An SEO Trick You Can Use Right Now

Brian shares some recent thoughts on ranking in Google after putting out his new book.

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An SEO trick you can use right now.

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo. Welcome back to Brian J Pombo Live.

If you’re not aware of what SEO is, it’s search engine optimization. And what it basically means is, how do you get seen in Google?

I mean, really, that’s what it comes down to nowadays, is how do you get seen. And there’s a process to that there’s things that Google likes, things that Google doesn’t like, and things that it’s looking for in order for you to get rank and so forth.

And so I’m gonna tell you one very simple trick that it helps, especially if you’re able to get onto because this is the example I’m going to use tonight. So last night, I had mentioned that my new book just came out, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business.

It just came out on on Amazon just yesterday. And one interesting things that I was seeing was that when you typed in my name, the author page was not coming up in Google. And when you typed in the title of the book, the page itself wasn’t showing up in Google.

Now I knew it was just a matter of time for it to show up is there’s a great advantage in being seen on

And one is just for the SEO itself, because Google always takes Amazon and puts it very close to the top of the list of searches. If you’ve typed in anything related to something that’s on Amazon, it’s oftentimes going to pop up right towards the top, depending on what the competition is, and so forth.

But so I was wondering how long it was going to take. But one thing I had a I had a clue about.

And one thing I had seen in the past that I’d done for my other clients, and done for myself, is that if you’re able to take a link that you’re trying to get ranked, and you can spread it out on social media, and not just any social media, especially those areas of social media that Google is paying attention to.

So it’s paying attention to YouTube.

It’s paying attention to.

Let’s see, Facebook has paid attention to Instagram. There’s a handful of places that you can tell that Google is watching for links, and so forth. And I just happened to have this show on all of those areas. And everything that I put in the description as the ability to get ranking pretty quickly, because I’m spread out all over the place, spread out, including unplugged podcasts and so forth.

I knew that if just by putting the link to the show to excuse me, to the book itself, the link to the book, and the link to my author page, that I had a feeling that was going to that was going to help boost things up. And sure enough, relatively quickly after that, after that episode, blasted out, I’ve started getting ranking in Google.

So that’s something you can use right away. It’s not just an thing. This is for anything that you’re trying to get ranked. If you have everything else right on the page, meaning you’ve got

The good you know title tags and you’ve got a decent amount of content that plays into what you’re trying to get ranked for and you don’t have huge amounts of competition. These are two things that had zero competition. I titled The book something that no one had used before.

I’ve my name is something that’s unique, but there are many Brian Pombo ‘s out there but Brian J Pombo is something that I’ve kind of adopted as as my main name because it stands out from all the other Brian pombo is out there. So I have we have Brian J Pombo Live here.

These are not all by accident or because I’m trying to fluff up my own ego. It helps but it’s not necessary.

But if you’re looking to get ranked for something out there if you’re looking for people to see you or find you in a specific spot, then just simple SEO is backlinks from positive areas.

like YouTube and so forth, it’s quick way to be able to get the word out there to Google that something exists and that it ought to be seen. So that’s a quick little tip for me to you. And you can go you go check by typing in this title into Google and see all the different places where it shows up.

Depending on when you’re seeing this, they’ll be more or less, but I can almost guarantee Amazon’s gonna be toward the top. Unless for some reason in the future, we get taken down because of our inflammatory name. But hopefully that won’t happen.

Because the book really isn’t about how rotten is, it’s more about how can you make yourself so different, that even a big player like can’t stop you.

And that’s, that’s what the books all about. So go check that out. And I’m going to talk specifically about the book and how you can get your own free copy. I’m going to talk about that tomorrow. So be sure to show up tomorrow for that episode.

And right now, if you’d like to find out more about Amazon proofing your business, I have a strategy session that’s still over at, it’s That link is in the description. Okay, so I wonder why I put in the description.

Well, it works. I mean, you could type in Amazon proof strategy session into Google and it’ll pop up also but go go check it out. We’ll be back tomorrow night and we’re going to go through the details of how you can get your own free copy and a bunch of other goodies as we move along. So you have a great night we’ll be back.

Have a good one. Get out there and just let the magic happen.