Top Secret Outsourcing Secret 🤫 (Revealed Secretively)

Thoughts on outsourcing work in your business.


Top Secret outsourcing secret revealed secretively.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

Today we have a very secret secret secret. It’s very secret.

So secret, it’s something that I didn’t really realize, until recently.

And if we’re talking outsourcing what we’re talking about the people I’m talking to, if you’re a business owner, if you are a manager, if you are the executive in charge of the business, at some point going to be looking at outsourcing what you do, or what any number of people do right now at your business.

And so it’s like, where do we go, what’s next?

So I’m recording this in 2021, we’re going through a situation now where it’s difficult to find workers directly, especially if you’re looking in a local area, it’s very difficult to find people to do certain things for a reasonable amount of money.

So it’s tough to just outsource by hiring people, it’s still possible.

So I don’t want you to not try, you should try you should attempt, especially on a local basis, to find people that can do what you need them to do.

That’s the first place you got to check, then you got to start looking online, you got to start looking at all the places and you can do searches and find all the details on this, we’ve discussed this previously.

One of my favorite places is That’s a, it’s a great place to find people to do especially one-off items.

So things that you only need help with once in a while you can find someone on Fiverr, that will do it long term for you. But you can at least find people to do things once on Fiverr.

And there’s a number of other places that you can check to find people who will outsource and it’s and you’re not limited to just the borders of your country.

So if that’s an issue, then you’ve got the opportunity to go beyond the borders. But you can also find people in your country and so forth that are willing to work.

They do have specific things that they’re good at and it might be what you’re looking for, and they might be able to do it in a decent amount of time to really be able to make it work for you.

Okay, though, these are all options that if you don’t know they’re available, it won’t take you long to be able to find this stuff out. It’s out there, you can find people to do things.

But here’s another option that people don’t discuss very often partnering with businesses that already do it.

So especially if you’re a solopreneur, if you’re somebody that’s starting out, and you’re, you’re having difficulty breaking into a certain area, you’re having difficulty fixing a certain area, or finding the right people to do with a certain job, find someone that’s already doing it, and see if you can bring your expertise to them.

What can you do for them?

What can your business do for them? Or what can you bring to them? Or who can you connect with them?

That would work to where you can have a partnership to where you bring something to the table that they may not be doing well or that they can always use more of.

And they can provide you with something that you don’t have the expertise on, you haven’t outsourced yet, or haven’t found the right people to do.

Here’s a great example. Google ads, Facebook ads, any type of online advertising, there are people that have this figured out down to an absolute science. And I’m not saying you go out and find an advertising agency, you can do that.

But you can find companies that are already doing these types of things well, and how would you find them?

Well, you look for the type of things that your marketplace the people you’re trying to get to your ideal audience, your ideal customer, you go, and let’s say you’re looking for Google ads.

A company that’s doing Google ads, well find the keywords that your ideal person is typing in and type it in and see who’s advertising there who’s showing up, who’s the first ones to show up, who’s the ones that show up over and over and over again.

Those of your people you might want to start looking to look at what they’re doing. Find out who they are. See if what you’re doing and what they’re doing can fit together instead of looking at everyone as competition look for partnerships.

Now another term that’s been thrown around a lot to the point that it sometimes doesn’t even lacks meaning anymore is the concept of the joint venture.

Joint venture, what’s that mean?

It means a partnership, it’s a way of extending the concept of partnership. And oftentimes, the term partnership is just seen as well, two people or more that have ownership in one entity.

But really, I don’t see the partnership as own as necessarily direct ownership.

The partnership is an agreement, it is a joint venture, it is two or more people coming together, or two or more entities coming together, to be able to provide help for each other, so that they all profit.

This is what we need to look more and more and more for is those types of things that you can’t just read a book on, you just can’t you make it up as you go, you find a way to make things work.

I did not fully realize this until the last year, a year and a half, that these types of things have been becoming more and more clear to me. And as a business investor, it’s completely changed how I view everything.

When I realized that all you have to do is get to know people, make friends, and see if there’s a way that you could work together. This is what I do.

I really appreciate what you do over here, can we sit down and talk sometime. And with zoom and all these other video chat platforms, you have the ability to reach out and be able to talk with someone and have a cup of coffee, half a world away. It’s fabulous.

It’s an amazing time, with all the craziness that’s happening politically and everything else and diseases and all the rest going on right now. And there always will be there always be crazy stuff happening in the world with when all that’s happening, you got to find what works and run with it and keep discovering keep unload, keep finding the secrets.

When I find secrets, I’m going to try and pass them on to you because that’s the only way that I’m able to grow and I’m able to meet more cool new people if you’d like to meet me.

The first place I’d recommend you do is read my book, or at least grab a copy and thumb through it a little bit, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business.

I’m not interested in selling books. I’m interested in getting this information out there. So you can get a free copy at Digital copy.

You get a hard copy at Amazon or anywhere else that books are sold. But you just want a digital copy and then from there, we can find a way to meet I’d love to be able to find more like-minded people and people that are good at something that I’m not good at.

Let’s team up let’s partner up. Let’s see what we can do together. That’s all I got for tonight. You have a great night.

In the meantime, get out there and just let the magic happen.