Excitement Can Be Dangerous 🙃

Why it’s important to be mindful of highs and lows in life.


Excitement can be dangerous.

I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J Pombo Live.

I want to talk a little bit about excitement, that’s a mental state that we’re all prone to get into from time to time. We tend to think about the positive sides of getting excited.

In fact, the word itself, we get excited, you know, get pumped, get amped, you know, it’s, it has very positive connotations to it in general, most people don’t look at the dark side of getting excited.

I’ve got two quick stories for you today.

The first story is about my oldest son, who is prone to get excited on occasion. And when he gets excited, his whole body lights up. And so that’s why everybody knows everyone gets excited.

But you could, you could tell and he always lets it go a bit too far, you know, where he’s just not in control of himself when he’s in that frame where he’s just almost manic.

Sure enough, so I wasn’t home for this, but he was in one of these states. And was playing around with his sister threw a metal pot, of play pot, but threw it straight in her head, without thinking, and he was shocked that she got hurt by it and everything else. And he got in trouble and all that.

But we had a talk about it afterward about you know, and we have this talk on occasion, you gotta watch getting too excited.

A lot of people get, especially, so I’m filming this in 2021 in December. So we’re coming up on the Christmas season, you know, all the Christmas decorations are going up and everything.

People get excited about Christmas, kids get excited.

And parents tend to play into getting kids excited about getting presents and all this other stuff. It always comes with a low, you know, you always end up hitting rock bottom after you get too high over something.

I think it’s something you watch for yourself and watch for your kids and your family in the business. Because this is a business of podcasts.

In business, you got to watch it for yourself that you don’t get too excited about the good times, you don’t get too wound up.

You always end up doing something stupid when you’re excited. That’s the real problem. And I’m saying we all end up doing stupid things when we get too amped up and too excited.

If we don’t do stupid things, then we will after we crash off the excitement because you know, you get all the hormones and things go into your brain and get you all worked up and feeling good.

Well, that feel-good always has a crash to it.

It doesn’t take drugs, it just takes a state of mind that’s imbalanced. And you just got to watch him balance whether it’s too high or too low imbalances in balance.

It’s one of the things that, you know, I have to watch with myself. And I also have to keep an eye on with the people around me and point out once in a while.

There’s a great example I that on the other end of things. Okay, on the other end of excitement, for some reason.

Two days ago, I woke up not feeling hot and the day just didn’t go well.

Mostly I had jitters I had I don’t know if I was sick, or if it was just my state of mind or what it was. But it think it was just one of those days where things just don’t work, you know, that nothing seems to work.

I tried to steer clear from scenarios where it might affect my future. If I got in a conversation with somebody that I shouldn’t have and everything else, I had to really watch myself and be careful.

Then the opposite of being too high isn’t too low, the real opposite of being too high as being in the middle. It’s being calm today. In as to the opposite of that I’ve been calm all day I woke up in a decent frame of mind and I’ve just had a really decent frame of mind all day long and everything that looked like it was going to be trouble was in trouble.

Everything that anything that I thought may have been a problem. I had just enough time to be able to come up against it and handle it the right way.

That’s the best way to do this when I have a good day I wish old days could be good days, right?

But a whole lot of it came down to that and deal with my son I saw a whole lot of it comes from not getting too excited. If you can just watch that, especially during this season but any any time of the year.

You keep that kind of middle ground.

Yeah, it’s big right now online, social media and so forth. Ryan Holiday and all these people promote stoicism and I really appreciate the concept of really keep an even keel. And so that’s a little thought for me to you tonight.

That’s all I’ve got a go check out my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business. You get a free copy at AmazonProofBook.com You find out more about me and my thoughts on business strategies and things that can help you make you completely Amazon-Proof which is my term for being competition-proof.

Even if it’s amazon.com you no one can touch you. When you follow these nine ways. Go check it out AmazonProofBook.com.

You have a great night. I’ll see you tomorrow.

In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.