Did Black Friday Earn You Bank?


Did Black Friday or a new bank?

Hi I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

Today we’re going to talk a little bit about Black Friday.

Did you know that the Christmas season, the Christmas shopping season has been considered to start on the Friday after Thanksgiving?

Since 1952 was the earliest time that they heard people referring to this era as being the beginning of the Christmas season and the term Black Friday has gone back to 1961, 1961 is the earliest they’ve been able to find people refer to it as that. So this has been around a while.

The whole concept of Black Friday.

The question is, are you making money off that?

And if not, why not?

And if so, why would you want to?

Well, this comes back to the concept of holidays and doing holiday marketing.

So when you’re making any form of reference whatsoever to a holiday that’s existing to something that’s happening the day of, you’re entering the conversation in your customer’s mind.

So you’re, you’re allowing yourself to talk about something that they’re already thinking about in some way or fashion. Whether they agree or disagree with it or not, it doesn’t matter. They’re thinking about it.

It’s there, it’s being discussed. It’s in the social ethos. It’s out there in the ether.

And so that’s what Black Friday is whether you like it or not.

Most of us know a lot of people that think that it’s over overwhelming. It’s outrageous. It’s crazy.

Who would ever go and do something like that.

There’s a lot of people that do not as many as they make it out to look like when you’re watching the evening news, seeing people trample themselves and everything, but it’s still there.

The pressure’s there to get a good sale on the day after Thanksgiving. So you might as well give it a shot.

You might as well offer something. I don’t care if you go out and double your prices on Black Friday.

Don’t ignore it.

Don’t ignore these things that are out there that people are already thinking about.

They’re already talking about go out there and acknowledge that it exists and by doing that you’ll get a person to stop and pay attention to you and say, okay, what are they saying about Black Friday?

What are they offering?

Because it’s instantaneous.

If it’s an email or anything else, this is a way to get people to open it up, to pay attention to your marketing, to pay attention to any form of content that you’re putting out there.

The fact that I’m referencing Black Friday on Black Friday is going to get more people watching this than would have otherwise. It’s just the fact of matter and it’s something that you can use yourself.

It’s not just about Black Friday though.

It’s any holiday when you’re talking about any form of holiday, anything that is going through a person’s mind, it gives you a chance to be able to talk about it.

You’re making them stop a split second longer than they would have otherwise. Listen to what you have to say, and hopefully it’ll lead to a sale at some point, somewhere down the line, or at least you get someone listening to you for a little bit, which will eventually lead to a sale beyond that.

Hopefully it is helpful to you if you’d like to know how to take advantage of some of these trends that have been in existence forever and only has to do is just understanding the psychology of your customer. Then go to BrianJPombo.com.

If you’re in the self reliance field and you’ve got products and services that help people to become more self reliant, go to DreamBizChat.com the link is in the description.

Hey we’re back here every single day, so come on back tomorrow and we’ll have another little thought for you.

Hopefully that will help you grow your business a little faster, a little quicker, a little bigger.

Hey, you have a great night. Get out there. Let the magic happen.