Why Email Subject Lines Are Easy (When You Know How)

Part 18 in a 35 part series on headlines from John Caples book, Tested Advertising Methods.

Amazon-Proof Your Business➡️ https://brianjpombo.com/amazonbook/


Why email subject lines are easy, when you know how.

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

Today we’re talking once again, about headlines, we’re going to go through number 18 out of the 35 proven formulas for writing headlines by John Caples, that are directly from his book, Tested Advertising Methods.

The reason why I’m bringing these to you is one, it’s great info, it’s stuff that you could use, whether you’re writing email, subject lines, or titles for your videos and media that you put out there or specifically a headline and an ad that you’re putting out there and whether online or otherwise.

What I do is I work with business owners on an ongoing basis to help them out with their business strategy, and help them get around all the different obstacles that you deal with as a business owner.

That’s why I went and wrote a book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Of Your Business, which you can get a free copy at AmazonProofBook.com.

That’s all about how to overcome competition forces in the marketplace. Now, let’s talk a little bit about how to write email subject lines that are easy, or why email subject lines can be easy, okay?

It comes down to really getting good at these formulas.

And once you get good at these formulas you get, it’s interesting because you get more perspective, in terms of the psychology behind them. So this one in particular is one of my favorites.

This is number 18 out of the list of 35, which is to begin your headline with the word why. And when I say headline, I could mean email subject lines, which is a it’s a common thing that people are looking to do.

Because what emails a great way to communicate with your customers or prospective customers, right?

So having why in the beginning, like when I said, why email subject lines are easy when you know how, why is a great way to draw people in?

Because it’s a lead in it’s telling you that there’s going to be either an answer to a question or a question itself by starting a sentence with why these are all very subliminal things that draw a person in.

But just beginning it that way really helps bring people in to at least reading the rest of the sentence and then either clicking on the email, open it or not.

So here’s a couple of examples that john cables includes in his book, why these vitamins can make you feel peppier. Why your feet hurt, why some people almost always make money in the stock market.

You see, each one of these is going to attract a different type of person. I’m not saying you would click on the email that says says these things.

But each one of these is going to attract the type of person that it’s going after. If your feet hurt, and you saw something why your feet hurt. You’d be a little bit intrigued. You may not click on it. But you’d be intrigued.

You’d be thinking, hmm, I wonder, you know, and more people are likely to click on it. More people are likely to read it when it starts out with a how with a why, like we’ve talked about before.

If you have some type of an element of a question or answer to your subject line to your headline, you’re going to get more people clicking on it at least more people reading it and thinking about it in a deeper way than just kind of browsing past with their eyeballs. So hopefully that makes sense to you.

We’re going to be going through number 19 tomorrow night. I know I’m doing this from an odd location. This is the front seat of my car. We are on the road for Thanksgiving vacation.

And so tonight I’m in Tracy, California tomorrow night I’ll be coming to you live, I believe from Fresno, California. So we’ll see you again tomorrow night. In the meantime, you get out there let the magic happen.

How Easy Headlines Can Be

Part 17 in a 35 part series on headlines from John Caples book, Tested Advertising Methods.

Amazon-Proof Your Business➡️ https://brianjpombo.com/amazonbook/


How easy headlines can be.

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

I am coming to you from Tracy, California, a little bit of a different location, different lighting, and so forth with a different background.

This is gonna be a quick one, we are on number 17. We’re going through the 35 proven formulas for writing headlines. These were all written by John Caples, from his book Tested Advertising Methods.

I don’t have my copy of my book. So I had to have my podcast extraordinare producer Sean Douglas, I had to have him take pictures and send them to me, so that we can still have this discussion. Because I did have all the all the ones that I’m going to be talking about while I’m on it out of town.

So here’s number 17. I got a picture of it. I wrote down some details so that we could talk about it a little bit here. And this is a real simple one nother real simple one.

Last time we talked about using the term how to this is simply using nothing more than just the word how starting something out with how you’re giving someone the idea that this is going to be informational, that you’ve got some information to lay down on them, you got something to tell them.

So this follows along with some of the other headlines that we were talking about some of the other formulas that we use, especially the ones that have to do with stories. I’ll give you a couple of examples here. So I’ve got it here, John Caples said that it’s basically begin your headline with the word house. That’s the formula. That’s how easy it could be.

