The Number Five Function of Content Marketing 📚

Part 5 of a series on Robert Bly’s book, The Content Marketing Handbook


Number Five function of content marketing.

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo. Welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

Today we’re going we’re continuing our process of digging through the nine functions of content marketing, as outlined by Bob Bly, The Content Marketing Handbook.

Great book. And this is in the first chapter, it goes through these nine things, and I’ve been going through it one at a time with you. This is the fifth one.

So we’re talking about content marketing.

We’re talking about producing marketing on a regular basis, that has some type of substance to it that has the content it has information and or entertainment.

So it has value to the consumer unto itself, besides the fact that it has a marketing message attached to it. Okay, that’s content marketing.

So let’s talk about the fifth way that he discusses here.

He says that establishes you as the expert.

Alright, I know a little bit about this, I wrote a whole chapter in my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business, which you can get a free copy at

But if you’re just talking about content marketing, he has a really good twist on this.

Because of course, it totally establishes you as an expert.

I like what he says, here’s his publishing content on your industry niche, or area of specialization helps position you as a recognized authority in your field, and prospects would rather buy from knowledgeable experts than ordinary salespeople.

Simple right?

But here’s the extra part that I think really hits it.

He talks about the fact that just the fact that you’re going out, and you’re committing yourself to doing this on a regular basis, and honestly, I highly recommend you have somebody in your organization work on producing daily content.

He says, just because you do that you will become better at everything else that you do. And you are going to, you’re going to deliver better on the other end, because you’ve put forth the initiative.

Here’s a really good point.

He says, it should not be solely the marketing team’s job to generate all the material in your content marketing efforts, account managers, SMEs, and even long term clients and site visitors can be engaged to help create great content.

You see this could be really a full on effort. And there’s a million different places you can come up with content we’ve done, we’ve discussed that quite a bit here. But we’ll be discussing more.

I’ve got my new training that’s going to be coming up that you’ll be able to plug into where we’re going to dig into some of these ideas also.

But that’s it establishing you as the expert, the fact that you’re setting out to do that, you will become more of an expert, your company will become more of an expert, because you’ll be forced to look at what you normally offer in a million different ways.

Because that’s what content marketing kind of forces us to do. It forces us to have to say it a million different ways on a regular basis.

By doing that, you end up learning your craft a whole lot better, and end up you will naturally get better.

So that’s it’s a really cool concept, the whole expertise thing we could take. And there’s been books written just on that alone.

But content marketing helps make it easily realized I’m saying easily simply realize, I should say, realized in a simple way for any company that wants to nowadays, because we have access to so much incredible, inexpensive formats of media, where we can get our message out there.

So it’s a great time to be alive. Very interesting time.

If you haven’t looked into content marketing more, you really should because it is not the future. I don’t think because it’s been our past content marketing has a very vast, wide ranging history going much further back than the internet.

But if you understand the concept behind it, you can always set yourself apart, which is what it’s all about. So that’s all I have for tonight. You have a good one.

We’ll be back tomorrow with number six.

In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.