Scheduling In Chaotic Times 🤪

Putting a wrap on Brian’s trip to Sam’s Town in Las Vegas.


Scheduling in chaotic times.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

I want to talk a little bit about the scheduling process and how scheduling does not need to take place 24/7. But for certain items, when things are the most chaotic, that’s when you need the scheduling the most.

It doesn’t mean you need to organize everything and keep everything under control, it just means certain things need to keep going or have their space to them. I’ll give you a great example.

I apologize, first off for my voice, had a long weekend in Las Vegas, Nevada. And it was very dry, a little bit more dry than I’m used to for this time of year.

Just between staying up late and talking with all my friends, business associates, it was really a lot of fun had a great time, there was more activity in terms of actual work to get done there than I expected.

Normally, I always have a period before bed that I’m able to kind of sneak off and do a video for you, well, we were able to get power one.

But the rest of the time, I wasn’t able to do any, because I was either so exhausted, I mean to the point where I could not keep my eyes open, or so certainly wouldn’t be able to provide any value for you.

Or there just wasn’t enough time, there were some nights where I wasn’t sleeping hardly at all. So it was just one of those things that’s to be expected.

As things grow with any type of business, you have to expect a little bit of chaos. And so for next time, I will definitely pre-schedule when I’m going to do these and make sure I have enough energy to be able to reach you on the regularity that you’re used to.

So and that’s for all of you that are watching this relatively recent, this was recorded in late January 2021, excuse me 2022.

If you’re watching this anytime, way off in the future, just ignore that part. But understand the principle.

The principle is, if you’ve got a scenario, where there are certain things that you don’t want to miss, have it scheduled, and have not just a reminder necessarily on your phone, if you’re anything like me, those are really easy to ignore, because you end up getting really good at putting reminders on then you have too many reminders, and then you just start ignoring them.

But if you can make it to where you have people that remind you actual people that you know, an assistant, anybody at all that you can help keep your schedule in order. Or at least remind you when those important things are do to get done. And make sure they get done.

That’s really important.

Especially if you’re dealing in a territory that is new for you if you’re in a new area. If you’re working with new people, it’s really easy to lose track and lose the good habits that you built up. Hopefully, that’s helpful to you.

Go check out my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business. You can get a free digital copy at

It’s all I got for tonight. You have a good one. Get out there and let the magic happen.