Okay, just putting HOW on the front end?

Here’s a couple of examples.

How do I connect my business to the internet?

How this new invention is revolutionising concrete construction?

How I started a new life with $7.

Now, you might be saying, well, I wouldn’t be interested in just clicking on those who are reading any more of any of those. But you may not be the ideal audience. So these are all things to keep in mind.

You have to think about who your ideal audience is. And how can you put something out there in a real simple way. Putting how on the front end of it, to just capture attention and get people to do the next step.

Whether it be click on an email, whether it be watch the video that you’re that you’re producing, or anything else. headlines are an important part. This is a simple formula that can make headline writing super easy.

Hopefully you found that interesting.

We’re gonna be going over number 18 tomorrow. So be sure to tune in then. I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving if you haven’t already, and we’ll see you tomorrow.

In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

Go to AmazonProofBook.com get my free book. Go check it out, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof your business. You have a great night.

How To Standout 😎

Part 16 in a 35 part series on headlines from John Caples book, Tested Advertising Methods.

Amazon-Proof Your Business➡️ https://brianjpombo.com/amazonbook/


How to standout.

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

What we’re talking about today is how to stand out, which is really the sub title of my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business, how to stand out in your industry, and make every competitor irrelevant.

How to, is a great line. And the line itself, the beginning that how to, if you put it in front of anything will allow it to stand out more.

Because you will pull in people who want to do whatever it is that you’re recommending, they’ll have the ability to do. In fact, I was looking originally at titling my book, how to stand out, and then went a different direction with it. But so much of what I talk about is all about standing out.

What we’ve been talking about over the last handful of videos, and another handful after this are all about how to stand out in your advertising, how to stand out in your anything that we’re talking about headlines, plain and simple. We’re talking about headlines.

So we’re talking about titles of blogs, titles of videos, subject lines, and email addresses.

It’s those that initial step to stand out.

Pictures are one thing, but the words have the ability to stand out just on their own. And it’s the it’s all about the art and the science behind creating headlines. And we’re using as kind of our textbook, this one here tested advertising methods. And very specifically, we’re talking about chapter five, which is titled 35 proven formulas for writing headlines and direct mail teasers.

Our main thing is all about getting those headlines down. Because if you can understand the science of headlines, writing and headline headlines and headline writing, then you can get tension in just about any media.

Because it’s all about humans and it’s all about words. And this one is very simple. This is number 16 of the list of 35.

He says begin your headline with the words how to and here’s here’s how he describes it. certain key words and headlines, not only increase readership, but also have a beneficial effect on copywriters by forcing them to write copy that is in the proper groove.

For example, if an if a headline begins with the words how to the copywriter is forced to write copy that tells how to do something. And that is exactly the kind of copy the reader desires.

Okay, so if you already have something that already discusses how to do something, you might as well say it right in the headline, it brings in the right people for the right copy for the right idea, or whatever it is that you’re trying to pull them into.

Make sure you cover it, though, to some extent, or at least give them the chance to know how to find out more about how to, like I’m talking about right now, how to stand out. This is the process of standing out having that first initial phrase, that first initial sentence, be the thing that pulls people in to want to read, or watch or listen to the rest doesn’t matter how it comes at them.

That first title is what matters most and that’s the power of headlines.

The simplicity of just putting how to on front can make a big difference. And so if you’re looking for new ideas for titles of things, think about how to titles that you’ve come up with and you’ll be able to come up with a whole lot of interesting content.

Hopefully that makes sense to you. We’re gonna have number 17 on tomorrow’s episode, and I’ll be doing it from the road, either specifically from the road or down in California. All of these episodes that I bring to you are from our headquarters here in Grants Pass, Oregon.

But tomorrow, we’re going to be in our Southern Command in California. Out in Tracy, California is more likely will where we will be or somewhere in between. And so I’ll have I’ll have a number 17 for you then. In the meantime, you get out there and let the magic happen.

How I Came Up With 563 Podcast Titles

Part 15 in a 35 part series on headlines from John Caples book, Tested Advertising Methods.

Amazon-Proof Your Business➡️ https://brianjpombo.com/amazonbook/


How I came up with 563 podcast titles.

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

Why 563?

Well, this is the 563rd, at least by my calculation, video podcast.

