Destroying the Comfort Zone
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Hey everybody told you I’d make it here and I’m here. This is all about destroying your comfort zone.

Let’s get started. My name is Brian Pombo with I am here at the Lynn County fairgrounds and I have just experienced the Mother Earth News Fair of Albany, Oregon 2019 behind me, the Fairgrounds, this is where it was added is kind of the central location in the center. There’s a couple stages, a couple of booths over here, and then this large building over here is where a large amount more happens.

Also more stages beyond that, I believe they have 10 stages all together, 10 or 11 stages. With these running all day long, you can’t see everything. You just can’t see it all. There’s more than you could imagine. There’s more vendors than you could imagine. I haven’t got to speak with hardly any of them yet cause I was busy watching all the shows today.

Haven’t got the talk with all of the people that I did interviews with earlier. Haven’t got to interview all the people that I said I was going to interview. We got the interview, Jereme Zimmerman.

That one’s coming up, a famous writer of, uh……..I’m gonna go to brutalize one of his book titles. I’m not gonna do that. I’m gonna tell you about more about Jereme later.

We got a good interview, so that’s gonna make a great podcast. So what’s the comfort zone and have to do with this? This is outside my comfort zone. Just getting out there and meeting new people and trying new things. I mean, I like it after I’ve done it, but I’d much in most cases, I’d much rather just stay behind a computer, I mean honestly, until bed, until I get out here.

And then I said, wow, this is, you know, there’s this whole world that you miss if you don’t get outside your comfort zones. Put a little money down, take a weekend to put aside. And I had to leave my family behind and stuff like that this time around. And that stinks.

But you know, sometimes you gotta, you gotta do what you’ve gotta do and they’re all happy they were playing at the lake today. Get out of your comfort zone, destroy it, fine. You don’t have to do it all at once.

Just do it a little bit at a time. I’m going to hopefully get to show you some more of the inside tomorrow. The signal’s not great out here, so I was kind of hesitant all day about about actually going live, but everything’s done now. Six o’clock. They shut down pretty early. They got shut down at five tomorrow.

I’m going to try and get you to, I’m going to walk around with you a little bit tomorrow and talk about some of this stuff a little more. But in the meantime, get out, get out of your comfort zone. Go out there. It’s not as bad as you think. All the fears and stuff.

Most of them will drop away. You just got to get out there and try it out. I’m here with our podcast producer Sean E Douglas, and we’re going to go, I think grab something to eat or something to drink and just to chill out a little bit for the rest of the night. We’ll catch you all later.

In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.