Swipe Files Are For Everyone

Anything can be a good idea to help you in what you do. Brian talks about creating a swipe file of good ideas as you go along the day.

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Hey, swipe files are for everyone.

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J Pombo Live.

Sorry for the issues in audio quality. I’m recording today from my office, one of my many offices. And I don’t and I haven’t got a shaky camera because I’m holding it with my hand. And I’ve got a microphone right here that I’m trying to hold away from my shirt so you don’t get all that extra static.

Hopefully that helps a what our swipe file swipe files are simple, and I have to apologize for the ending the video so quickly Yesterday my son came in said he heard a noise outside. My wife was in the bathroom. And so I had to end it right off quick.

Yesterday we were talking about how you need to watch all types of marketing. So anything that’s out there, even stuff that is not in your industry, you have to watch it. You have to watch for the stuff that attracts your eye that attracts other people’s eyes. That gets people’s attention.

And ask yourself, okay, why is that happen?

How can I do the same thing in my market? How can I do the same thing in the areas that I’m using advertising and or doing some form of marketing. And one of the best ways to do that is what they call swipe file.

Now, this is normally saved for people that are in copywriting or doing any type of heavy duty marketing, and anyone that’s a marketer out there knows the term. And the whole idea is to swipe stuff and to save it. And this came in really handy when you’re dealing with a lot of physical media like newspapers and magazines, and things of that sort of direct mail.

Because then you could just file stumbling away physically. Nowadays, with everything being online, you got to get really good at learning how to grab stuff without necessarily grabbing it with your hands. So you got to learn how to take screenshots, or how to save images, especially taking screenshots because you could do that on your phone. You could do that on a computer and just….gotta start doing that and start saving this stuff away.

Now, there’s different ways you could do it, you could just save it on hard drives, you could save it on your phone, you could take pictures with your phone. So if you see a billboard that kind of stands out, and even if you don’t know why it stands out, or why it gets your attention, take a picture up, save it. If you are in if you have something like Dropbox, or something like Evernote, you can save things there and be able to tag them so you can go back and grab them later.

These are the type of things that I try and do if you’re more of an organized person, you won’t have problems organizing things. If you’re less organized like me, you got to kind of trick yourself into just building up a habit of swiping, good marketing that’s out there or at least marketing that you find interesting stuff that you could go to later for inspiration when you’re trying to promote your stuff and stand out there to your audience or your perspective perspective.

Intel. Hopefully that’s helpful to you. Hopefully this wasn’t too shaky. Tomorrow, it’ll be a little less shaky because we’ll be back in the main office of main headquarters and have a tripod and all the all the good stuff. So you have a great night. We’ll be back here tomorrow.

Hey, go check out the Amazon Proof Strategy Session over at BrianJPombo.com/Amazon. That is for business owners and executives that are looking to take things to the next level. Go fill out the application. It’ll give you a chance to be able to talk to me and I’d love to find out your story. So that’s Brian j pombo comm slash Amazon that link is in the description. We’ll be back here tomorrow. Have a great one. In the meantime, get out there and just let the magic happen.