How Many Different Ways Are You Showing Up?

Thoughts on differentiation while doing what you love from a recent podcast interviews with the Corn Man. 🌽👨

First Episode with Corn Man ➡️


How many different ways are you showing up?

I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live. Today I’m going to talk about my friend Charles Wiley, and his book, and album and everything else revolving around his Corn Man project.

A couple days ago, I received these in the mail, I wanted to make sure you saw them.

Check this out. This is the Corn Man t-shirt. I got a copy of the original Corn Man book, Story Of The Corn Man.

This is Chapter one.

Now chapter two just came out.

Now, what’s Corn Man?

Corn Man’s a project. And you can find out about this by listening to my podcast Off The Grid Biz Podcast where you can find it

And I’ll put a link in the description going to the first episode that I interviewed Charles.

Well, we just had him on a recent episode, well….I just recently had him back to talk about his chapter two book that came out. And I’ll get into it in a second.

Well, what ended up happening was, Charles is a musician, right. How this whole thing started, is he fell into the situation where he started researching the whole idea of how corn is and everything that we eat, that the corn lobby has been extremely good at getting corn into everything, to our from our fuel to everything we eat, to a lot of things we were and everything else, they just they found a way to similar to the soy industry and found a way to fit corn into everything.

And so this inspired him to want to talk about this idea and how he knew how to do that, up to that point was through his music.

So what he did was he put together an album, he had some he had a piece of art put together by a friend. And this was the original art is him as a stock of corn. And then it kind of inspired him to make this whole album that kind of and he found a story developing.

So what did he end up doing, he made a children’s book out of it.

And that’s what this is. It’s the story of Corn Man.

And it’s a series of books. This is the initial book about how a regular everyday person ends up being turned into this Corn Man like creature. And it’s very interesting.

I wanted to point something out. He took an idea. He plugged it into something he already knew how to do. And then he tried something else and put it into an area that he had never….he’d never written any children’s books before.

But he got together with his wife and she helped him develop a storyline and develop the script for it. And he got together with Andy Westhoff. His wife’s name is Deirdre by the way.

And he got together with Andy Westhoff, who did the illustrations for this and also did illustrations on the second one that just came out, you find these in, under The Story of Corn Man.

So the story of corn man, the original and then chapter two. And then on top of that, he made an audio book for his original book he’s doing he’s doing it, he came out with merchandise and everything else why I met him at the Mother Earth news Fair, last year in Albany, Oregon. And so we hit it off.

And I was inspired by his enthusiasm for his project and his ability to take one simple idea and how to put and his put it out there in a million different ways, and continues to come up with new ways to put out the same thing, including ideas in the future, possibly doing something animated or something else.

I mean, there’s so many ways that you can take this and develop it and find an audience for it or multiple audiences for it. So it’s really interesting stuff, great conversations, watch for that second show when it comes out.

And I just want to thank Charles for sending me a T-shirt and a book.

And I want to inspire you to take your ideas, get them out there work with somebody who has some experience in the areas is trying to work these into don’t just go one direction, don’t just do the same old thing that you’ve always done.

Try and hit multi medias, try and hit multiple forms of media and to even just to reach the same audience. If you can do that. You it creates multiple dimensions to your work.

And that makes you more real to the average person out there, especially if most of the work that you do is online, try doing something physical, so that it adds a whole nother dimension, like I said, so. Hopefully that makes sense to you.

If you would like to know some other ways to be able to capture your audience and to really stand out in your competitive space. Check out my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business. You get a free copy at We’ll be back here tomorrow night. In the meantime, get out there and learn Let the magic happen.

Can Corn Man Show You How To Stand Out?

Can the Corn Man show you how to stand out?

I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

Today I’m going to tell you a little bit about this fellow here. This is Charles Wiley.

I got to interview on a very special episode of the Off the Grid Biz Podcast.

There’s a link in the description here.

Go and listen to it. It’s really cool. He’s a cool guy.

We got to meet him over in Albany, Oregon. When we went for the Mother Earth News Fair earlier this year.

Charles Wiley though, really interesting guy.

This is a musician who has done music his entire life, grew up in a musical family and is dealing with the fact that the music industry is completely falling apart and transforming.

Really it’s transformed into something completely different than it was when many of us were younger.

It’s in the process still of transforming. It still hasn’t completely found its base.

At one point you would put out an album, you would get it played on radio stations.

People would go out, purchase the album and that’s how you would make money. You’d also make money doing concerts and going on tour and selling merchandise and things of that sort, that whole model has completely fallen over and gone on in a million different directions.

Music just isn’t what it used to be.

It’s a different industry and Charles didn’t just sit back and suck his thumb. He decided he was going to do something about it.

He was going to try to stand out.

How did he stand out?

He created something called the Corn Man.

What is the corn man?

The corn man is a children’s book. It’s a musical album.

It is an audio reading of the album put out in pieces over time.

The Corn Man goes on and on and on, it keeps becoming something different.

It’s a coloring book.

It’s, it’s multiple things.

Go and listen to that episode on, link is in the description, for that specific episode where I interview Charles Wiley, the Corn Man.

He could tell you all about standing out.

It’s all about differentiation.

It’s all about being different than everyone else in your field.

It’s being different from anyone else out there and learning how to stand out and we have a great discussion as far as that goes on that podcast.

Go and listen to it.

If you’re looking to stand out, if you’re looking to take your business and really stand out, if you’re in the space that I discuss called the self-reliance space, meaning you help people become more self-reliant either through nutrition like Charles or talking about overall health or you’re helping people to become more self reliant with their resources or you’re helping people to grow their own food or what have you, go to is all for business owners that are in the self-reliance field.

Hi Joe.

I see that, we’ve got some people watching us live here on Facebook, but we’re broadcasting all over the place and just bringing you more messages of how to take your business and really stand out.

Put yourself out there, be different than everybody else, and if you want to learn how to do it specifically, like I said, that link is also in the description.

Tomorrow we’re going to be talking about goals and how they fit everything.

So you have a great night.

Joe, Gio, great seeing you and we will talk to you tomorrow night.

Y’all have a great night. Get out there and let the magic happen.