Would You Spend $20 to Feel Like A Million?

Part 9 in a 35 part series on headlines from John Caples book, Tested Advertising Methods.

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Would you spend $20 to feel like a million?

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

Now, what am I offering you for $20?

It’s my book, okay, this isn’t just an ad for my book, I’m going to get to a point about why this matters. Okay, if you wanted a physical copy of my book, go to AmazonProofBook, com, sign up for the free copy. And then you’ll get a chance to pay $20 for a physical copy and the audio version, the audio book version, which is coming out very soon. So that’s a quick little ad.

But what I want to talk to you about is the headline that I use for that. And that is specifically an idea that I got from this book, Tested Advertising Methods by John Caples.

I don’t get paid when you go out and buy these books, but you’re welcome to. It’s a great book, old classic. And I’m talking about the concepts from chapter five, the 35 proven formulas for writing headlines, we’re doing a series of videos.

This the 9th point that he was making up in terms of talking about headlines.

This is a headline formula. It’s very simple. It’s called feature the price in your headline.

That’s it, you just feature the price that you’re offering something for in your headline, and it doesn’t mean, the price doesn’t need to be the grand thing about what you’re offering. It doesn’t need to be the lowest price. If it’s the highest price, it doesn’t matter.

Having it in your headline draws people to it. They’re like, Okay, what what is he offering?

I mean, just my headline alone that I’ve titled this video, and audio with is something that nobody else, you’re not going to know what it is right off the bat.

I’m saying, you know, would you spend $20 to feel like a mean million. That is specifically taken out of his book where he says, would you spend $5 to feel like a million, all I did was I changed the number. I’m already offering the book on my site for that much the physical copy of the book that you can get.

But all I did was I switched it around. I’m not telling you what you’re going to get to feel like a million. All I’m saying is that, would you spend $20 to feel like a million dollars that this uses a bunch of techniques that grabs a person’s attention. One is it’s a question.

Questions are great for headlines, any form of headlines, any type of title for a video, any type of subject line in an email questions are great because it causes a person to stop and answer in their own head. It really pulls person.

That’s why you’ll see a whole lot of the videos that I have out there. And titles to my podcasts are questions, they’re direct questions about the subject matter that I’m talking about. So that’s really useful.

But by putting a price in there, especially if you don’t say what that’s for, or say specifically what they’re getting for that price. That is a curiosity effect that brings a person in closer. So he has a couple different examples of this. He says, magnificent all mahogany dining room table 749 guaranteed 17 jewel quality watches 1695 it’s true, genuine kidskin leather only 2995.

You see, he’s not even saying specifically. In that case, what has the leather you know, he’s not telling you that. He’s just saying, here’s some qualities, here’s a price, what do you think about that it draws you in to find out the rest of it, it draws you in to find out why that price is that a good price? Is that a bad price?

The price itself is a draw, the fact that you’re seeing the dollar sign is a big deal, or wherever you’re using this and whatever, whatever your currency sign is. That’s the idea behind it. It’s very simple idea, we got two other formulas that have to do with price that we’re going to be going over in the next two videos.

But that’s all I have for tonight. Hey, sign up and make sure you catch the next videos as they come out. And you can always sign up the email over at BrianJPombo.com.

Or when one thing you can do is you can go sign up for my book, and that will automatically put you on a list to be able to get these on a regular basis. And you can sign up wherever you’re watching this right now. If you’re on YouTube, subscribe to the channel.

If you’re on Facebook, you know, like and follow and come and check us out every day. We’re going to be going through all the rest of the 35. And we’ve already have some that are already out there. So go check them out. We’ll be back here tomorrow night. In the meantime, get out there and just let the magic happen.