always use that the best thing about video is you can take it apart in pieces. So you can take the audio away from it. Some people are used to listening to a lot of audio and don’t necessarily have the time to be able to sit there and watch a video. So I also have this show going out the audio an audio format.

And you may be listening to this on on your favorite podcast player. That’s very common, I listened to a lot of audio podcasts that are out there. So I understand that completely, especially for busy people.

Plus, you can increase the speed you can install and so forth, you can rewind if you need to, audio is great. In addition to that, though, if especially if you’re putting things together for your customer base, especially if you’re using marketing, and what I’m talking about is post marketing, this is marketing, really to your clientele that you already have in place.

But one of the things that I’ll do is I’ll create a transcript. a transcript is great because a huge, not not not a majority, but a huge portion of people out there really enjoy reading it. They enjoy as a lot of people still enjoy printing it out and reading it, but they at least have like having it in text format so that they can read through something.

My Podcast Producer Sean E. Douglas, he works on these on a daily basis. He is very adamant about having things in transcript form for himself, when we’re going through something, when we’re studying something, when we’re studying a client that I’ve worked with, he likes to have that transcript and be able to dig through that there’s a lot of people that enjoy doing that.

So that’s definitely something I do.

In addition, after I’m done having a conversation sometimes we’ll put together reports, especially if this is a one time deal, we’ll set up a little report based off of the transcript.

It’s something that’s really difficult for me to do. I don’t enjoy putting together reports and digging through transcripts and stuff like that. But I can see the use in it. So I saw tonight I’m working late, working on putting together a report for a client.

And it’s one of those things that in the long run as we get more flow going through, we’ll probably have, I’ll probably have somebody that’s better at it to put these type of things together.

But right now, I’m the best person for the job because we’re working in some new arenas right now so that we’re kind of working our way through that. So fun, it’s fun, but you have to understand even if you don’t enjoy it, even if it’s not something that you would do, there’s a portion of your market out there that does.

There you got people that want to watch, you got people that want to listen, you got people that want to read, that’s three right off the bat that you can take care of, as long as you get your marketing out there.

If you start with video, you can tear it apart after that and you can have it outsourced and have somebody take care of that for you. I base my entire book off of the transcripts of my videos from this show and it mean that’s the general, we’ll basis for it.

There’s a lot of extra content in it, but that was the skeleton of the initial book. So something to think about when you’re moving forward. Always remember different formats really matter a lot to your, your customer, both potential customers and your current customers. So hopefully that’s helpful.

We’ll be back here tomorrow night. In the meantime, just get out there and let the magic happen.

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