Do You Practice Quiet Time? 🧐

Thoughts on the value of finding quiet time in your day.


Do you practice quiet time?

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

Today’s a little more easygoing. This topic is one of those that most people hardly ever focus on when it comes to business. The concept of mindset, most of the time we’re focused on how can we be more productive because it seems to be a thing that’s the most difficult for most people.

I’m not laughing at it because I haven’t had my issues, I have certainly had my issues with being productive and keeping focused keeping on track, making sure you’re paying attention to the right things and not the wrong things, that you’re not obsessing about the wrong things, but you’re paying enough attention to the details.

But so much of what’s going on, and this is a good time of year to talk about it.

So I’m recording this in early 2021 and the thing that is best to really keep in mind when all this motion is happening, you know, everybody’s moving. Everyone’s focused on the next thing on keeping up with their goals and they’re, you know, all of your annual plans, you know.

The tough thing is setting some time aside, to be quiet, to just be calm by yourself.

Not reading, not watching, not listening to anything, setting the phone aside, setting the computer aside, and just be quiet, in a room by yourself with not sleeping, you know Blaise Pascal, this thing said something to the effect of, you know, all of humanity’s problems are based on the fact that we have an inability to sit in a room alone.

I think that’s true, I think a whole lot of what we’re missing in life, is the ability to let your brain idle.

The more I do it, the more I see that I should be doing it more often, you really should do it a couple of times a day.

At least just pull back, your brain is gonna keep running, it’s gonna keep thinking of stuff, but you don’t just quit playing with it, and you back away from the thoughts and just chill out.

You don’t need to empty your brain, you just let it run its course. And don’t follow along with it.

When you find yourself falling along with you pull back out of it. And you just, if you can just keep easygoing and keep everything in perspective, because we just don’t have a whole lot of time here.

That’s been a theme over the last couple years. With all the people in my family and people that I’ve known I’ve been close with that have passed on. It’s just very clear that we don’t have a whole lot of time.

We just got got this little split second to do stuff on Earth, and you do what you can. And you’ll let the rest go.

You just got to sit back and it’s nice to just sit back and just pay attention. So simple idea. I don’t know if you call it prayer or meditation or whatever you have going. It’s a simple idea.

So my friend Patrick reminded me of it this morning on one of his latest podcasts and I just wanted to pass it on to you. It’s a good good reminder.

A good thing to keep in mind. Something I don’t probably don’t talk enough all talk about often enough because it’s certainly a key to me not completely going insane and running off to the circus or what have you.

So, quick idea. Hopefully it helps.

When you’re done taking some quiet time go get a copy of my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business.

When you’re ready to get engaged when you’re ready to figure out what the next thing is. This is a great way to kind of strategize your business and to keep yourself competition proof. 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business. Get a Free copy at

That’s all I got for today. you have a good one. See you tomorrow. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.