Selling Info + Your Business

Selling info + your business.

I am Brian Pombo welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

This right here is a picture of Michael Senoff. Michael Senoff is a dear friend of mine and he doesn’t even know who I am and here’s why. He’s had a website called, Hard To Find Seminars for probably close to 20 years now.

This website’s been out there. It has a whole lot of free information out there that can teach you about business sales, marketing.

He’s gone out and interviewed some of the smartest people out there at the same time. He’s learned a whole lot, has put into play a whole lot and has become an expert unto himself and he imparts his wisdom out into the world.

Whole bunch of this stuff is free. It’s not in a normal blog format or anything of that sort, but what it is is he has pieces of it put out there.

Some of them are full interviews, some of them are just part of interviews.

And he says, hey, if you’d like to hear the rest, go and purchase this product that has this many hours worth of my interviews, or an old seminar from this person or that person.

That’s where his whole website came from. It’s just these interviews and most of them, their the most simplest interviews in the world. They may have a commercial spliced in there or two for his website, but other than that, it’s just plain and simple interview over the phone.

He had this little digital recorder that could plug into a phone. It’s not the greatest quality sound in the world, but you can hear what’s being said. Plus, he has transcripts of all of his conversations that he’s had.

These are amazing conversations that he’s had with some amazing people throughout the years.

I mean, hundreds and hundreds if not thousands of recordings available on that website, both free and to pay for. I’ve bought many of his, I continue to buy many of his products that he has out there, their digital products. They’re just sitting there.

He has created this thing that kind of runs on its own where he has all these things available and things you’re talking 600 thousands of dollars worth of individual products that you can purchase on a whole range of different issues.

Most of them are business related.

So I think I saw some health related stuff on there.

Why is it called hard to find seminars?

Well, it’s because when he first started out, he was selling old seminars, you know, things on tape and CD that, people had bought and then they were reselling.

He was reselling all this stuff on eBay.

And so his original website was hard to find seminars.

As time went on, he started creating his own products. They’re not all seminars.

They aren’t all hard to find, but they are this huge trove of information.

Why am I talking about Michael Senoff?

What’s it have to do with you?

Well for one thing, this is my love letter. Thank you Michael, for all the work that you’ve done through the years and creating this fabulous business for yourself.

Those of you who are watching this, I want you to keep in mind what this could be for you. Any business can have information tacked onto it. You can always have some form of information that you’re selling on the side, regardless of what the business.

If you’ve been in your business for any amount of time and have any amount of knowledge about it, you are an expert in comparison to most people on whatever the topic is that you deal with on a regular basis.

Having that ability, you have the ability to then put your concepts, put your ideas, put your answers to frequently asked questions onto paper, on audio recording, on the video recording.

And like we said, it’s all about content marketing, but you don’t only need to use content for marketing. You could use content and sell it unto itself for people that are out there looking for that type of content.

You could train people on how to build a business similar to what you’ve built.

Most of the people watching this or a lot of the people that I’ve met that I’m reaching out to, business owners, executives, people that run the company.

If you’ve got that background, you definitely have the ability to create information and it’s a great side business.

Look into Michael’s stuff and see how simple and straight forward his process is, but at the same time has such quality information, quality entertainment and just overall insights into the world.

It’s great stuff. It’s very inspiring.

Anybody can go out there and do what he’s done. Not only that, a lot of his stuff focuses in on the simplicity of how simple it is to go out and make a business on your own.

He has courses on how to use Craigslist and how to use all these different things, that ink that everyone has available to them.

If you’re ever feel like you’re in a rut and you’re not really making it ahead, if you’re still trying to break out in business, look into Michael Senoff’s work.

It’s really good stuff.

So hopefully you found this helpful look into providing information for others. We’ll talk about more about this in the future and how this can benefit you and your business.

Anytime you can tack on side pieces of business onto your business, it makes your core business stronger and it makes everything more secure and gives you the, at that allure, that overall aura to your customers of being something bigger than just your average blank.

However, most people would refer to your industry, to your business if you’re just an average blank.

If you’re just another cookie cutter watch, I’m gonna call it out there.

If what you’re providing is a product is just the typical thing that you can find on or on anyone of your competitors sites. You’re not standing out enough.

You’re not being different enough.

You need to provide more information.

Hopefully you found this helpful. If you have and you’re in the self-reliance field, go to meaning you’ve got products and services that help people to become more self reliant.

You’re someone I’d love to talk with, and we could have a free conversation over on link is in the description.

You can click on that anytime.

Like I said, hope you found this helpful. Come on back tomorrow. We’re back here every day on Brian J. Pombo Live. Have a good one. Get out there and let the magic happen.