


Well I know I am.

I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live. Daily we come back to you with little tidbits, concepts, ideas, things that will help you be able to build your business a little faster, a little bigger. Today I’m going to talk about exhaustion and the things I look for when I feel exhausted.

So today I’m exhausted. I’m coming to you. No lie. I am tired.

I’m very tired, physically tired. And the reason why is because as those of you who have been watching, I’ve been in the process of moving here in the new office, it’s slowly starting to come together. Got a new bookshelf here. I’m going to have another one just like it. So we’ll be adding that to it. There’ll be not only books, but toys and movies and everything else that I can think of will be stacked on these bookshelves.

Just everything representing me, what I’m all about. I like to have a lot of that stuff around my office just in general to keep me kind of centered and remember who I am. But regardless of that big move. My whole family’s moving and so I could feel it in my body.

You start feeling it in your muscles and everything when you’re moving heavy objects everyday. And so that type of exhaustion, that’s easy to deal with. You know you can, you can survive it and get through it and you know that there’s light at the end of the tunnel.

The tough thing about exhaustion is when you don’t know exactly what it is.

And there’s a few things I always look for and some of this stuff’s complete common sense. I know you already know this, but the things that I’ve gotten good at looking for is one, how well have I been sleeping lately?

So the number one thing that I look at is, have I been sleeping consecutively?

Have I been sleeping enough?

Have I been asleep though sleep that I have been getting?

Have I been getting good sleep?

Secondly, I look at is how I’ve been eating and how much have I been eating?

How often have I been eating and have I been eating the things that I know are good or have I been eating a lot of stuff that I know is going to cause inflammation and everything and just make me feel like garbage. So these are things, if you haven’t dug into your own personal nutrition, as you get older, these things affect you a lot more.

And so you really gotta get good at looking at what you eat.

I never would’ve imagined that everything that I ate had such a dynamic effect on my mental exhaustion, my physical exhaustion.

And that then affects my spirit and how I feel about everything else. So these are the things to keep into effect. And that’s when you’re talking to all physical, but then you gotta look, you gotta step back and look at, okay, what?

Where am I at?

What am I doing on a daily basis?

What are my relationships like with the people I work with, with the people at home, or these things draining me?

You can say psychically or whatever.

Is there something deeper that’s draining and exhausting?

Am I going in the direction I want to be going?

Am I taking the time to smell the roses?

I might be able to hang out with the people that I love, my family, my friends. All these things can be causing this one thing that we call exhaustion. Being tired, be worn out. Keep that in mind the next time that you’re feeling tough.

Look at the physical things first.

Secondly, look at the deeper, the deeper things and where you’re going. If you’d like to talk to someone about how to get over exhaustion and how to take things to the next level with you and your business, I’m available quite oftentimes and we can see if we’d be a good fit.

Go to BrianJPombo.com watch some of my other videos or listen to some of my podcasts.

You can just click on the media link when you get there and if you find that you think we work out well, go and sign up for a strategy session with me.

Also, if you are in the self-reliance field, I’m gonna recommend you go over to DreamBizChat.com.

It’s specifically for business owners and executives in the self-reliance field to help you really take your business to the next level. Take it from where it’s at to really what you’d consider your ideal train business.

So this is Brian Pombo. Come back again tomorrow for another Brian J. Pombo Live.

You have a great night. Now get out there and let the magic happen.