What Are Your 3 Actions? 🎬

Brian chats about the Worthington Method and actions steps to take in your business.


What are your three actions?

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live. Where we talk about all the strategies, tactics and principles that you need to be able to explode your business.

I want to talk about three things that this was something that came to me today is that I’ve never developed a way to easily describe in a quick way, what it is that I do with businesses when I’m businesses that I invest in businesses that I partner up with, what is it that I actually do?

And what if I could encapsulate it all into three ideas, three actions that, that I take part in, and I want you to try this for your own business.

So if you if you’re a business owner, if you’re an executive, you’re one of the people that are in charge, can you break down what it is you do for your ideal client, customer, so forth?

Can you break it down to three things or three areas that you cover or something specific in terms of an outcome?

I don’t know if I’ll stick with these or promote them or anything like that but this was, this was kind of what I came up with. So there’s three actions, there’s three things, and the first thing that I take everybody through is a process that the easiest way to explain it would be to call it strategic order.

And I please don’t try not to judge me too much for my horrible second grade handwriting but it’s all about strategic order.

I go in that typical situation with with a business is I go in, and we sit down and we just start at the very beginning. We look at where they are, where they want to be how soon they want to get there.

What’s the ideal situation and we start creating strategic order?

We do this through a process that I call the Worthington Method.

So this is something that I came up with, I’m just gonna say W M here.

Worthington Method is really the beginning of all of this. And it’s the process that I take companies through, you can go and check out my other videos that have to have to do with the Worthington Method.

In the future, I’m hoping to have some examples up here, people that I’ve taken through that process, but strategic order is all about setting up and saying okay, what do we need to do when when I was talking with a banker, that not not a specific banker.

But you know, we say banker with picture a guy in a suit with a mustache and a top hat, these cartoony concepts that we have in our heads, but a person in the banking industry that is, is working in a, in a growing bank, they have multiple locations, is on the East Coast of the United States.

And we were sitting down, he is one of the main executives in charge. And we say what are the what are the main issues you’re facing?

We’re just kind of giving her an initial having an initial conversation over some of these things, because one of the people that I work with was helping him out with some with some other items. And he said just in general, what what are the strategic concerns that you have?

And he said, we know everything we need to do, but we don’t know of the order in which to do them.

That thing that hit me, I wrote it down immediately, and I said, that is encapsulating.

What so many business owners have an issue with is they know what to do, they just don’t know what order to do them and they’ve got a million things in their plate, but they don’t know where to start.

What ends up happening is either a million people working on a million different things or nothing really ever getting accomplished because that strategic order is not developed.

So strategic order is just a plan a step by step plan we do this and then we do this and we do this and then we do this. That’s what strategic order is. The second thing that I come into after we kind of set the lines for that and that always changes, okay.

Don’t get me wrong, is that you don’t just put a strategic order in place and that’s a from that point on 100 years in the future that that company is going strong. No strategic order has always been reviewed.

And being you know, reordered. I just changed because sometimes something as large as the company goal itself changes. So when something like that happens, you can’t just keep doing things in the same order that you were doing to get a different result. Hopefully that makes sense.

The second part that we work with in terms of an action, and it’s really in this order, it comes down to really developing relevant focus.

Relevant focus, that’s the next step. And I know a lot of this is driving you guys notice, because I got the lines going in the wrong direction, hey, just hang in there with me, okay?

Relevant focus is really one of the major game changers and it’s one of those things that is not. It’s not sexy, it’s not exciting.

But it also comes with the fact that you don’t know what order to do things in. And that when you start figuring out what order to do things over, you at least determine initially what order to do things.

Then you got to sit back and go, okay, who’s doing what, who’s focused on what thing when relevant focus, it’s not just about one person altra, focusing on doing one thing, what it’s about is that each part of the organism is doing what they’re needing to do, to achieve whatever that next step is in the process of the order.

So the strategic order that you’ve put together, now, you’ve got to make sure that everyone is doing what they need to do to keep to move that forward. And it’s relevant, depending on who the person is, and whether they’ve gotten done with the last thing that needs to get done.

So that’s what relevant focus has to be. Focus is the thing that’s always lacking, but it’s usually lacking because there’s no order. Once you have order, then you need focus.

So we go from strategic order to relevant focus, and the final step, the final end game, and it really, it determines whether what I’ve done, it can at all be considered successful. It’s the final one. It’s a much more broad based concept, but it’s mythic impact.

We go from strategic order to relevant focus, to achieve mythic impact and mythic impact is that idea of legendary results in your space, getting somewhere that you didn’t see yourself getting in a shorter period of time than you would have hoped to have gotten there originally.

That’s what it’s mythic, into your own mind. It’s mythic in the mind, of the business owner or executive, that’s deciding the direction of where to go.

And if you can achieve mythic impact, that’s exciting. That’s something different, that’s changing everything. We’re not just going in, and improving a business, we’re exploding a business from the inside out.

That’s one of my most favorite things to do, is creating an absolute business explosion, with a business that’s already successful, that already has movement that’s already going places, but we go in and we can, it’s not just a tweak, it’s it’s a huge, massive change.

That’s revolutionary to the whole system. That’s what I love doing mythic impact.

If you if you could come up with three actions, that your business your organization, you as a person can, can explain what it is that you do. If you can put that out there and be able to make a quick 10 minute video for people.

You’ve got something hopefully that makes sense to you. I have other ways of that I’ve explained these concepts to people and longer period of time.

One of them is my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business. Still a very short book, you get a free copy at AmazonProofBook.com.

AmazonProofBook.com those of you watching can see it on the screen. If you’re just listening. Just write it down as it sounds, AmazonProofBook.com you for a very free copy of, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business you can always buy a hard bound version over at Amazon.

That’s all I got for tonight. We’ll see you tomorrow.

In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.