Make Them Feel At Home ๐Ÿ 

Back home from a family trip to California for a few weeks.


Make them feel at home.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

I am back at home.

For those of you who don’t know, this is the home office of Brian J What I call the headquarters. And it’s good to be back.

It’s about 10 o’clock at night, and all the kids have been put to bed and we’re just happy to be home. For those of you who are maybe new, the last couple of episodes I was at Disneyland and Legoland before that, celebrating Thanksgiving with family.

And so a whole lot of traveling via car, a little bit of traveling via plane and just go go go for 10 days straight kind of a marathon for me and my family. So it was it was fun.

And what I like about traveling, I like getting out and doing something new.

I love going to new places.

I love going to places I’ve been before I just love getting out there and moving and shaking things up, I really do.

But the funny thing is, is there’s nothing quite like home, especially after you’ve been away a while. There’s nothing quite like this getting back at home, it’s just that comfort zone. That just feels right.

And everything’s where you want it to be, you know, or where you at least expect it to be, you may not even want it there. But you’re you expected to be there.

And everyone’s got that in someplace. If it’s not the place where you live, sometimes the place you know, where your parents live, or where you grew up, there’s always a place that you consider home where you feel the most comfortable.

This plays back into business because ideally, what you want to create for your customer base is a feeling of home, all of those types of comforts.

Obviously, this can be taken too far and done in the wrong way and create horrible addictions and everything else by feeling that comfort. But I don’t want to get into that I want to talk about just the easygoing idea that people feel like this is where they belong.

If you can create that belonging concept in your business, it makes a big difference. And you got to think of it as the same way you feel when you’ve been away from home and you come home.

That feeling if you can somehow duplicate that in your business. That’s a really useful thing. I talk about it a little bit in my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business by a little bit.

It’s one of the nine ways is how to create belonging. And it’s I dedicate a whole chapter to it. It’s at least a start in talking about this idea it kind of exploring it for you and your business.

So I highly recommend you go check that out. If you haven’t yet, gotten yourself a copy, you can always just download a free copy, go to

It’s been a long day and a long week in so I’m gonna I’m gonna you know, have a cup of herbal tea and get to bed relatively early.

So I can have a nice full day tomorrow because we’ve got stuff to do tomorrow. Certainly stuff around the house, a little bit of business, and a lot of fun.

So, we’ll see you then come on back.

And in the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

You Don’t Have To Be Famous To Be Effective ๐Ÿ˜ฎ

Brian’s family trip continues as the fam gets set for a trip to Disney’s California Adventure.


You don’t have to be famous to be effective.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J Pombo Live.

Today I’m coming to you from Anaheim, California. I’m staying at the Paradise Pier Hotel and I have had a great day. We’ve had a couple of days, you know, if you’ve been following we’ve had a couple of days of chaos and turmoil. Not a bad way.

So one of the fun types of turmoil, okay.

Today we got to start our day in California Adventure Disney California Adventure is the strange wording of it, but just understand it’s the second Park in Anaheim, California, straight across the way from Disneyland from the original Disneyland that Walt Disney built.

It’s great that they’ve done a whole lot with it, it was started in a really odd way.

California Adventure on discussing will start in a very odd way. And they’ve maneuvered around it over the years to create somewhat of a storyline and to start having a newer character and so forth in there.

One of the major changes that they made was that they took a lot of the story of Walt’s life and created lands around it in order to make these lands that were originally created when the when California venture first came out and have a make a little more sense of the first place you walked down is a little bit like the main street, USA type deal.

Except they changed it to call it when a Vista Street and Buena Vista Street is the main concept of it is this is LA in you know the 20s, late 20s, early 30s, when Walt Disney first arrived on the scene.

He already had a rough go at it he had he had a situation where he completely lost a whole lot of his staff, he lost the character, he was working with everything else.

He was looking to try something brand new and so is in LA for the first time. And there’s all these casts of characters in places and everything that go along with it.