Now you might be listening to this via our audio podcast, or you might be watching this on YouTube or some other spot, Instagram, Facebook, we’re all over the place, we’re even on Parler. Now everything else.

So we’re all over the place right now. And you might be visualizing it there or listening to the podcast wherever you listen to podcasts. But this is 563 and each one had a separate title.

Some of those titles have worked better than others, some of them have hardly gotten any views or listens to at all. But that’s okay, because that’s kind of the game you play when you’re doing a daily podcast, slash video, cast slash vlog, however you want to refer to it.

But I want to tell you about how we came up with some of those. And a lot of them have been through this process of just plugging it into headline formulas. And some of the best headline formulas we’ve been going through here on a daily basis. These are the top 35 proven formulas for writing headlines by John Caples.

In his book, tested advertising methods, you go check this out, you go straight to chapter, chapter five, and we are on number 15. Which says tell a story.

It’s all about telling a story with your right in that right in your headline, bring them right into a story, which is why I started out by saying how I did this, because that’s a way of starting out a story that people get a little bit of taste a little curiosity, and then they come in for more, right.

And you may have done the same thing here and I’m going to tell you a little more about this. John Caples says in his book for telling a story, he says people buy magazines in order to read fiction and nonfiction stories.

Therefore, you can get high readership by writing a headline that offers the reader a story. In addition to high readership, this method offers the following advantages. A good story makes your message clear. And a good story makes your message compelling.

The effectiveness of stories was illustrated long ago, by the parables in the Bible, he gives a whole bunch of different examples, you know how I improved my memory in one evening of the diary of a lonesome girl, the tallest recycling story ever told.

And this is really the classic one, let me find the picture in here in the very beginning of the book, I think we mentioned this, in one of our previous I’m sure we’ve mentioned it and more than one of these video casts that we have.

This was an ad that he put out and says they laughed when I sat down at the piano. But when I started to play, and it the whole thing is selling, you know, a course on how to learn the piano. But that’s a very famous ad.

It drew people in had a really good picture for the time period. I don’t even know what when that was, I believe that this is 1925. If I’m reading it, right, this was 1925 when this ad came out, and it did extremely well.

It’s been one of those top selling ads and the the headline, style has been copied over and over and over again. Because it works because it plays off of certain emotions.

And we won’t get into all that. But it also brings a person directly into the story that they want to hear more about.

It just kind of pulls you in if you have interest in that type of thing. Same thing with the title that we use here, it’s all about telling a story, give them just a little piece of a story.

See if they’re willing to hear the rest of it. Stories are the most magnetic thing that you can have out there.

A great way for bringing people in to hear your message, whatever that message is, whether you’re looking to sell something, whether you’re looking to bring people over to a cause it doesn’t matter. It’s all the same thing because we’re all human.

We’re attracted all by the same things over and over again.

Now, I’ve got other examples of this in my in my own book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business. You want your own free copy, or you want to find out more about it, go to AmazonProofBook.com.

We’ll be back here tomorrow with number 16 Let’s see was this 15 Yeah, this was 15. We’re going to go through all 35 John Caples proven formulas, and tomorrow is number 16. Once you come back then in the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

Are Your Blog Titles Informational?

Part 14 in a 35 part series on headlines from John Caples book, Tested Advertising Methods.

Amazon-Proof Your Business➡️ https://brianjpombo.com/amazonbook/


Are your blog titles informational?

Hi, I’m Brian pombo. Welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live and if not, why not?

And if so, why would you care?

Why does it matter that they’re informational?

We’re going to go through that here today. And we’re not just talking about blog titles, blog titles is just another way of thinking about the same thing, which is the old time concept of headlines, headlines comes back to the idea of newspaper headlines, the idea of having headlines within a an old advertisement where you had basically almost whole words, where you’d have just one big bold message that pulls a person into look and read the rest of the article, or the rest of the ad.

That’s what the headlines purposes. So it doesn’t matter whether you’re talking about a blog title, or whether you’re talking about a subject line and an email, or the title of a YouTube video or a podcast episode, it’s all the same thing. Having a title is meant to pull them in. It’s all about headlines.

This is part of a series of videos that we’re doing all on the 35 proven headlines for writing……35 proven formulas for writing headlines, written by John Caples, in his book Tested Advertising Methods.

This thing’s been revised a bunch. So the examples I give weren’t necessarily from John Caples, you know, when he’s talking about technology, and nowadays, I believe this book originally came out in the 30s.

