When Was Your Last Epiphany? 🤯

Amazon-Proof Your Business➡️ https://brianjpombo.com/amazonbook/


When was your last business epiphany?

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo. Welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

I wanted to ask that question because it occurred to me, I mentioned yesterday that I had a speech to give today, and short speech. And we, one of the things that I had mentioned in it was some epiphanies that I’d had over time, and what had led to them.

And it occurred to me that really every…..boy at least every three to six months, I have a major epiphany when it comes to business. Now, there can be a couple reasons for this.

Number one, it could just be that I have a horrible memory. And I kind of reran into the same principles over and over again, and forgot how meaningful they were the first time round. And so they reinstitutionalize themselves in my brain.

But the other thing is, is that there’s something that I do that I found some business owners don’t do. And I’m curious if you if you’re in this realm, do you just stop learning?

Have you stopped listening to speeches, checking out stuff on YouTube that has to do with business or marketing or any type of business related education?

Do you?

I mean, obviously, right now, there’s no physical places to go and watch speeches, at least if you’re watching this in late 2020, which is when I’m recording this.

There’s very little live events that you can plug into. So you’ve got that you but you’ve got you, in general, you still have the ability to check out a whole lot of digital stuff, videos, audios, live stuff that you can get online, it’s endless, what’s available out there to help kind of get your mind going. And thinking in a different direction.

If you’re watching this, that’s part of it.

So I’m thinking that probably you’re in the realm of a person that likes to educate themselves.

But do you read also?

Do you read and I mean, like real books, like books having to do with reality, not just not just straight, trashy fiction, but fiction that’s either directly based on some reality based principles, or books that are based in principles and strategies and stuff that you can actually use stuff that actually challenges you.

Are you doing that?

Are you, because more than likely you did it at some time or have you continue doing that. And the way I would say that you could really challenge yourself is to ask yourself, how often you have those epiphanies.

It could be a personality thing. It could be a co native thing, I don’t know.

But for me, it’s been very consistent. And it tends to follow along with how much education I’m getting in, not how much stuff I’m cramming into my brain or trying to learn.

I’m saying how much different opinions that I’m exposing myself self to how many former special speeches that I have on it recordings of that I go back to that the good quality stuff, because if you’ve got a good quality book.

If you’ve got a good quality speech. We’re recording on mp3, or on YouTube, or something that you’ve seen a bunch of times you go back to it and catch something new just about every time.

You know what I mean?

How often are you doing that?

Are you making it a part of your life? Are you scheduling it in? Are you making time to challenge yourself via other perspectives?

I’m not saying you need to believe everything. I’m not saying you need to learn all this stuff.

I’m saying are you allowing yourself to be challenged?

And if you aren’t, I suggest you do more of it. Because it’ll make a huge difference. Because it will allow your you automatically when you read something automatically when you listen to something.

If you’ve got a critical mind, you’re going to take you’re gonna say oh, that’s an interesting idea. And you kind of hold on to it.

And then the other thing is you just kind of let go and you like and you’d say, Oh, that’s no good. And you set that in the discard pile.

Your mind will automatically do that. I found that least with myself, the more often I do that, the sharper my mind gets.

And the more I can see everything through a different, a little bit of a different vision. And I can I just catch more things and I find myself in situations where I’m learning, not from the books, not from the speeches, but I’m learning from everyday life.

But I wouldn’t be learning those lessons from life if I wasn’t challenging myself with other people’s ideas. Hopefully that makes sense.

Hey, here’s a great challenge for you. You want you want to get get back into reading.

Get a nice, simple, easy book, straightforward. Just like mine, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business. You can go get a copy of AmazonProofBook.com, it’s completely free.

Go check it out. Or you can just buy a copy that way you have a physical copies nice little hardback version.

So go check that out. Like I said, free ones at AmazonProofBook.com. We’ll be back here tomorrow night. Come on back, leave some questions, leave some comments.

I’d love to see what you think about some of these ideas on tossing out there. And we’ll see you tomorrow. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.