So this is where this, I’ve got this picture I want to show you. First off give you a little bit of background when we first walked down the street, it’s very quaint, it’s very cool. We’re going during the holiday time, so they’re playing Christmas music and Christmas music of that time period or that style at least.

And walking down is really nice.

In the center circle, kind of like a hub. What they have, because of COVID they have the characters that got Mickey Mouse, they had Minnie Mouse, and Goofy dressed in you know, 30 style garb.

But you can’t go up and hug them and talk to them and take pictures with them directly. And because of the whole COVID thing, so that got him kind of distant behind a chain-link fence and not chain link fence but a chain behind a chain where kids can’t come up and touch you but they’re encouraged to come up and take pictures.

So my kids all run up and take pictures with Goofy and they all run up and take pictures with Minnie Mouse. And then along the other side, I noticed two other characters who I the only reason I know who they are is that I’m a nerd about this type of thing.

I understand what the point is behind them but these two characters are standing there and not many people are taking notice of them at the time. I asked my wife I could go over she didn’t mind if I go over I don’t need to ask my wife’s permission but I asked her if she didn’t mind if I go over for a second and take a selfie with these folks.

So here you can see the picture of me with them.

The reason why I took this picture is that it all of a sudden hit me it’s like this is so interesting how these characters were created specifically for this park specifically for this area and most people aren’t even going to know who they are so that the gentleman dresses as a character played by multiple cast members.

Different actors who have played the part of officer Calvin Blue, and he is a character made specifically for that area of Buena Vista Street.

And he walks up and down and would chat people up and talk to people as if he was in that era and is very much a caricature.

Then the other one is Donna, the dog lady, also a character that wanders around talks to people, but because the COVID thing, they don’t do that, so they have to come out and just stand there.

Well, most people don’t know who they are. So they’re not going to go up and take their picture or go talk to them. But they’re there anyway.

So it’s an interesting thing. But besides that, I wanted to point something out bringing it back to business, because that’s what we talk a lot about on here, right. So one of the things that I discussed in my book. 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business, which you can get a free copy at

And I apologize that I’m, I’m yawning, it’s been a rough couple days, just kids and everything else. And I’m up late right now, past when my brain is should be allowed to be able to continue functioning.

But my book, 9 Ways Amazon-Proof Your Business, you can get a free copy of Amazon proof In it, I discussed the concept of being somebody or becoming a somebody if you will.

Whether you are you aren’t, there’s importance be behind being one. And so having a personality that people can connect with, is so very important. Even if they don’t necessarily consider you a celebrity, Goofy, Minnie Mouse, these are celebrities, these are people that are older than most of us.

It’s just really interesting, you the dichotomy between those two, yeah, they can sell, you could sell coffee mugs, and stuffed animals to this day with these characters on and you’re not gonna be able to do that very easily.

With Officer Calvin Blue, and Donna, the dog lady, but the importance is, is that they exist, they were created out of thin air to fill a void.

The same thing can be done in your business, I don’t care what kind of business it is, you can create a character out of thin air, whether it’s real or not, whether it’s yourself, which is always nice, because people light genuine, even if you’re, you’re nothing flashy, or anything else, if you’re genuine people really enjoy that.

But whether it’s yourself or whether it’s a completely made-up character, if it’s interesting enough, if it holds attention. And I say that in the sense of being made up, if it isn’t made up, just the fact that you’re genuine will draw attention. But if it’s made up, it’s got to be interesting.

And so if it’s an interesting character that has some color to it, and some in something to keep your attention, people will go along with it, even if they know it’s a complete fabrication.

You know, people go along with the Geico Gecko, even though they know this is a cartoon on the screen, or, at the very worst-case scenario, they, they don’t think that a gecko has been trained to speak English and, and sit there and promote insurance. So there you go.