It wasn’t in the original, okay, they’ve revised it, but the concepts are all directly from him. And we’ve worked our way all the way through the 35. Up to number…where are we at now? Are we at number 14. Yes.

Number 14. And the reason why I’m talking about information in your blog title, it has to do with offering information of value. So what if you can offer some type of information within that title that will pull people in that we’ll get them to do the next step, which is the whole purpose of the headline at all.

So that’s why you might want to have information make that headline or the blog title more informational. So here’s what he says about it. He says people buy newspapers and magazines to read articles that give them information.

Therefore, it’s possible to get higher readership by writing your ad in the form of a helpful article. The copy usually consists of three parts as follows part one, information without sales talk, part two, information interwoven with sales talk, and part three, all sales talk.

Here are examples of headlines of ads of this kind. So here’s a few examples.

I’m not going to read them all for you, but I’ll read a couple of them for you. Too easy to no short pie dishes with this quick follow this agrieco plan for greener lawn, insider guide to old books, etc. Miniskirts aren’t the only way to feel young.

You see, some of these have like the name of the product within the headline itself. Some of them don’t. Some of them read just like you’d read any type of article or headline, headline to a story.

That’s the idea of making it informational, so that they’re going to go the next step to read the rest of the information. Isn’t that exactly what we do when we’re writing a title of a YouTube video, or the blog title?

You know, it’s the same idea. If you get really good that there’s another thing you got to deal with online, which I’ve touched on here and there, which has to do with search engine optimization.

So you’re looking for keywords that people are searching for, either within a certain website or within the search engines themselves. And that’s always that’s always something you got to keep in mind.

But what this really plays into is that once they see your title, that they’re more willing to click on your title than anything else that’s available for them to be able to look at watch, read what have you.

So hopefully that makes sense to you. It’s a very simple idea. All of these are extremely simple unto themselves. But when you string them together, when you string these 35 together, they are very helpful little things that you can go off of when you are trying to get a little bit more attention, especially if you’re saying the same ideas over and over and over again, which is very similar to what I do.

What are some of the ideas that I talk about on a regular basis are all found in my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business.

And this basically takes some of my most core ideas, breaks it down to the nine and has an we have a nice quick book that you can read. In fact, you get a free copy at AmazonProofBook.com. We’ll be back here tomorrow with number 15 in the list of 35.

We’re going through all 35 so you won’t want to miss that. We’ll be back here tomorrow. In the meantime, you get out there Let the magic happen.

Free Book On Beating Your Competition

Part 13 in a 35 part series on headlines from John Caples book, Tested Advertising Methods.

Amazon-Proof Your Business➡️ https://brianjpombo.com/amazonbook/


Free book on beating your competition?

How do you beat that?

I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

I’m not going to spend the whole time talking about my free book offer, I bring it up every time anyways, if you want a free copy of my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business, go to AmazonProofBook.com. AmazonProofBook.com, I just got through doing this video already, and did not press record properly. And so it did not go out.

So I’m going through the whole process over again, I’m just bringing you in on it, because I’m probably going to say some things out of order because the first one was perfect. That’s just how it happens.

What we are going to talk about, though, are the 35 proven formulas for writing headlines that John Caples wrote about in his book, Tested Advertising Methods.

So this these are all from chapter five, we’ve been going through these one at a time. And today we’re on number 13. Number 13 is feature a free offer. That’s why I mentioned the free offer of the book, even though I bring it up every time I highlighted it in the title and set it right out front.

Because that’s what we’re talking about. If you’ve got any type of a free offer, you want to put it out there and give people a chance to dig deeper to see what is really entailed in your free offer.

So mine is pretty simple, it’s a digital book that you go to the website, you fill out a thing and you get a free download. Pretty simple.

It also has options for getting a physical book and so forth. But here he’s got he’s got some great points in here. But when he’s talking about featuring a free offer, he says a free offers a device that frequently leads to future sales.

The free offer may take several forms as follows.

Number one, a free trial number two a sample of the product or service number three a booklet about the product or number for a premium that requires the purchase of the product number five, or a combination of any of the four.

Okay, pretty straightforward and simple. is a couple examples free trial lesson. Free gray hair treatment, when you donate $10 to Easter Seals will donate a Motorola portable to your free cell phone service.

