How Many Types Of Customers Do You Have?

Amazon-Proof Your Business➡️


How many types of customers do you have?

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo. Welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

I was having a conversation today with a new friend of mine, his name’s Brent. And he was talking about the setup for his business for one of his businesses.

And he was discussing how he was looking for particular type of properties, and how he was looking to sell them to another person, particular type of person, and then how he was looking to have people to help fund to do all that.

When we broke it down to it, one thing I found, and I’ve seen this with other businesses, that’s why I wanted to bring it up with you today is it’s really like a Venn Diagram, made up of three circles is that great circles just perfectly, perfectly symmetrical.

It’s really three areas and your business.

Really, if you think about it, most businesses have more than one customer. And if they don’t, I’d recommend you getting more than one type of customer because it, it creates stability to the business.

And so he had three different types, that one is the one that most people would consider his customer, the people he’s trying to sell homes for, or get them to purchase homes.

The other one is the people who are selling the homes themselves.

And another one is a person that’s going to help them fund the buying of the home. And is so you have kind of this organization, but it’s not just see if it were only one customer, it makes it very simple.

But it also makes it very easy to rip off and change. And in any business that’s easy for one person to do, it’s easy for 100 people to do, right.

So you got to take that in mind when you’re designing a business or when you’re trying to make your business less competitive, then if you have complexity built into it, and it doesn’t take a lot of complexity, but you need to look at all the different people that would make your business better.

Now one, if you’re selling a very specific thing to a very specific person, yes, your cut, the customer is going to be very clear as to who that is. But if you are buying anything from anybody else to sell to that customer, or adding on to what you already sell to them, that in a sense is a customer also.

And you may see him as a vendor or partner. But if you had more of them, or if you had people competing for you to sell their items, when did they innocence be a customer to you, you would have a whole side of your business focused on finding more stuff for that initial customer more items, more services, that this initial customer once, if you had that, would that not make this initial customer worth more to you?

Okay, so there’s two customers, and then a third customer would be something else.

I’m saying three is a great number. It’s a great number to focus on. But it it changes and it adds a whole lot of complexity in your business. But it’s not complexity that isn’t useful. It’s good complexity.

I think there’s good complexity and bad complexity. And if you can find a way to have at least three different types of people that you’re playing towards that all you’re doing is you’re really being a matchmaker. And a matchmaker is a great place to be in business

How do I know so much I’ve spent a lot of time studying them. And looking into what they do and what they won’t work well with, what they’re good at and what they’re not good at.

I help train people to build their businesses at all the things that is not good at. And you can find out more about that in my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business, you get a free copy at There’s just a little plug.

I’m not going to focus on that too much. But is somebody that has become a middleman. How many books does create themselves?

Well, nowadays they went and bought CreateSpace. they’ve bought a couple other items that I believe help them to produce books. And now they’re printing books themselves.

But how many of them did they write?

They didn’t write any of them.’s never put out a single book. They’re putting out everybody else’s books, right?

They’re printing other people’s books. So are they a customer, or the people buying the book the customer?

Well, they’re both customers. It’s all on how you define customer but in a sense they want more people to Write more books so that their customer, their initial customer has more to purchase.

Okay, how about all the people that sell things on

You might be one of them, especially if you have an e commerce website you might be selling. Also via It’s a smart move, when you can make it work right with the numbers. Are they a customer to

Of course they are.

Yeah, they go in through a separate sellers account on Or they they have, you know, our Amazon advantage depending on how, how you’re selling via Amazon.

They’re all Amazon’s customers. What’s Amazon?

Really, Amazon is a place in cyberspace, out in cloud landia.

They they’re just a location. And all they do is they’re a middleman.

They’re the matchmaker, they match up the item with the person that wants to buy the item. That’s all they do. And if you look at any really quality of what you would consider really cool business, a business that has legs of business, that last, a business that’s very tough to compete with.

They all work that way. They all have they all work as a matchmaker, or as a broker.

They’re the one in between and it looks like they’re doing the least amount of work, but they needed to design the systems to bring 1 2 3 5 people together to make a match. Be a matchmaker. How many customers do you have? Look a little bit differently at your business because I bet there’s more than you think are there.

Like I said, Go check out my book, you get a free copy, and we’ll be back here tomorrow. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.