Top-of-Mind Marketing?

Amazon-Proof Your Business➡️


Top-of-mind marketing.

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J Pombo Live.

It was funny today I was looking at a lot of the ads that were showing up in my Facebook feed. And I saw a couple of local business owners offering help with the wildfire situation that’s going on right now.

I guess you’d call it wildfire. It’s probably not wild. They’re kind of they’re kind of popping up and really odd locations.

So I live in Southern Oregon right now and I’ll get into the business end of this by giving you a little bit of background I live in Southern Oregon. And every year during the hottest time of year, we tend to have lightning storms which will hit large patches of forest of dried up for us catch something on fire and go out of control.

And with the hot heat and the winds that come up in the late summer and early fall. It tends to be a horrible situation if we start getting wildfires, one becomes another becomes another and just starts going crazy.

It doesn’t happen every year. We may have a few fires here and there, but doesn’t happen where it’s uncontrollable every year.

In fact, this year was pretty mild year, up until this point, at least here in Southern Oregon. Now down in California, they were having a horrible fire season, one of the worst of all time.

In here in Oregon, we were having a pretty mild season and then just here in September of 2020. We start ending up with all these fires popping up in odd places.

They weren’t popping up because a lightning strikes.

They were popping up out of nowhere near towns in the areas that could burn but in very odd locations and multiple places all at once as if they were purposefully done.

Only time will tell whether that’s the case or not. But it’s an odd situation for us at the city because it’s near the towns.

Many people very quickly have lost their homes or have been pushed out of their homes at least temporarily. Or had things extremely damaged by these fires that swept through over just a couple of days.

So we have large parking lots, church parking lots and other places where people are camped out because they left everything behind.

In many, many cases, they lost their animals.

There isn’t a lot of human life that’s been lost by my understanding, but it’s still early I mean until we get heavy rains and the the temperatures cool down quite a bit which tends to happen later in September. Until that happens to still kind of a tight situation.

Why am I bringing this up on a business podcast on a business video cast that we have here on a nightly basis?

I’m bringing it up because this is top of the mind awareness of everybody in this region.

If you are not directly affected, like I’ve not been directly affected, we actually live out in the country. We haven’t had anything near us that’s been troubled. The fingers crossed to a, you know, somebody that’s been affected, and I know many people that are being affected.

Sean E. Douglas, our Podcast Producer, he had to evacuate his home a few times yesterday until they got some of the fires under control and he lives in the middle of town.

Okay, so this is an unusual circumstance, but it’s one of those things that touches everybody.

And everyone around here is dealing with the smoke right outside. It’s nighttime out here currently, if I took my flashlight, shined it through the air, you’d see ash and smoke very thick.

It comes in and goes depending on where the breeze is blowing and how many fires we’re dealing with at any particular time.

But it’s a it’s nasty stuff and you can’t get away from it. It is the one of the main things that everyone’s thinking about.

So when somebody goes and puts an ad out, that references the situation either offering to help, or offering a service to help. That’s huge. Don’t ignore that.

When you’re thinking of entering the conversation that’s always going on that’s already going on in your customers mind. You have to keep in mind what’s top of the mind at that moment.

And sometimes it can be very specific depending on where they’re living, or what political party they are, or what’s going on that day in the news.

These are all things you have to keep in mind when you’re putting advertising out there.

Now, if you unlock it, if you’re able to find something, let’s say you were putting an ad out right now in Southern Oregon, not that you’re taking advantage of the situation, but you need to be able to get past what people are already thinking about.

And the only way to get past it is to at least acknowledge it.

You have to acknowledge what’s already going on.

So that you can then have a conversation about whatever it is that you want to talk about whether it’s related to or not, you have to acknowledge the conversation that’s already going on. That’s what top of the mind marketing is all about.

You want to learn more about the things you can do to keep on top of the mind. Then go check out my book, 9 Ways To Amazon-Proof Your Business.

There’s a free copy, waiting for you over at We’ll be back here tomorrow night, stay safe. Hopefully everything’s good in your neck of the woods.

And I’d love to Love to hear what you what you think about this even if this is years from now that you’re watching this video. drop me a comment.

Let me know what you think. Have a great night. In the meantime, before we meet again, get out there and let the magic happen.