Don’t Step Over Gold For Pennies

Some thoughts on hard work vs working smart.

Amazon-Proof Your Business➡️


Don’t step over gold for pennies.

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

I’m coming to you again from my car, because it’s late later tonight in this is the I’m recording this the day after Christmas 2020. And because of that, we have a house full of sleeping people.

I wanted to be able to come at you with the volume, I want to come at you. And so we’re here in the car.

I wanted to talk about I was reminded of a situation we were talking about a relative that used to do a lot of…a lot of hustling, a lot of selling, buying and selling items.

And we were talking about him. In fact, I remember his wife, saying that he was he was quite a hustler. And it was an interesting thing, because somebody said that he you know it, he did a whole lot of work, and would end up making you know, 50 bucks after putting out you know, 5000 bucks worth of time, money and effort into something and feel like he was a champion.

That’s all fine and good and there’s nothing wrong with that. But it reminds me of a lot of business owners, we get ourselves into a situation to where as Gary Halbert put it, you step over, he said something to the extent of stepping over pennies to I mean, stepping over gold, to get the pennies, you know, you’re bending down and picking up pennies, but you’re stepping over gold coins and bars, and you’re stepping over all the silver at the same time.

And you’ve got to realize that there’s there’s value in effort, there’s value in time, there’s value in thought, there’s value in it. And that’s beyond just the physical value, the money that you put out. And you have to look at whether it’s really all worth it or not.

In talking to my wife about the situation and talking about some of some clients that I’ve had in the past and other people, a lot of people fall in love with the idea of putting out effort and thinking that there is value in merely working hard.

Not that I don’t think there you shouldn’t work hard, or have a strong worth that work ethic. But that doesn’t mean that you should be getting an ego high off of it. And I think way too many of us as business owners get just feel really amazing about really sweating blood and working really hard, where we don’t get a huge effect off of it. And that’s the difference between working smart and working hard. Yes, you should work hard.

But you shouldn’t work hard at the loss of working smart, you ought to pay attention to where your efforts going. And whether it’s actually producing anything.

Just because you work hard, doesn’t mean you’re creating enough value for the marketplace.

It doesn’t mean that people truly appreciate what you’re bringing, and therefore is going to reward you in the long run and reward you consistently which is hopefully what you’re going after when it comes to owning a business.

Hopefully you’re looking at making everything to the extent of having to be somewhat systematic after a while to where you don’t have to continue putting in as much work to where people are paying for something consistently, because you’re producing consistent value. I don’t know. Hopefully that makes sense to you.

Hey, if you haven’t checked out my book yet go get a copy. It’s called, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business. It may open your eyes up to some of these ideas. If you relate with any of this at all. You get a free copy at we’ll be back here tomorrow night. In the meantime, you get out there and let the magic happen.