The Bubble Life ๐Ÿ‘€

Brian talks about mask life in California.


The bubble life.

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo. Welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

Coming to you today from this is actually my father’s office on Father’s Day and we’re going to talk a little bit about this concept of being kind of in a bubble.

We’re all are in some form of a bubble of one, one way or another, you know, we have certain things that we do places we hang out, places we hang out online. We all create a bit of this bubble atmosphere that we live in. That keeps us from seeing everything, especially if you don’t travel much.

Here’s a great example.

So this is I’m recording this in June of 2022. Yet, there has been talk a lot of talk about COVID-19, having another strain. There’s been discussions about certain places masking up and so forth.

Well, in Southern Oregon, you don’t see much of it, I knew of one particular grocery store chain, that was going to be the people working there, we’re going to be wearing masks again.

But other than that, you don’t see much of it in Southern Oregon, at least the areas that I’m around and hanging out, not taking a position one way or another here, I’m just making a point about what I see on a regular basis. So I’m out in California.

This was a couple of days ago, I was in Alameda County and they happen to have a mass mandate, which I wasn’t aware that they did they have a pub in public mass mandate. Went into a very popular grocery store and everyone had masks on again, it was just unlike where I was from.

You get a very different vibe, a very different feel. When in Rome, you do as the Romans do, but at the same time, it was a very interesting, and everyone’s got their own political beliefs and everything about this.

I’m not going to get into that. What I am going to say is though, we all have our biases that come from the places we live, the people we hang out with the situations that we go through on a daily basis, our jobs, our positions, our status, in life, our economic status, all these things come with certain biases and there’s really no way around that.

The important thing is to understand that you have them. The important thing is to understand that if you’re working with the public in any way, if you’re especially if you’re a business owner, or if you’re running a business, you need to keep in mind that these things are always in place.

That when you’re talking to people, you can’t assume that they see everything exactly the way you see it all. And you have to acknowledge when things might possibly be different somewhere else, or people may view things differently.

Now you can completely dismiss certain point of views and say that those people are stupid and this and that, that’s all I’m not saying you shouldn’t take a position, you really should. It’s helpful in marketing, to take positions.

But at the same time know what you’re doing know that you may be turning off a certain segment of public, maybe even entire states, entire countries, that you’ll be turning off to your products and services, just because of you saying something in a certain way.

So there’s all things just to keep in mind as we’re going through this journey. As a business owner, understand the bubble that you’re in, and traveling helps a lot. meeting lots of people in all different places really helps a lot. Getting to know people who may also be traveling gives you a viewpoint of where they’ve been. And so just keeping yourself in constant flux and constant.

A conversation with people is very, very helpful in this least it has been for me and hopefully, hopefully you get that feeling too. I hope you hope you’ve had a wonderful Father’s Day.

This is all I have for tonight. Go check out my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Poof Your Business. You can you can go and purchase a copy. Or you can go get a free copy at my website. That’s all I have for tonight. You have a good one. We’ll be back tomorrow night. We’ll be back in Oregon.

Hopefully by the time we were we finished it either that or we’ll be on the road somewhere. You have a good one. We’ll see you then.

In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.