Why You Shouldn’t Vote 😲

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Why you shouldn’t vote.

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo. Welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

I know where you’re at you’ve, in most many states, now, you’ve got the situation to where you may have your ballot in hand.

If you’re in a state where you’ve got to go in and do it while you’ve, you’ll make the decision on that day. But if you’re watching this, within the next 24 hours, you may be in a situation where you have your ballot in hand, or at least your sample ballot, and you’re trying to say, oh, who am I…who am I going to vote for?

What am I going to do?

Should I even vote at all?

Is it even worth my time isn’t even worth my effort?

Let me tell you something, if you need to ask yourself whether it’s your worth your time or effort to vote, it’s not. That’s not a popular opinion.

I know a lot of people were their hair is gonna automatically combust and they’re gonna run around and scream and say, How can you say such a thing, but I want you to hear me out. Okay.

People who do not know enough to have a strong opinion, one way or the other, I’m not saying you should absolutely know who you want for President. Or you should absolutely know who you want for any position. I’m not saying that are across the board.

I mean, every time I sit down with a ballot, I’m pretty, I keep myself pretty knowledgeable as far as politics go. And every time I sit down with a ballot, there’s always something in there that’s a surprise to me, or I’m like, I wonder what this is. A

nd I have to do a little bit of digging, I got to do a little bit of researching.

Not saying you should know all that. But if there’s a point at which you don’t have some strong philosophy, some strong belief as to where you think things should be going or should not be going, or who would be a better leader versus not a better leader.

If you don’t already come with those. If you don’t, if you haven’t spent any time in the last four to eight years thinking about these things, then you probably starting right now, you probably should not be voting unless you’re going to spend a couple days boning up learning what has happened, and where we’re at and where we’re going.

And whether you think that’s right, or whether you think that’s wrong, or whether you think it’s more right than wrong or wrong than right, you know that you have to have some background, if you don’t have any background, yeah, you have a right to vote, you have the ability to go out there and vote.

But you’re not going to be doing anybody any good. I don’t even care if you vote the right way, I don’t care if you vote the way I want you to vote. You’re not gonna be doing anybody any good. Because you’re setting up the string of the momentum. And I would encourage everybody that has not come to an opinion yet. Not to vote. Don’t do it.

Unless you’re going to do some serious studying before you sit down and actually do your voting. And you should, I’m all for more people voting. But more people that care, not more people that don’t care. Having people that don’t care vote creates bad results.

And this should be logical, and they should be really, they should be non political. This isn’t one side versus another. I don’t think I think you can, unless you’re for everything completely combusting what you might be.

And maybe maybe that’s your bed, if you want everything to just completely combust and you don’t care if if the whole voting system goes goes into heck in a handbasket. That’s fine, I get you. But we got to encourage people. If you come from my point of view, in the sense that you think more people should vote that have background in it or are willing to look up background in it, then, then I don’t care how you vote. I think I think we’re on the right track.

I think education is always the best thing. I think talking about it as the best thing I think communicating and debating in a non emotional way. Just getting the other and actually taking pieces, but I love arguing with people who are on the complete opposite end of mind side, as long as we can sit down and get past the emotional garbage arguments that are out in the media and social media.

If we can get past that as quickly as possible and get down to the meat of what we’re really after. Because I think most of us are after the same thing. What it really comes down to is there’s two at least two major sides and a lot of other in between sides that are fighting over how to accomplish the same goal.

And the average person is I think really apt for the same goal, I think we all really want the same thing. We all really want a better world. And we want we all really want a freer world in the sense that we be able to be who we’re meant to be, in a sense. And hopefully that hopefully all this makes sense. I think, if you can hear my point of view, I’m not encouraging you in about, I’m encouraging you not to vote if it’s not, if you don’t have the drive to vote.

Don’t let anyone push you into voting. Because there’s no use. It’s not. We don’t want this to be a popularity contest. It needs to go beyond that. We need to think a little harder about it. And I’m for more thinkers, voting. Let me know what you think I know there’s a little bit more controversial.

We tend to talk business here. But I felt the need to kind of toss this out there just because of the time of the season. You may be watching this at another time. I don’t care if this is 20 years in the future.

What do you think about that concept?

Because I bet it still is not talked about very often. So leave me a comment. Love to hear it. I love to go back and forth with you on it. And even have I’d love to have some more guests on this show. I have a lot of guests on my other podcast, which you can go check out.

We’ve got Grants Pass VIP, which is a local podcast, but anybody can listen to it, because the same issues affect everyone everywhere, GrantsPassVIP.com.

I also have Off The Grid Biz Podcast, which is a podcast all about self reliance, and the business side of self reliance offthegridbiz.com and go check out those podcasts too.

And let me know what you think about all these issues. Because business is really all about life. And whether you own a business or you work in a business or with businesses, you certainly buy from businesses.

It affects everybody and I’d love to hear some of your thoughts and get more of a back and forth I’m thinking in the next year we’re going to be doing a lot more back and forth with people.

Here on Brian J. Pombo Live. We’ll be back tomorrow. Go check out my book nine ways to Amazon proof your business get a free copy at AmazonProofBook.com be back here tomorrow. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.