Documenting and Content Marketing 🎬

Thoughts on documenting your work.


Documenting and content marketing.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

I wanted to talk a little bit about what this meant here, this my Facebook friend, what he posted earlier today. The post basically gets to the point of winning when it comes to content marketing.

He says to document, don’t create. And I love I like that.

I like that concept a lot. Not that you shouldn’t be creating when it comes to content marketing. But if you’re doing nothing else but just documenting, you’re doing something, and you’re putting something out there, I’ll give you a place to look more into this.

I’ve discussed this a lot on some of my earlier podcasts and my earlier episodes from Brian J. Pombo Live. But this is a great place to go and look for it.

This book, Show Your Work, by Austin Kleon. One of my favorites, because the whole concept of the book is basically to show what it is you’re working on.

So find a way to showcase what it is you’re working on, whether it be a blog, whether it be video, whether it be audio, get it out there, show people what you’re doing.

Through that process, it helps you and it helps them and it helps get the word out about who you are. And he knows this from experience because it’s what he did.

As he was putting together these, these different pieces and different books and different artwork and stuff that he’s built.

He was documenting it, he was putting it out there. And so it’s a nice simple way.

It’s simple, but it’s not necessarily easy right off the bat but if you can find a way to document what it is that you’re doing, as if you’re doing a documentary, and be able to put it out there piece by piece and put out your struggles and put out, you know, basically your life on display. It’s not about the ego gratification of oh, look at me, obviously, that’s always it’s always there when it comes to social media and so forth.

But if you could use it as a way to bring that bring message back to what you’re trying to get people to do bring it back to your call to action.

That is really one of the best ways to just start, start a conversation, talk about something that happened today, show something that someone else is doing, you know that there, there’s no end to the ways you can use content marketing to help you especially if you’re consistent with it, if you’re doing it on a daily basis or weekly basis, then you can build this type of thing up and you don’t have to be super creative.

You just need to tell people what’s going on. And then tie it back to what you wanted to do what you wanted to buy what you wanted to download. For example, I always recommend that people go and download a free copy of my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business.

It’s all about how to make your business competition-proof. You can get a free copy by going to

See, I’ve tied it in with what I’m talking about because I’m talking about what about tying things in so it makes it easy. That’s not always as easy.

If you’ve seen or heard these episodes before. It’s not always sometimes it can be a little bit clunky.

It’s just one of those things that I just toss out there and sometimes I just forget to say it all together. So you got that you got this book show your work.

Thank you very much Desmond for the great quote for tonight and we’ll be back tomorrow. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.