100 free haircuts if you’re free Saturday, so are we you know, there’s just examples. It can take many forms. But it all has to do with a free offer that you’re putting out there. And just highlighting it in the headline.

Like we said before, a headline could be anything, it could be a link to for somebody to click on.

It can be the title of a podcast, it could be anything that you have out there subject line in an email. The whole idea is it is the thing that leads them to do the next step to read your article to read your advertisement, what have you. And also, we’re talking about the real power of the word free.

You’ll look at you look at my the title for it’s not the title the URL for my free book is AmazonProofBook.com a better domain name, although I it was one of the ones that I was looking at may have been, you know, free Amazon book or something like that.

Joe Polish has a great domain name he uses called JoesFreeBook.com. If you go there, you’ll get to see whatever the latest free book that he’s that he’s pushing, you could see it right there. JoesFreeBook.com.

He encourages other people to do the same thing with their name. So that’s a nice little tip you can run with.

I was talking with my friend Kevin. He’s a business associate, and this was earlier today. And he mentioned, we’re talking about somebody’s free book that they were offering.

He says, I jump on every free book offer. He says, I’m just one of those type of people I jump on it, every time he says it doesn’t matter if it’s free plus shipping and handling to get the physical book says I do it every time.

You’re going to attract certain people right off the bat that go for the free word, or the free book word or whatever it is that you’re offering.

You got to take that into account. When you’re looking at your marketing, you’re thinking about who you’re looking to attract. But there’s there’s something there’s very few things that are as powerful as the word free.

I think John Caples talks about that elsewhere in this book. And you can hear a lot of especially a lot of the traditional direct response marketing gurus through time have said the same thing that free is a very powerful word.

Something you got to you got to keep in mind because it because it’s so attractive, you may be pulling in people that you may not want to pull in. So it’s something to keep in mind. We’re going to go through all the rest of these. This was number 13.

Like I said, there’s 35 so just stay tuned and we’ll be we’ll be going through some more. But we’ll be back Tomorrow. In the meantime, you just get out there and let the magic happen.

Do 3 Easy Payments Work?

Part 12 in a 35 part series on headlines from John Caples book, Tested Advertising Methods.

Amazon-Proof Your Business➡️ https://brianjpombo.com/amazonbook/


Do 3 Easy Payments Work.

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

You know, we were doing this series on headlines. And during this process, it’s funny, we’re going through the 35 proven headline formulas presented by John Caples.

In his book Tested Advertising Methods, these are all in chapter five. And we’re up to number 12. Right now.

I’ve started to notice a trend is not only is he giving you ideas for headlines with each of these, but he’s also giving you marketing ideas for how to go about marketing things.

So this is a great example.

It’s all about offering easy payment plans, he says, really, if you’re doing an easy payment plan, put it in the headline, but really starts talking about the benefits of having a payment plan, having some type of easy payment plan instead of just having a lump sum and that’s it.

Having a payment plan on top of it, that gives at least an option for the people that don’t necessarily either want to put that money up front right away, or don’t necessarily have that money up front right away.

So here’s what he says about number 12. The feature an easy payment plan in your headline says sales tests show that the offer to sell merchandise on the installment plan creates many sales that otherwise would be lost.

Many ads mentioned easy payment in the copy, some successful ads have featured this appeal in the headline. Okay.

So that’s the whole idea is just if you’re doing it, put it in the headline. But we already know it works for the marketing end of things. So it’s something to consider regardless of what you’re selling, especially if you’re talking about an item that has a large number on it that has a large price.

Offering a payment plan makes a lot of sense in most cases.

Here’s a couple of examples of headlines. Order now pay after January 10. So there’s putting off a payment, you know, only $2 a week buys this new cassette player.

Well, that’s kind of dated Hmm. But no money down easy payments. When you buy cyclone fence, there’s a no money down offer. So you can either chunk a payment, or you can put off payments or things of that.

And he’s just talking about how can you make an easy payment plan?

How can you put that into the headline.

Now that’s going to attract a certain type of person. This is also the things you have to keep in mind with headlines is the headline is going to be an attractor. And if you don’t want to attract the discount person, or the person that wants to put off a payment right off the bat. You may not want to make that your headline, even if you do offer the option.