It’s very important to have that personality somewhere in your marketing, you can, you can do a whole lot without it. But have that it handles a whole lot of the heavy lifting that you would have to do otherwise.

It’s very difficult, where if you can add that to it, you’ve added a dimension, that’s, that can’t be replaced. I mean, to this day, they haven’t found a replacement for Colonel Sanders over at KFC. And that’s because it was such a unique character that this man had developed. He’s both himself and he’s a flamboyant character.

You can’t replace that.

So just a quick tip, quick ideas of how to think about go check out my book for more details. Or stay tuned here. Wherever you’re watching or listening to this.

I love to hear what you think about characters, and whether you think it’s something that your business can need if it isn’t what you think it needs. If you think there’s no possible way that you could include personality in your business.

Leave me a comment wherever you’re watching or listening to this. I’d love to hear from you. That’s all I got for tonight. You have a good one.

Get out there and let the magic happen.

Disneyland and COVID19 ๐Ÿ‘€

Brian’s family trip continues as the fam gets set for a trip to Disneyland.


Disneyland and COVID-19.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

We had a great day at Disneyland today not really a full day, they were closing early and we got started a little later than we expected, or than we wanted to I should say it Was pretty much what we expected and so we squeezed as much out of the day as we could a day at Disneyland with a wife, my and also my mother along and three kids, all under the age of seven, lots of fun, we had a good time.

A lot of interesting things that you can take, as I’ve mentioned in the past three or four episodes that you could take off of vacation, especially when you’re going to a money-making place like Disneyland, where the whole thing is designed to separate you from your money as much as possible as quickly as possible.

And it’s a really tough thing to do.

I’m not really sure what the answer is but you can really see a huge change that has happened.

I mean, as in everywhere but especially at Disneyland with COVID-19. And a lot of this goes back to the history of Disneyland, it’s a very interesting idea of how it was put together.

How Walt Disney very specifically referred to the staff at Disneyland as not just staff or security or this or that job. But as cast members, they call them cast members.

So he came from the entertainment industry, right.

But he saw that if they see this as more of a show that they’re putting on, and that they are cast members, and that the people that are there are guests, and they are putting on a show for them in a sense, if they realize that, that that that brings on a completely different field than any other job, especially in the amusement field, right.

So it that’s interesting.

So you’ve got, you’ve got a job, you take a job at Disney at Disneyland, you are a cast member so you’re an entertainer of sorts, you are fulfilling a need as a member of the cast, whatever that need is, even if you’re sweeping, you know, crumbs off the ground like I saw someone do it today who didn’t seem too thrilled about it.

I mean, who could be right? It’s tough to make that look joyous.

I’ve seen it done but it’s rare that you see somebody do that. But you see a situation where you’ve got to perform, you’re always on.

You realize that and really that’s true of any customer service position or any position where you are in the public eye at all. You really are a cast member in a sense. But Disney Land has always made that a point of what they do.

Now, I’ve never been a Disney cast member. So if there’s anybody out there, if there’s anything I’m saying that’s off base, please put me in my place. This is all from the outside looking in.

From all the stuff I’ve read about Disney and spoken with other cast members about so I could be off on some of these ideas but you’re a performer in a sense, you’re also a servant to them, to all the guests that are there.

This is one of those things that’s very much drilled in, in and Walt Disney himself from what I understand he said something to the extent of, you know, we work so that the guests can play.

That’s the idea that that’s the idea of being a cast member really putting it all out there and doing everything you can for each individual guest’s experience.

So if you see a way to be able to create some magic that day for somebody, you go out of your normal routine in order to do that, that that takes priority over your normal routine, depending on what that routine is.

Bringing COVID, right, all of a sudden now you have a situation and I’m not going to get into the politics of it. But just the plain fact of the matter is the state governments specifically and now the federal government more and more but specifically the state government has made a very big push Disneyland’s in California, right.

