The Simple Answer Is Usually The Right One

Why the simple answer can be easy to doubt.

Amazon-Proof Your Business➡️


The simple answer is usually the right one.

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo. Welcome back to Brian J. Pombo. Live.

The real issue is, you’re probably dealing with something that’s heavy on your mind. If you’re a business owner, if you’re an executive, you got something that’s just not going on yet, and you’re not sure what to do. But really, you know the answer.

The problem is, is when something’s bothering you, it’s normally because you have too many different options. But there’s one option there. That’s the simplest answer. Not the easiest answer.

Simple does not mean easy.

Most of the time, it doesn’t.

But there’s one simple answer that, you know, was probably the best bet at least the first start, it’s where you should start the process. That’s where you should go.

This is the reason why I bring this up is this is a very common theme over and over again with the business owners and executives that I speak with. It all comes down to when they’re with their biggest obstacle that’s standing in their way between where they are to where they want to be.

There’s one big obstacle, that’s the first big obstacle that’s in their way. And the one thing keeping them from overcoming that obstacle is just the ability to simplify the scenario and get cut away all the fat and just leave the meat and just say, here’s what the real issue is.

What’s the biggest way around that one issue?

Regardless of all this other stuff that’s all over the place that you you get confused in there.

What’s the one issue that that’s getting in the way?

So I, for example, I was working with a with a political candidate tonight and talking about issues that was facing him and he had a he had a couple questions and he knew the answer to every question that I brought up he really did.

He knew the answer.

But the problem is it’s so easy to get distracted by all the extra stuff all around that he couldn’t quite believe the answer that he already knew. This is where it comes in handy to have someone if you can do this on your own, if you could just sit back and be able to, to clear your mind and just look at it for what it is and ignore all the distraction. But it’s so difficult to do on your own.

That you oftentimes need to bring someone else in this is this is most often the role that I come with is just being able to clarify things and help you to see what you already know is true and help to back up your confidence. That that’s where I come in handy. If you’re able to do that on your own.

Don’t pay anyone or don’t bring anyone else in. do it on your own. Do it move forward because confidence in what you’re doing doesn’t mean that you’re going to always do the right thing.

But you’ll at least be able to take things one thing at a time, one obstacle at a time, one solution, possible solution at a time you try one solution, it doesn’t work fine. You set that one aside, you go to the next simplest solution. The simple answer is usually the right one.

Hopefully that makes sense to you.

A way to really look at this on a broad sense, and to be able to plan out simple solutions. I map out in my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business. You can get a free copy by going to

One thing we talked about here every night, a lot of principles. I talked about principles, I talked about strategies and I talked about tactics that you can use directly in your business. So come back here tomorrow.

We’re back here every night, love to see if you have any questions, drop them in the comments down below.

Or go back watch previous episodes over at We have almost 500 I can’t believe it. We’re very close to 500 full on episodes that we bring you on nearly a daily basis. You have a great night. And in the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.