No More Books or No More Movies? 📚🎥

Brian goes back to the icebreaker well for tonight’s conversation.


No more books, or no more movies?

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo Welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

Today it’s kind of a just a goofy night. On occasion, especially when my brain is frazzled. I will go to my little cheap deck of icebreaker starter pack I’ve shown these to you before.

And there are these little cards and flow questions for icebreaker questions to get an interesting conversation going on with people.

So here’s an interesting one that you can pass on to someone. And it this is this is odd one says, Would you rather never read another book or never watch another movie?

That’s creepy to me. Because I am very much a film guy. I love movies always have. It’s a really difficult question to answer.

In most years of my life, I would pick movies hands down, because there’s enough movies out there that I know I’ll be able to find enough good ones, it’s a lot easier to rewatch a movie than it is to reread an entire book.

The problem is, is that this year, I have read some amazing books. And it just continues to go I continue to run across these just fabulous books, books that I never want to give up books that I’ll pass on to my children books that have changed my perspective so much on things that I actually want to reread them, I want to go back through them again, or re listen to them again on audio in audio format.

I know there’s a whole lot of books that I still want to rack there are books I own that I still want to read. So it’s a tough one. It’s a really tough one. If you’re going to ask me right now I’d have to nit it sounds pretentious.

But I’d have to take books over movies. I would I just also being that I’m a catastrophist. And I could see a day when they knock out the electrical grid or something of that sort.

And we ended up not being able to watch any movies. And so if I didn’t have books or movies, I’d be I’d be really in a bad shape. But books The best thing is, you don’t need much for them. I mean, as long as you got a little bit of daylight you got you got the ability to read them.

And beyond that a little bit of candle light or campfire light you can you can read them that way too. So doesn’t take as much I like books, I love movies, though.

I mean, there are we can go on and on. I could start an entire podcast just about movies, and compare them back to real life. And and take philosophy from a science fiction movie or anything else. I mean, I have a blast with that.

Next year, it might be back to movies again, I would say in general, I’m more of a movie than a book guy. They’re just consumed. Mably consumable, Is that a word?

In terms of their consumeability?

I consume a lot more movies go through a lot more and be able to rewatch them a lot easier than I can read digest a book over again, but picking books for today.

How about you?

I’d love to hear what you think, one way or the other?

Is there something I haven’t thought of as far as the way when it comes from between books and movies?

Which one you like the best?

The thing I like I like reviewing movies and books here. And if you’re watching or listening to this for the first time, go back and check out some of the book reviews and movie reviews.

I like taking an odd movie, or an odd book and comparing it something modern, or something that would affect us today. Or today’s situations, today’s politics, everything else. I think that’s just a blast.

I really enjoy doing that. And books and movies are two of my favorite mediums out there. In fact, if you got rid of all the other mediums, I’d be a okay with just books and movies as far as for entertainment and for educational purposes. So random thought, but it’s an interesting question.

So what do you think it’s all I’ve got for tonight, go check out my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business.

It’s all about how to overcome competitive forces regardless of what your industry is and to make yourself stand out so that you don’t even have any competition whatsoever. Even if that competition was

You get a free copy at has yet to be turned into a movie, but you can still watch and you’ll be able to listen to it too.

Once we get that audio book finally out.

That’s all I got for tonight. You have a good one. We’ll be back tomorrow and the meantime get out there and let the magic happen

The 100-Page Book 📚 Book Review

A review on Mike Capuzzi’s book about how to create a one hundred page book.

100-page book, book review.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

I have in my hands the 100-page book. This is a concept developed by Mike Kaposi that he talks about in this book, which is 100 pages, but it also shows you how you can write a book that’s 100 pages long and have that be useful to your business. Welcome back. We talk about business concepts here. I’m a Business investor.

So I love business concepts and specifically, Martin, the latest topic that I’m most interested in because I’ve been able to help out the most amount of businesses with this would be content marketing.

So how do you take content, put it out there on a regular basis, and use it to a tool for a way that people can get to know you and your business better?

Therefore become really solid customers, clients, patients, etc. And this is a great way. Okay, this is Mike Capozzi. This is a great book to go check out is if you can’t read the rest of this, it says a profitable nonfiction book writing tip.

Okay, so this was talking about nonfiction.

