Are They Ready For You?

Are they ready for you?

Hi I’m Brian J. Pombo welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live. Coming to you live today from Morgantown West Virginia of all places. Today I’m actually out by the pool. Excuse the echo, it’s an indoor pool. We’ve got a got a hot tub and pool here and I’m out here at 10 o’clock at night, a little past 10, 10 30, almost.

Today we’re going to talk about whether people are ready for you or not.

And when I’m talking about them, I am referring to your potential customers and clients and partners and whoever else, whoever your trying to get to do what you want them to do. I mean that’s really what it comes down to, whether it be marketing, communications, anything of that sort.

It all comes down to you attempting to persuade someone else to do something that you think is in their best interest.

And obviously since you’re doing it, it’s in your best interest. So most of the time we’re talking business, but it could be anything. It doesn’t matter whether you’re trying to get someone involved in a religion or what have you, it’s the same deal because you’re still dealing with people, making decisions, making choices and so on and so forth.

So are they ready for you?

The reason why I’m asking is because right now we’re at a point where, well, I’m working with a new partner here and new client and we were talking with a possible new client. And what we found is that while they tick a lot of the boxes, they’re probably not ready for our new offerings.

Probably not, time will tell, but today they weren’t. Maybe tomorrow we’ll have to see, and you have to be okay with that regardless of who you are and what you do.

You’ve got to be okay with them not being ready yet because most of the people that you talk to aren’t going to be ready. And it doesn’t matter whether you have a website and you’ve got people visiting and they don’t purchase anything or whether you work one on one with people or what have you. It’s the same deal over and over again.

Sometimes you’re going to get people that aren’t ready, they aren’t picking up what you’re putting down.

They aren’t buying what you’re selling, what have you, and you’ve got to be okay with that.

Then have a plan for how to follow up with them over and over and over again.

It doesn’t mean you just keep selling them.

Or you keep pitching them the same way. It really comes down to finding out where they’re at, where you know they probably need to be in order to be in the looking zone.

We’ve talked about the looking zone in the past, so go watch our older videos on that. Or, you know, just where exactly they need to be next in order for them to be an ideal client for you. Don’t force it.

Don’t try and force people in because they’ll resent it. They’ll eventually flip on you if you force them and they’ll try and fight you and try and show how they were originally right in not wanting to be part of your deal.

Take your time, talk to them and make sure that you get buyin from them and anyone else that’s involved in the process, whether that be a spouse, whether that be the other partners of the company, whatever, take your time.

They may not be ready yet, but that just because just because they’re not on your timetable doesn’t mean they won’t be ready tomorrow or the next week or the next year or in five years from now when you still need to eat and you’re probably still gonna need customers and clients.

So there’s just that.

Just a quick, quick thought to keep in mind. It’s easy to remember this if you have something that runs on its own, if you are not the sales engine, if you’ve got a website, if you have a store, retail store where other people are running it, if you are not initially the sales engine, it’s easy to let that go.

But don’t worry about it. You will get there. You just have to remove the emotion from the situation. Remove the worry over whether you get them or not today, and look at it as, “okay, how do we take them from where they are to where we think they need to be and don’t force it.”

They’ll find their way if they’re the right fit.

So there’s just a little tip from me to you if you want to see how this can fit into your business and your organization and to what you’re doing currently doing right now.

Let’s get on the phone. Let’s chat. I’ve got strategy sessions. You could go sign up for it at

If you happen to be in the self-reliance field, I’m offering a very free form of strategy session called dream business transformation. It normally would go for $600 and above to have this form of interaction with me, but you can have it for free if you qualify.

Go see if you qualify at the link is in the description. Go and check it out.

Watch some of my other videos. Go to and click on the media link and you can watch some of the other videos and get to know me a little better.

It’s all about getting to know that client, that customer better. It’s that song, Getting to Know You, Getting to Know More About You from the King and I, good movie. Watch it.

Take time to get to know your customer.

Let them get to know you over time and you’ll find that that soon. Eventually there’ll be ready and they’ll be ready for good. We’ll see you tomorrow. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.