The Number Four Function of Content Marketing 📚

Part 4 of a series on Robert Bly’s book, The Content Marketing Handbook


Number four function of content marketing.

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo. Welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

Today we’re covering number four of the nine functions of content marketing, as outlined by Robert Bly in the Content Marketing Handbook. Great book. I was just covering this small section in the first chapter. But I think it really draws to a lot of the ideas of what content marketing actually does for you.

This one’s a deceptively simple one.

So the first three just is a quick review of the nine functions.

Number one is to say it sets the specs.

Number two, it makes the prospect beholden.

Number three generates more inquiries.

What number four is, is it gets you, new customers. Now, I know a lot of people think that that should be the main function of everything wholesales. But sales have so much in sales and marketing has so many other facets to it.

Getting the initial new customer isn’t necessarily the only thing you should be focused on. But content marketing helps do that.

One of the ways it does it, and he discusses this briefly and in a handful paragraphs is it differentiates you from everybody else, rather than just providing a sales pitch.

What content marketing can do for you is it gives more information it and in that process, it allows the potential customer the prospect to trust you.

There’s a trust being built in that process, regardless of what you say, or whether it’s even true.

But if it rings true, if it sounds authoritative, you can that you can receive a new customer because you have, especially depending on what it is that you’re selling. Okay, with a product service.

Some things don’t take that much research. But if especially if you’re in a highly competitive realm, it makes a big difference in order to get the new customer by having unique content.

And that doesn’t matter whether he mentions in here about having a blog, or having an email, email list, or what have you.

And he says, don’t just don’t just focus on sales, focus on content as well.

I really like Ben Settle’s approach. It’s really a lot, I think of why I designed these vlogs the way I do is because what been settled teaches is to have both in every post.

So you make sure you at least do something to encourage people to do something in a positive direction, hopefully to actually purchase something.

But even if it’s even if it’s just getting involved in some way, and then also having a sizable amount of content or infotainment, or what have you adapted in there some way and he teaches that through email.

But it doesn’t matter what form of content that you’re putting out there. What matters is, is that it has a substance.

If it has substance, you can get new customers that way, which is a really, it’s a it’s a great function. Like I said, deceptively simple.

But when you compare it with everything else that he’s outlining, especially in the next, in the next five functions, you’ll see how these things all tie together. So stay tuned for that we’re going to be going over number five tomorrow.

As I mentioned, you should always have some type of a pitch in your material at least somewhere, especially a call to action, my call to action right now as for my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business, you can go and purchase a copy. I’m happy to be able to make a little bit of money off of that, but that’s not really my main thing.

My main thing is getting the information out to you. So if you don’t want to purchase a hardcover, copy of, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof your business which you can get at or any of the other places that sell books.

You can always just go to my website and download a free copy of That’s

That’s all I have for tonight. We’ll be back tomorrow with number five like I mentioned. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.