How to Keep Customers Forever

Some thoughts on Customer Lifetime Value

Amazon-Proof Your Business➡️


How to keep customers forever.

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

I’m not saying you need to train him like a little trained monkey. But customers are something that you do want him to be around for as long as possible, right?

There customers, clients, followers, parishioners, whatever. You want them to be around forever, if you can. So how do you go about doing that?

The main way to go about doing that is creating a connection. Crane as much of a one on one connection as is possible, creating some type of belonging situation. Now, this is a concept that I talked about in one of my chapters and, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business, you get a free copy over at

And I go into more into depth on how that works. But it’s all about the process of belonging. And belonging is about connection. It’s about communication, it’s more of an emotional thing. It’s not the type of thing that most people even recognize in themselves that they have. But it’s there, it’s there. And the the thing that is the reason why the people that do it the best, the people that really know what they’re doing, and and that have that strong connection.

That’s why they always find a way to reward and recognize their customers, just for showing up just for existing, you know, and so they’ll have, they’ll have a Vince, you don’t see as much of that, during this filming.

This is 2021 now and we’re at the very beginning, we’re still coming off of this at while, we’re still going through a lot of the whole COVID situation. So not a whole lot of physical events going on. But those physical events are so important to some of these industries.

Network Marketing is one that they don’t they have recognition for achievement, but they also the ones that are smart and have recognition just for the people that show up or show up consistently enough, or purchase enough stuff, that that there’s value in that. And that recognition creates a nice feeling for the person. And that nice feeling brings them coming back over and over and over again.

But the physical connection, the psychic connection that you have with people, even if it’s just over, over an online chat over a zoom call, what have you. That connection is what people come back for. Yeah, they like the product. Yeah, they like the service. Yeah, yeah. But what’s more important is the belonging.

That belonging connection is what matters most like I say, you find out more about it in Just download a free copy, or go buy a copy wherever books are sold. It’s called, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business.

I’ll be back tomorrow night we’ll be talking more about this stuff, maybe go a little bit more in depth than that may be taken in a completely other direction. But it’s all it all ties together. In the end. It’s all about how to take your business to the next level. So we back tomorrow. In the meantime, you get out there and let the magic happen.