So it fits right in the business owners guide to self-publishing a short customer attraction book. Now, I’ve talked a lot here about writing your own book. In order for people to get to know you better to know like and trust you more so that they can get to know your business better and eventually become really solid customers.

I wrote a book myself, it’s over. It’s over a lot. I think it’s over 100 pages.

Then now I’m not so sure, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business is a very short book. 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business you can go check out what I wrote over at

You download a free copy, or you can go grab yourself a solid copy there. He’s talking here about having simple books that can be passed out, handed out to people mailed out to people. In fact, he calls them Shooks.

Okay, that’s for, Short Helpful Books. Shooks.

I know that look at the writing in here. This is not, you know, tiny little writing, this is very easy to read, very easy to look through, you can include a lot of pictures and everything to really make it easy to get through.

It’s not made for people that are looking for a textbook, this isn’t a textbook, this is something to help promote you your business, whatever you’re looking to promote. Great.

Understand that you will get a great understanding of whether you want to do something like this or not by getting a copy of this book, or any of his other show books.

He’s got a number of them out there.

A lot of them are around the same topic but really good information. I’ve got this one highlighted all over the place. I think I had something I did want to I had a great quote here. I wish I would have I wish I would have held my finger on it.

There’s so much good stuff in here.

Yeah, here it is. Each book saves at least four hours of interviewing and educating a potential client.

If you just take that idea that this will save you time. It’s inexpensive to put out smaller books like this. It’s just across the board, you’re going to get a really good result especially if you’re looking at putting together a book already.

This allows you to put them together quickly he has kind of a lot of templates for how to be able to do that idea.

Great book, highly recommended it Mike Capuzzi. Try and get him on the show eventually here maybe interview him about this process and about about his other experiences with content marketing, because he’s been involved in the game for quite a while. So thank you very much, Mike for a great book.

Thank you for watching, guys. We’ll be back here tomorrow.

In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

Do You Finish Books? 📚

Do you have an issue finishing books?


Do you finish books?

I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

Today is an unusual type of episode, I oftentimes will come up with an idea I wanted to get out there. This is one, it’s more personal and definitely more selfish.

I have a question for you, do you read?

And if you do read, do you finish reading?

have a horrible, horrible knack for starting books and not finishing them. This is gone my entire life.

My first question is, do you do this and then if you do, my second question is, do you think it’s bad?

Do you think it’s wrong?

Do you think that there’s a way out of it?

Do you think or have you ever been like that and have you found a way out of it?

I’d love to find out. This is mainly a question I’m tossing out there because one of those things that’s always disturbed me. But not so bad that I don’t sleep at night, but it is one of those things where I’ve always wondered whether whether a person really needs to finish books are not or whether you just go with whatever life’s short, I think all I think of all the books that I own currently.

I’m not sure if I can get through them in the rest of my lifetime if I did read everything that I had not read previously. So just curious. Do you finish your books?

Leave me a comment. There’s a short one for today.

Go check out my book, an easy one to finish because it’s so short, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business. If you really want to see how short it is. You can go download a free copy at That’s all we have. You have a good one.

Get out there and let the magic happen.

Books Necessary For Business Growth? 📚

Just how valuable are books to your business education anyway?


Books necessary for business growth.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

I talk a lot about books that I like, ones that I’ve run into through the years ones that I’ve reread over again. And I do that a lot on this channel.

But it’s done with a rather assumptive attitude as if you already know why books are a good thing to have when it comes to business success.

Are they necessary?

Absolutely not.

I mean, there are a lot of people that have been successful in business through the years that have not, and have not been the voracious readers and have flaunted the fact that they don’t read much when it comes to books or success books or what have you.

That’s all fine and good.

What I found though, across the board, is that if a person is is not achieving the successes that they’re looking for or would like to go to another level. Books help to take you to that next step, because it just helps you to change your mindset to be able to do what you got to do.

Sometimes you just got to hear someone who’s already been through it, you know, or hear of people that have already been through it.

So whether you’re reading a biography or an autobiography, those are two of the most, the best places to go to, to find people that you relate with.

To see what they did to get from point A to point B. These are all very useful.

Now, most of the people I talk to, on this podcast on these videos and audios is are people who are already successful to some extent or another.

