Ari Galper: Unlock The Sales Game – Part 2

Part 2, of our five-part interview with Ari Galper of Unlock The Sales Game.

Topics covered in this episode

  • Building Trust to Create an Open, Comfortable Sales Environment
  • Why Most Sales Are Lost at the Beginning of the Process, Not at the End
  • Why Sales is so Much More Than Just a “Numbers Game”
  • 1 The Power of Trust-Based Languaging
  • Never “Chase Ghosts” Again
  • How to Remove the Pressure from a Sales Call

Full Convo ➡️


Brian: Wow. So you talked about running into that brick wall of, you know, just seeing reality for what it was.

How did you get from that point, to figuring all this out, how did you come across that?

Ari: Actually that was my trial and error right there. I had enough. I was like, I’m done with this, I’m not gonna treat myself like this ever again.

I felt asthought I was mentally abused. I felt like disgusted.

I quit my job and I said to myself, enough is enough.

If this has happened to me right now, it’s probably happened to 1,000s of people all over the world, millions of people who don’t even recognize they’re being treated this way.

And I literally sat down and came up with my approach that basically became a bomb in the industry and revolutionize everything, and really helped people see the truth.

That’s why I created my, Unlocking Game System, which we could talk about today and share with you insights and ideas and help people who are also experiencing this every single day losing tons of money, because they don’t know any other way of doing it.

Brian: So tell us more about, Unlocking The Game.

Ari: Sure, there’s sort of like three core principles behind the system.

And I want to clean out the mental harddrive that your listeners probably have right now, right?

What they believe selling is, so I can pour in some new ideas, because it is a mindset shift.

And the first core sales method is why I’m sure you heard this one before that sales is a numbers game. That’s a pretty common myth.

Where the more contacts you make, the more sales you’re supposed to make. That’s the concept, right?

Because the more people you meet, the more phone calls you made, the more demos you have, will miraculously somehow it’ll trigger out more results.

Well, we discover in this day and age now in this economy, it’s not about how many contacts you make anymore. It’s about how deep you go on each conversation, how good you are trust building, not how good you are, how many contacts you make, or how many meetings you have, or how many demos you have is the opposite of how people view the process.

Number two, is kind of a big one that the sale is lost at the end of the process.

I’m sure you’ve had deals pending before. Where it all looked good, all positive and at the end it just like, fell through, right?

Brian: Yeah.

Ari: So we discovered in our research that the sale is not lost anymore at the end of the process, it’s now lost at the beginning of the process, even at hello.

I’ll prove it to you right now come and find a way, if someone calls your office tomorrow morning, you pick up the phone and you hear, hi, my name is, I’m with, we are, what goes through your mind in about three seconds?

Brian: It’s a salesperson.

Ari: It’s over at hello, isn’t it?

Your guard goes up, you pull back, and now you’re in the game.

So I’ll make the case today that most of your listeners or viewers are most likely losing their sale, not at the end of the process, they’re most likely losing it at the beginning.

Now that they’re always doing outbound calls, but I won’t explain today why they’re losing their opportunities in the beginning and not the end, which is so, so contrarian.

I mean, every sales guru in the world teaches people to focus on getting the what?

Brian: The End.

Ari: The end.

Turns out, it was lost at the beginning, they got it all wrong.

So the last one is that rejection is part of the sales process, you have to accept it. If you aren’t thick skinned enough, if you aren’t tough enough, if you can’t take it, no, you’re not made for success.

That came from the old crusty sales manager who said, hey, it’s part of the game, get back out there, don’t give up, be persistent, just keep going.

Well, guess what we figured out?

We figured out that rejection is triggered by certain things and say you do unconsciously, that causes the other person to push back on you put their guard up, and force you to chase them.

And I’ll share with us those triggers today and your listeners and they’ll blow their minds to realize after all these years experience in the pain of selling never had to happen.

They were the ones triggering it.

Brian: Fabulous. Tell us more about those triggers.

Ari: Sure, what I’ll do is I’ll share with you some of those triggers underneath the principles. I’ll share with you around what we do and how the system works. And I’ll also share some of them are what we call our trust based languaging.

So we invented our own language set that replaces all sales scripts that go out the window, but designed to build trust with people authentically with the right mindset.

And the first core principle is a principle of always be defusing pressure, always be thinking about constantly, how to remove the pressure from the process.

So the walls come down and they feel comfortable telling you where they stand without any games anymore.

Let me give you example, a real example using our languaging.

Let’s say you’re having a first call with somebody over the phone, a potential client or prospect. And the call is going well.

They could know that they’re qualified could be good fit. All this good.

You’re looking forward to it, the call kind of comes to an end. What do we typically say to somebody at the end of a call like that? Not a trick question. But what are we trying to say to somebody, if we have someone on the hook, and they’re they’re pretty qualified, where we normally say to somebody and then a call like that?

Brian: Are you ready to buy?

Ari: Yeah, we say something like, let’s take the next step right, have our copy of a demo. We’re conditioned to move things which direction?

Brian: Our way.

Ari: Right, that’s our normal trigger from our past conditioning.

Brian: Sure.

Ari: What happens if you try and move somebody forward and they aren’t ready yet?

What do you break right there at the beginning your process with them?

Brian: You’re kind of breaking trust, right?

Ari: That’s right. That’s what happens.

So let’s reverse it, same scenario.

Calls going well. A call comes in and rather than saying, hey, how about we go to our next step?

What we say is, that is this based upon our approach and our mindset, what we say is this, we say, where do you think we should go from here?

And I’ll say it again, where do you think we should go from here?

Now, how does that change the dynamic of the moment?

Brian: Well it makes them willing participants in the process, right?

Ari: So you’re shifting the power over them.

Brian: Yup.

Ari: And usually, when you say to somebody, where do you think we should go from here?

They’re usually in a state of shock. They can’t believe somebody in business would actually ask them what they want to do. This is like revolutionary.

And you know, what’s funny is when you say to somebody, usually they say things like, I’ve got one more question. Or what about this, you know, it comes out all of a sudden, what comes out is the truth and that is your goal.

Your goal is no longer to focus on making a sale anymore. Your goal is to focus on the truth of where they stand, because you don’t get that from the beginning.

You chase ghosts your entire day.

Your whole pipeline is full of people who express interest but you know, they never convert. And that’s the game we’re stuck in, stuck in the dysfunctional, conditional brainwashed process that we think is our reality.

But we’re the ones creating because we don’t have an exposure to realize we’re the ones causing that to happen.

And that’s our core principle number one, is take the pressure out using our trust based language.

You know, what did you notice when I said, where do you think we should go from here?

Brian: That you’ve slowed down, so to make sure they’re paying attention, and to really let it sink in that the balls in their court now.

Ari: So one of the triggers or rejections is languaging, the words that you use, right.

The other one is momentum, when you say, hey, where do you think we should go from here?

It’s over.

When you say, where do you think we should go from here, which sounds very, very slow, because we’re so hyped up to move things forward. But when you slow things down, human nature is a step in and engage.

When you speed things up, that creates momentum, momentum creates pressure, and pressure slams back on top of you.

So part of our shift is lowering your voice, slowing down and becoming a human being again, and get a robotic process and take the sales armor off of you. That makes you inauthentic with people and shows you really care about yourself and not them.

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