This…Will Make Your Business Standout

Part 22 in a 35 part series on headlines from John Caples book, Tested Advertising Methods.

Amazon-Proof Your Business➡️


This…will make your business stand out.

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo, Welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

What am I talking about?

I’m talking about two things.

First thing is, this book will help your business to stand out. It’s called, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business. Subtitle is, how to stand out in your industry and make every competitor irrelevant.

Now you that’s my book, I wrote it, you get a free copy over it over at

And in addition to that, that’s the first this the second this is we’re talking about how to use headlines to stand out. So this is standing out in advertising, that you’re doing any type of paid advertising or otherwise organic advertising, but also in anything that you’re putting out there.

You can use the power of headlines to be able to help you.

And we’re we happen to be going through the 35 proven formulas for writing headlines by John Caples.

John Caples, wrote about this in his book tested advertising methods, I have my own copy right here. And this is number, let’s say 22 that we’re going to be talking about tonight.

And what is it?

It’s once again, it’s one of these that we’re just talking about the first word of the headline that can make a difference. This first word is this, just by saying this, I’m drawing attention. I’m pulling it in here.

Here’s a couple of examples that he gives in his book, this soothing beauty bath is astonishing. To fastidious women, you can tell that’s an old headline.

This is the quietest dishwasher in America, this friendly sign everywhere. So you can build curiosity, you can do a whole bunch of things. But you’re saying something very specific, you’re pointing attention to something.

And the mind wants to see what this is. It’s funny how it works that way.

It’s very subliminal, it’s very under the surface. This is something else he says about he says beginning a headline with the word. This has two advantages.

Number one, it makes the headlines specific.

And number two, it draws attention to the product you’re advertising, and also goes with the service or anything else that you’re providing. That’s the power of just using the best word to start your headline, we’ve been talking about these all the ones up until now a whole bunch of them just have to do with using a single word or a single phrase, right at the beginning of your headline.

Whatever your headline is, it doesn’t matter we’ve talked about headline could be anything, it’s it’s the first thing that people come in contact with, that will determine whether they’re going to go further, either reading more watching more listening more, doesn’t matter what the media is.

All media works via headline whether they know it or not. There’s always something that starts off. That is the determinant as to whether a person is going to continue on and on. So hopefully you know about the magic of headlines.

And you’ll if you don’t go and check out this list yourself go and watch these videos where I go through the list of all 35 this is number 22 when we go in under over number 23 tomorrow.

In the meantime, like I said you get my free book,

Or you could buy a copy, buy a physical copy or get the audiobook or what have you. We’re going to be back here tomorrow with number 23. In the meantime, you get out there and let the magic happen.