You may want to think very closely about what your headline is and who’s going to be seeing it to begin with. Now, if you’re putting it out broad online, over social media depends on whether you’re doing a paid ads or something that’s more targeted.

But if you don’t know if it’s hitting your target market, you have to be very careful about the headline and think about who you’re attracting with it. So that’s just some thoughts to keep in mind when it comes to this particular headline formula.

So we’re going through all 35 of this headline formulas, kind of given some background, given some of the examples that he gives, and kind of going from there, you can go check out all of these, wherever you’re watching this, you’ll be able to see the others you could also go on to YouTube, we’re gonna have a playlist with all of these there depending on when you’re seeing this. So go check that out.

Also, if you are a business owner, that’s looking to take your business from where it’s at, to really take it to higher heights and not quite sure exactly some of the ideas of how to get there. Go check out my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business.

Nine ways to Amazon prove your business you can get a free copy at AmazonProofBook.com. AmazonProofBook.com.

We’ll be back here tomorrow with number 13 in the list of 35. In the meantime, you get out there and let the magic happen.

Special Merchandising Offer Headline Formula

Part 11 in a 35 part series on headlines from John Caples book, Tested Advertising Methods.

Amazon-Proof Your Business➡️ https://brianjpombo.com/amazonbook/


Special merchandising offer headline formula.

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

Lately, we’ve been talking about headline formulas. This is all a series that I’m doing on the 35 year proven headline formulas that have been developed by John Caples.

It’s a comes from chapter five of his book, Tested Advertising Methods. If you could see that there you go get a copy, or if you have a copy, you can read along.

As we go through his 35 top headlines, we’re at number 11. Today, it’s all about the special merchandising offer. Now what I’ve been doing with most of these is creating kind of a quick little title or headline that goes along with each episode that fits into what we’re going by this one.

I just gave it a very generalized title, because I wasn’t quite sure how to handle it now that I’m going to be perfectly honest here, the one we did last night was featured reduced price.

Okay, it’s very straightforward. You have a reduced price, and you just feature it right there on the headline. So I was able to give a very special deal. Last time, and if you’re watching this one, you’ve missed the deal. But you can go back and rewatch that video where we were discussing how you could go about doing that.

I put a headline with it and I made an actual live offer. This one, it’s almost as this won’t listen to what he says it’s number 11. It says feature a special merchandising offer. In this type of headline, you often make an offer that actually causes you to lose money.

You do this in order to entice a customer to start using your product. Here’s some of the examples that he gives for headlines that you could use for big thirst 48 ounces 49 cents, double the trade in value on your for big perennial offer 10 delphiniums, $1 special half price introductory offer eight months, $8.

So it kind of gives example after example, this is very, very, very similar to last night’s one. In fact, I was wondering how to go about doing it. I was talking to my wife and showing her what some of these examples were.

And she said, Well, what we the conclusion we came to is that really this one tells more of a story. It if you have any type of bulk pricing or something that you’re using, you include that in the headline itself.

So you’re putting a lot more of the story forward as to why you’re having some form of a discount, as in terms of a special merchandising offer, like if you if you bundle these together, you’ll be able to get a better deal. And that’s kind of what where he’s going with this one.

Once again, these all these headlines are not going to apply to every situation. But if you have that situation, it’s great to toss it right in the headline, get a person interested to read more, which is the purpose of having the headline to begin with.

It’s not to do the whole job itself is to get them to read more and go on to the next bar or to watch more or to click more. Whatever you’re trying to get them to do within the form of your advertising or your medium. So hopefully that makes sense to you.

We’re going to be going over number 12. Tomorrow night, it’s very similar. It takes place it It still has to do with pricing, we’re still dealing with these ones that all have to do with pricing and how to include pricing, or the lack thereof.

There’s a little hand into your headlines. So we’ve got that coming up tomorrow. Now the reason why I put out these videos on a regular basis is because I’m a business strategist.

So I work with a lot of clients and so I talk a lot about my business strategy, a lot of my thought patterns in terms of how it affects business, and how I go about working with clients.

Now I also have my book that I just came out with this year, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business.

If you’d like to get a free copy of that book, you can go to AmazonProofBook.com get a free download a free copy there. If you want a hard copy. There’s also a chance to get one of those if you go through the process. So go check out AmazonProofBook.com we’ll be back here tomorrow with number 12.

In the meantime, you get out there and let the magic happen.