I want to talk to you also here and not just make this just for people who are searching for business success, but people who have already achieved some success.

That there’s two things I recommend doing.

Number one, even if you are not, if you have never been a reader and have achieved success, I’m going to recommend that you also spend some time to look for material that’s helpful, not just to you, but to other people.

You see, no matter what you’ve probably have employees, or you have people that you work with, you may have vendors, partners, or may have partners in the future.

You’re gonna find people that don’t naturally think the way you think now that could be the way you were raised, or the way you were raised, you know, you may have been isolated to a lot of the stinking thinking that a whole lot of us grow up with.

If that case, you have to realize that most people just don’t think the way you do naturally. And that’s okay.

It doesn’t mean that it’s impossible for them to think any better, it is possible for them to think better, it is possible for them to drop a whole lot of the mythology that most of us walk around with in our heads, that just isn’t true.

That holds us back in life.

I’m not just talking success but successes, it’s a great example of where you can see this happening of how people shoot themselves in the foot over and over again, with just stupid ideas that they grew up with in their heads.

That’s a great importance of books I’m holding here, this is the I’ve shown this to you before this is the unedited 1937 text of Think & Grow Rich, you can get these out there now. I think I got this off Amazon or something and they’ve got a couple different versions.

They also have a hardback version, I believe the same one and it and I wish I would have gotten that one, I have some friends that have gotten the other one. I’m currently part of a book club.

Now there’s an older book, lots of especially this version of it lots of politically incorrect terminology and everything else in the thought patterns and ideas, cultural ideas from that time which are obsolete, but the principles in the book are very much something that you need to consider whether you agree with them or disagree with them.

There’s something you ought to challenge yourself with and ask yourself whether you’ve used these to be able to be successful, or whether you know other people who have or whether you think somebody who doesn’t have these principles in their life could get use out of them.

The only way you’re going to know that is by reading the darn book or by picking up an audiobook copy of it or whatever else but you’ve got to you got to familiarize yourself with these ideas.

Because you can help other people and by helping other people you’ll be helping yourself because you won’t you can surround yourself with smarter people just by taking the people you’re surrounded with and helping bring them up a little bit.

And that’s not an elitist concept but it is it is something that everybody could use more of. And people could use encouragement to be able to think better. That this is one of those books that is still controversial to this day.

There’s still ideas in here that I don’t fully wrap my mind around, especially the way that it’s presented in the in this book, it’s a he’s a, he uses Napoleon Hill uses very flowery language and everything else.

It’s not that accessible but it’s not so backwards, that it’s unimaginable.

So it’s worth challenging yourself. If nothing else, that you get some of these classics and you read them, they’re inexpensive.

Now, in many cases, you could find this stuff free online, because a lot of these I mean, there’s still debate over it.

But a lot of the stuff that the trademarks and so forth have ran out on. So it’s worth checking out. I’m in a book club currently where we are reading one chapter at a time, over a two week period. Daily.

The idea is that you read the chapter every single day for two weeks on in and we talk about our on a weekly basis, we get together on a zoom call and talk about this.

Doing that type of thing can also encourage you because you, you get to hear how other people see it, you get to be open about the things that you don’t understand.

It’s really a useful tool, if you can find people that are doing this online, it’s worth looking into books matter because they hold a lot of these ideas and put it out in a very systematic way. So that it can be digested easily.

Now, there’s other other ways to be able to take in information, but there’s just something about taking it in through the eyes. That’s extremely useful.

Like I said, if you don’t have that option, you could listen to an audio book or what have you and you can still get something out of it.

But repetition and really digging into something and is a lot of fun, as long as you don’t take it too seriously.

You try to apply the principles back to your life as quickly as possible so that you could see whether it works or whether it doesn’t work or whether it’s a bunch of hooey.

So hopefully that’s helpful to you. That that’s one of the things that I highly recommend that even if it’s not for you, think about it for those around you.

Maybe you have children, grandchildren, nieces, nephews, other people you work with that you can pass on a little bit of wisdom doesn’t need to be yours.

So I’ll be back tomorrow night, go check out my book, a little tiny piece of wisdom. While I hope it’s wisdom that had I put together a little over a couple of years now.

9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business. You can get a free copy at We’ll be back here tomorrow night.

In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.