Why Groundhog Day Matters 🦫

Thoughts on events and content marketing.


Why Groundhog Day matters.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

This was an interesting year for Groundhog Day, I apologize for my scratchy throat still just on the tail end of overcoming something in the air.

Groundhog Days interesting.

And it’s one of those things that kind of comes and goes, and you don’t pay too much attention to it, everyone’s reminded of the movie, and how wonderful that movie is.

It is an awesome movie, it’s one of those that you can rewatch over and over again, and always get something different out of it as many layers, which at the time it was just another Goofy, Goofy Movie.

But it really does have a lot to it there and very interesting movie very good comparison to real life.

But I don’t want to dwell too, too deep on that right now let’s talk about Groundhog Day as an institution, which is it’s an interesting thing because it came from way back in the past all of them if you look at the origins of Groundhog Day, you’re talking about pre-most, modern-day religion.

Really these very crazy, very odd traditions from back in, you know, proto European times, and it and that’s where it comes from. It doesn’t have this huge, you know, the tradition here in America except for in very specific parts.

It’s from this past time period that said that it was actually in Europe, it was I believe it was a hedgehog that they used as opposed to a groundhog.

Groundhogs are more of the, you know, North American version.

You’ve got this time in which an animal is supposedly telling you what the weather is going to be like, right? I mean, that’s, that’s the gist of it.

And here’s another funny thing.

I don’t think I really noticed until this year, there isn’t an official Groundhogs Day. That’s why yesterday a whole bunch of people were wishing each other happy Groundhogs Day.

If you type it into Google Groundhog’s Day is on Saturday. And it depends on the home where you’re at, you know, there’s different towns have their own groundhog.

So there’s not just one groundhog that Punxsutawney Phil is kind of famous for being the groundhog and was the one they used in Groundhog Day the movie but it’s not the only groundhog that in just recently there was news this year that one of the other groundhogs died.

They’re not having Groundhog’s Day in this one town that they normally have it in another crazy thing.

But I’ll tell you what’s interesting about Groundhog’s Day, it really points and what it has to do with you and your business and really comes back to content marketing.

It shows you how silly holidays are.

I mean, there’s just seriously most holidays.

Most holidays are the silliest goofiest thing ever and we name a holiday after basically anyone who’s famous whatsoever. We have a holiday dedicated at least one holiday, in some cases, people died in a horrible sit scenario.

We celebrate their birthday and their death day. You know, they’re just these crazy things. We just keep piling more holidays, you know, no one ever gets rid of holidays.

If you notice that, no one ever comes out and says yeah, we don’t need this holiday anymore. Every once in a while you get some controversy about a holiday like Christopher Columbus Day, but they don’t.

No one’s asking to get rid of Christopher Columbus Day, you know what they’re doing that they just want to change it. They want to change it to digitus peoples, you know, no matter what there’s so we’re never get rid of holidays.

They just keep piling up we just have every single day has 10 different holidays associated with it.

Groundhog Day is just another one of those silly holidays. That makes no difference whatsoever, but here’s its value.

The value is is that everybody’s talking about it is that everyone’s thinking about it all at the same time. And if you can get in the conversation that’s already going on in people’s minds, you can hijack it, and then insert it in your own ideas, just like I’m doing right now.

So, people who are watching this and thinking about Groundhog’s Day, it allows me to touch base and say, Hey, holidays are useful to business. They’re useful for content marketing.

For this purpose, what we’re doing right here, I’m creating a conversation around the holiday that we have in common.

Whether you love it, hate it or otherwise, we’re talking about it and allows me to talk about content marketing, and then I could say something like, Hey, you want more ideas on content marketing, go check out my book.

The reasons why you want to even do content marketing, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business.

It’s all about how to use content marketing and why and where you take content marketing not just doing it just because everybody’s doing it, but doing it because it can make your business competition proof in the long run.

So go check out my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business. You get a free copy at AmazonProofBook.com And that’s all I got for today. Don’t drive angry.

We’ll be back tomorrow. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.