Super Simple Marketing Hack 😃

Thoughts on birthdays and offers.


Super Simple marketing hack.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J Pombo Live.

I’ve got this little meme for those of you listening and not watching. I’ve got this meme of this monkey that you may have seen before where he’s got kind of a funny smile on his face and says when people sing happy birthday to you, and you just sit there like there’s something awkward about birthdays, it’s awkward.

I think it’s awkward because it’s forced, you know, we don’t really have a choice in the fact that we have birthdays. And when they are they just they happen, they’re automatic, they just happen on the calendar and that’s just the end of it. You know, and we don’t really have a choice in the fact and the fact that it kind of means you’re one day closer to dying type of thing.

It’s a very strange thing and everybody has them. It’s nothing unique.

Every single person has a birthday, and so we all have them. The amazing thing about birthdays is the idea that some people can get away with people not realizing that it’s their birthday, oh, they, they take it off of Facebook.

They take it out of the public domain so that people can’t see it. But most of us have to deal with that we’ve got family, we’ve got friends, people that won’t forget people that have it on their calendars and so forth.

So you’re going to have a birthday whether you like it or not.

Here’s where marketing comes in.

And here’s where your business can get something out of it. Everyone’s got them. Most of them are pretty easy to find out if you don’t ask them directly.

Here’s the funny thing.

Every birthday that you have, how many free or amazing offers are you getting from different businesses on your birthday?

You go and count them, doesn’t happen that often. Even if you go and sign up for a whole bunch, you probably do not get that many amazing things, you may get one or two.

And you’ve got a lot of these businesses, maybe the coffee shop or whatever says hey, come by for your own free coffee on your birthday, you know, but it that takes effort on your part, how many of them go out of their way to send you something or to email you something?

Or to really put the full effort in giving you something good?

Okay, now pull it back the opposite direction?

How many people do you think to get that?

Across the board, of course, everyone’s the same. Most of us do not really get that type, the type of thing we appreciate on our birthday, which is something we really want or something that at least someone put some thought into the type of thing, even if it’s complete across the board the same thing for everybody. I can’t I can’t think of a good example.

But imagine if you have a product that that applies to everybody that you have a list for that you have, you know who your audiences so to speak, you know who they are, okay. And if you don’t, you better find out. You know who your potential client is or who your current client or customer is.

Send them something on their birthday even if it’s just a note saying hi.

But send them something. They’re having a birthday anyways, everyone’s acknowledging it anyways, it’s already super awkward, make their day a little brighter.

It’s the simplest thing in the world to be able to get attention back to your business, which is the thing where none of us have enough attention when it comes to business. That’s what it really all comes down to none of us having enough attention. And this is one more way to be able to get attention back.

And what’s the worst-case scenario you’re just another weird thing happening on their birthday that they’re already dealing with?

So what at least you got their attention for a split second?

Hopefully, this is helpful to you. I’ve got my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business.

If you haven’t heard about it, go and do a search, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business. Or you can just go to my website, and download your own free copy of your book.

Now do I do the birthday stuff?

No. I have not done enough of it. I need to do more. This is a reminder to me as it is to you that we need to get out there and give people birthday presents on their birthday.

Hey, you have a good night. We’ll be back tomorrow. Get out there and let the magic happen.