Happy New Years! βœ¨πŸŽ‰

Happy 2021 everybody. πŸ˜€

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Happy New Year, for what it’s worth.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo. Live.

This will be a quick one, I just want to wish you a Happy New Year. simple idea. It really is, if you think about it from the big perspective, it doesn’t really mean anything.

We’re switching a number around that has no real significance within the galaxy itself within the solar system within the the the earth and the United States, it doesn’t really mean anything.

All it means is we’ve designated a time of one cycle around the sun, we’ve designated a date that we all can celebrate that we’ve gone around the sun once more.

That’s it, it’s just a marking time, it’s nothing more, nothing less. So don’t get, don’t get depressed, don’t get angry, don’t think everything’s going to change overnight, it changes when you’re ready to make a change.

So if you’re ready to make a change, now, if you’re ready to take things in a positive direction, do it, just go for it. But if you don’t, don’t worry about it, do it when you’re ready.

You know, things are the things going good. We go through this whole process of holidays, I’ve got all the lights and everything else up. I’ll be taking them down tomorrow in tradition. But none of it really means anything. In the end. What matters is what you do on a daily basis. It’s where your minds at, it’s where you’re going within life. And whether you’re taking advantage of being alive, and really taking full advantage all the way.

So that’s a nice, it’s a nice time for reflection if you have time to do that. Otherwise, reflect on and in a couple days, reflect on next week. It’s okay, you’ve got hopefully you have time. We all have a little bit of time here. So take what you can enjoy yourself. don’t enjoy yourself too much. Try make a difference. And that’s it. That’s my wishes for you.

For this next coming up year. 2020 was pretty crazy. I actually, regardless of all the craziness all around us, my life, had some of its greatest blessings during this year, lost a lot of great people in my life, but gained a lot of friends that I didn’t have or regained friends that I had long ago and reconnected with. So things are good, things continue to be good.

There’s also horrible things happening in the world. And that’s okay. Just hang in there.

We’ll be back tomorrow. You have a great night. We’ll see in 2021. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.