The 100-Page Book 📚 Book Review

A review on Mike Capuzzi’s book about how to create a one hundred page book.

100-page book, book review.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

I have in my hands the 100-page book. This is a concept developed by Mike Kaposi that he talks about in this book, which is 100 pages, but it also shows you how you can write a book that’s 100 pages long and have that be useful to your business. Welcome back. We talk about business concepts here. I’m a Business investor.

So I love business concepts and specifically, Martin, the latest topic that I’m most interested in because I’ve been able to help out the most amount of businesses with this would be content marketing.

So how do you take content, put it out there on a regular basis, and use it to a tool for a way that people can get to know you and your business better?

Therefore become really solid customers, clients, patients, etc. And this is a great way. Okay, this is Mike Capozzi. This is a great book to go check out is if you can’t read the rest of this, it says a profitable nonfiction book writing tip.

Okay, so this was talking about nonfiction.

So it fits right in the business owners guide to self-publishing a short customer attraction book. Now, I’ve talked a lot here about writing your own book. In order for people to get to know you better to know like and trust you more so that they can get to know your business better and eventually become really solid customers.

I wrote a book myself, it’s over. It’s over a lot. I think it’s over 100 pages.

Then now I’m not so sure, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business is a very short book. 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business you can go check out what I wrote over at

You download a free copy, or you can go grab yourself a solid copy there. He’s talking here about having simple books that can be passed out, handed out to people mailed out to people. In fact, he calls them Shooks.

Okay, that’s for, Short Helpful Books. Shooks.

I know that look at the writing in here. This is not, you know, tiny little writing, this is very easy to read, very easy to look through, you can include a lot of pictures and everything to really make it easy to get through.

It’s not made for people that are looking for a textbook, this isn’t a textbook, this is something to help promote you your business, whatever you’re looking to promote. Great.

Understand that you will get a great understanding of whether you want to do something like this or not by getting a copy of this book, or any of his other show books.

He’s got a number of them out there.

A lot of them are around the same topic but really good information. I’ve got this one highlighted all over the place. I think I had something I did want to I had a great quote here. I wish I would have I wish I would have held my finger on it.

There’s so much good stuff in here.

Yeah, here it is. Each book saves at least four hours of interviewing and educating a potential client.

If you just take that idea that this will save you time. It’s inexpensive to put out smaller books like this. It’s just across the board, you’re going to get a really good result especially if you’re looking at putting together a book already.

This allows you to put them together quickly he has kind of a lot of templates for how to be able to do that idea.

Great book, highly recommended it Mike Capuzzi. Try and get him on the show eventually here maybe interview him about this process and about about his other experiences with content marketing, because he’s been involved in the game for quite a while. So thank you very much, Mike for a great book.

Thank you for watching, guys. We’ll be back here tomorrow.

In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

Worst Part of Writing Your First Book

So you want to write a book.

Well listen in as Brian gives you a few tips, fresh off of publishing his first book 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business.

Amazon-Proof Your Business➡️


The worst part of writing your first book.

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo. Welcome back to Brian J Pombo Live.

I’d like to welcome you back to the headquarters for Brian J Pombo. We’ve done a lot of these in a lot of different places over the last year and a half or so that we’ve been doing these videos. One was the orange office, who’s my previous office that I used to use quite a bit, don’t use that as much anymore.

I have another office in town that I that I use on occasion one of my clients offices another one of my clients offices is also nearby.

We’ve done ones out of there, we’ve done a lot from outside here and they’re either here out on the property on the ranch, or somewhere else wherever I happen to be for for the day.

But this is the most easiest place to make be able to come back here when you’re doing it day after day after day, and you want something consistent and you want to be you want everyone to be able to hear you and everything else. I just I’d like to keep it simple.

So that’s why we’re here.

A little bit of a background. I just recently came out with a book you can if you’re watching this video and not listening to it, you’ll see the address down below. If you are listening to this, that address is

And what it is, is that’s a page you go to and get a free copy of my book. Now you can go and look for it on or Barnes and Noble or the Apple Store or anywhere else and you get yourself a digital copy or a hardback copy.

You can go and purchase that but if you want a free digital copy, go to

Why am I talking about this?

I’m talking about it because I wanted to go through kind of some examples of what I would consider the worst part of writing your first book. And I think for most people, the worst part of writing their first book comes with the actual writing of it, getting yourself to sit down and write something.

