When Goals Won’t Work 😤

Thoughts on goal setting from an upcoming podcast conversation Brian had with a local he met from the Grants Pass Chamber of Commerce.

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When goals won’t work.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

Like seeing you again, it’s fun. I love being here and being able to have our conversations on a nightly basis. And I love to be able to actually talk back and forth with you.

So if you ever have any questions or comments, leave them down below.

I’m Brian Pombo. If this is your first time, I am a business investor,

I have nearly three years’ worth of content going back all the way on nearly a nightly basis.

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You go to the media section and go and check that out. And wherever you’re watching or listening to this, you can also see what we have archived there on whatever format you’re watching or listening on.

Now, I want to talk a little bit about goal setting because it is one of those things that it’s necessary. But I think quite often gets it overshadows everything else as being the only thing that’s necessary.

I don’t think it is the main driver of setting a goal, I do believe that it is necessary to have one, especially if you’re dealing with more than one person in the direction of your goal.

If you have other people that are involved, it’s important that everyone knows where you’re going and when you expect to get there.

Make sure it’s something that’s specific and measurable. So that you actually know when you’re there versus just having a feeling about it.

Goals are important but there are certain periods of time where you can’t, you can’t work with a goal that isn’t going to help. A lot of that happens in the early days when you’re fleshing out the idea of what it is you’re actually trying to accomplish.

Because you may not know, you may have a whole bunch of different things that you know, work, a whole bunch of talents that you have a whole bunch of different types of people you might like to work with.

You’re just kind of tossing things around trying to figure it out. I had a great conversation yesterday with a fellow named Shane Russell.

Shane is running a company called Spirit of the Fair. He has a background in working within the fair industry and he wanted to see okay, how can we take this and apply it year-round?

Too many different organizations and businesses?

How can we allow everybody to synergistically work together and use some of these concepts that he came across while marketing in the fare industry?

So it is really is it’s an interesting concept. And he has been working a good three years straight from belief, I remember from our conversation, you’ll be able to hear that when it comes out over at the Grants Pass VIP podcast. GrantsPassVIP.com.

But before then I just want to tell you a little bit about his story because I find it interesting. And it’s it’s, it’s a story that I find myself in quite often, which is you end up having a whole lot of things you’d like to do a whole lot of things, you’re interested in a whole lot of things that you may be good at.

On top of that, so you got the things you’re passionate about the things that interest you. And then you also have the things that you’re actually good at that you have, you have something that you’re good at.

And sometimes those things don’t completely overlap, but there’s always some area where they do. Then there’s things of what you think, though, will actually have an economic interest, it’ll actually fit in with, with somebody paying you money to do it.

That’s sometimes the toughest thing to find, especially if you’re a passionate entrepreneur, you have a whole lot of things you’re interested in, but not necessarily know how to best take it to market.

So we had a little bit of that conversation going on and it reminded me a whole lot of my entrepreneurial journey has been doing the same thing, where you’re trying to figure out exactly how to make all these wonderful toys, all these wonderful things that you have.

How do you make them function and be a viable marketable product to enough people and have it be haven’t had the standard to where you could produce predictable income off of it, you know, which is the idea of business is actually finding some profit eventually.

So that’s an interesting concept and it brought me back to a lot of those early years. And a lot of the places that I find myself going back to again, every time we start a new business venture or start a new idea. In those early days. You can’t develop a goal because

As you don’t know where you’re going, here’s, here’s the problem with that, you have to allow yourself that space to do that.

You have to also realize that if you do not have a goal if you do not have a specific place that you’re planning to take it, you can’t expect much, not a whole lot of things are gonna get thrown against the law, and quite possibly nothing is going to stick.

These are things you just have to expect. So you got both of those worlds happening at the same time.

On one hand, you have allow yourself, depending on on your personality and your coordination, you have to allow yourself some space to experiment.

But at the same end, you can’t expect anything to come from it because you don’t expect anything, because you haven’t specified something that you expect to come from it.

So you play with it, and you see what it produces on its own but you don’t really know where you’re going quite yet.

As soon as you can define it, start working towards a goal. That’s a great place to be in and when you realize that that isn’t necessarily the goal, you want to you have to allow yourself the flexibility to change that goal, and move it and adjust things where they need to go not because you think you can’t make it.

But because you understand the goal better, and you understand more about what it is that you want. And what it is you can best create.

Hopefully that makes sense is this whole lot of this goes into the thought patterns and planning. And it’s kind of my specialty when it comes to strategy. It’s a planning art, right?

So if you’re really needing help in helping if you really know what you’re after, and then you just need to know how to get there. That’s kind of why I wrote my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business.

You have a business model, you’re in the process.

Now how do I get from point A to point B?

When you’re at that point, go and check out this book, go grab yourself a copy@amazon.com. Or, if you don’t mind reading it off your phone or tablet or PC? Go download a free copy. AmazonProofBook.com.

It’s all I have for tonight. It’s a simple idea.

I want you to sit with it a little bit and let me know what your questions and comments are about this. I’d love to hear what you think about this.

Do you think goals are always necessary or do you think there are periods of time when you just can’t?

You can’t possibly wrap a goal around a nebulous idea. So you have a good night. Think about that one. We’ll be back tomorrow.

In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.