And for most people, they’re not natural writers. Some people are some people have a knack for it. Not that you’re a natural good writer, but you have a propensity, a an enjoyment for sitting down and typing something out or scribbling something out on paper. And that’s great. That’s great.

If you have that, you should keep doing it over and over and over. You should do it on daily basis.

Just write yourself silly.

For me, that was a very difficult process. And so I knew I would, it would take me a very long time if I’m going to sit there and write it because it all goes back to school training, of wanting to get it just right, and not wanting to have to go over and reedited the new all this other stuff.

So what I learned how to do from other people that have done it, is I said, well either I’ve got to do it auto And be able to talk about my book, Dean Jackson talks about this about talking out your book, he offers a actually a service called 90 minute book where he helps you to build a book within 90 minutes.

There’s a lot of people out there offering that when I started doing these vlogs on a daily basis, the Brian J Pombo Live Podcast.

When we started doing these, I found that hey, if I strong enough of these together, and I stuck to one topic ahead of time, I could probably get a book somewhere out of that.

So that’s what I did.

I had a I had a series called the 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business. Which is the name of the book. And we had a series on that i h day I did a different way. And each of those separate videos became the basis for a chapter.

So all we did was we took those we made up we took them and had them transcribed. I had a lot of help from a lot of people. The main one was Sean Douglas producer of the podcasts all the podcasts I put out.

Sean is the main man behind the scenes taking care of it, you could read his descriptions of all of these shows that go out. And so very talented person and he’s he helped me transcribe everything and kind of do a rough edit on it and then I go through and just kind of make it readable.

So change things to make them make sense.

Anywhere that I misspoke or whatever else I switched that to make it work I added in pieces where necessary, but I already had the backbone in place that’s really easy for me to do is go in and edit something after it’s already been done.

I have a tough time doing it scratch, you know, whether it’s me or working on somebody else’s stuff. So went out, did all that all that was relatively easy. It’s just main thing was just making enough time to do it and making it a priority.

That was a little difficult because all of my life is crazy. I’ve got a million projects going on and they given time so it had to become a priority. So once we made it a private already, that part got done the toughest thing, all from that point on is just the fact that it’s my first book. And I didn’t really know what I was doing.

I wasn’t quite sure if what I was doing was the right way of doing it or not. And so there’s all that hesitation involved. I wasn’t quite sure all the I didn’t even know all the steps. I kind of had to guess at the steps based on what I had heard before and what I had read and what you could read online.

And so I went with IngramSpark,, to publish it.

I didn’t completely understand what they needed. So I needed to take it step by step. And during that process, I found out that they had a bug in their new system to where certain things weren’t working, right. And so I was trying to communicate back with the four with them. This was all during COVID.

So they had extremely, extremely long wait times to get back to me. And finally worked out all that stuff, focus on it, that every time I’m taking off Have something I move on to something else.

While I’m waiting for something over here, I go over here and spin this plate around. And so it’s takes a long time to get through all that it’s if it’s your first time through that doubt is always there.

It’s not heavy doubt it’s just a consistent, is this really… am I doing it right? Is this what I’m supposed to be doing is this? I don’t know, you know?

And so that’s always there.

After I’ve gone through it one time, I’m completely positive, I can do it 20 more times, no problem. But going through it that first time. That’s the worst part of writing your first book is just not knowing the next step in the process.

I suggest getting somebody to work with you see, I I enjoy kind of being in that frame because it gets me to have a deeper understanding of what’s going on.

Even if I would do it differently with somebody else or and helping somebody else. I at least have an idea of the process and all the gist that I was looking for the minimal way to get it done.

And I think I found a pretty good way if you’re ever needing help on something like this, reach out to me, go to and reach out.

And I’d be happy to happy to work with you.

If it seem like work out for both of us, I’d be happy to help you through this process, but find somebody that’s done it before.

And you might be able to avoid going through the worst part of writing your first book. Hopefully that’s helpful to you go check out my book that’ll help you out also in the process, Amazon proof we’ll be back tomorrow.

We’re back here every day. I’m a business strategist, I help kind of unload these ideas of the principles, strategies and tactics that help you move forward and really explode your business.

If that’s what you’re looking to do. So, subscribe, follow and go check out back. Show’s over at We’ll see you next time. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.