So the state governments made a very big push from Cal OSHA to make sure that masks are worn in buildings at all times vaccinated or unvaccinated, doesn’t matter that masks are to be worn by everybody above the age of two and above.

So if your child is two years old like mine, mine is or above, they’re required to wear a mask indoors, outdoors, no masks are required whatsoever. Okay.

That is, the problem is it’s being left on the business owner’s responsibility to enforce it. So now what does this cast member become?

This cast member becomes somebody that’s policing you in a sense, I mean, they are saying, hey, put the mask up. But then and it’s constant, it’s all the time. And it’s not, it’s not that they want to, and it’s not and some of them may want to I don’t, it doesn’t matter to me whether they want to or not, but doesn’t matter if they want to, they are being forced to do it. In order for Disneyland to even keep its doors open.

They have to go along with this specific mandate. And they’re being watched and being kept as an example, to the rest of the amusement park industry. So they’re put in a really nasty situation, and the cast member concept is being twisted quite a bit.

Regardless of all the other regulations that are in place there. There’s a lot of really interesting ones that are happening. COVID-19 has caused the government to work in a certain way, which has caused businesses to have to change in a way that will certainly be detrimental to them in the long run.

You can’t, you can’t mess with that relationship and hope to have a good outcome. So it’s screwy. It’s strange, and there’s a whole lot of other levels to it.

I’m a bit too exhausted to go into all that right now. I know more will come up over time. So I’ll bring some stuff up in later episodes. But hopefully, that’s helpful to you. I’d love to hear what you think about it.

Have you been to Disneyland or other amusement parks, theme parks and what have you seen of how this help?

How are they different from each other?

How has it changed their business practices?

Do you think it’s a good thing or a bad thing?

I’d love to hear about leave a comment wherever you’re watching this or listening to it. So also go check out my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business. You get a free copy at That’s all I got for tonight.

You have a good one. Get out there and let the magic happen.

What Are You Really Selling? ๐Ÿคจ

Brian’s family trip continues as the fam gets set for a trip to Legoland in California.


What are you really selling?

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

I’m still here at Legoland California, late at night, out here visiting with my, well, taking my family on a little vacation I should say. And have been having a good time learning a lot.

As I mentioned last night, there’s a whole lot of business inventions that you can gain from, from looking at businesses that work because businesses that work because they feed people, they feed people something that people want, good or bad, they they do their job.

They provide something valuable to people for money and if you can take that and translate it back to your business, look at what’s actually being sold.

The real question is, what is what are you really selling?

If you’re in business what are you actually selling?

I don’t mean the product. I don’t mean the service itself. I don’t mean all the features and the way you would go about describing it. I’m talking about what you’re actually selling.

And here’s an example.

So is from a customer standpoint, right?

My wife and I are here with my three kids. And I said this really weird thing.

So we’re staying at the Legoland Hotel.

It’s this place here.

It’s pretty wild. I mean, this is in the middle of the night, everyone’s while middle of the night.

I think is nine o’clock or something but everyone’s asleep.

The kids have gone to bed, and everything’s nice and quiet but it’s still lit up and everything else, it’s still pretty magnificent to look at.

But back to my story. If you think about what we’re actually getting from all of this. I sat back and was talking with my wife and I said, You know what, the thing that I’ve gotten the most out of this experience is, this is probably the calmest I’ve ever been being out in public with people and my kids.

And I was trying to put my finger on and that occurred to me most of the time.

So I’ve got three little kids, I’ve got a seven-year-old, four-year-old, a two-year-old and they’re chaos.

Not necessarily in a bad way. Most of them, they’re good kids, but they’re’s chaos.

They’re just chaotic little beings and everywhere you take them, you’re trying to keep them from either hurting themselves or causing destruction everywhere they go.

And that’s not a bad thing. It’s just part of having kids and being in public with other people. And people who don’t have kids, they didn’t understand it.

It’s tougher, even if you’ve had kids at one time. I know my parents they are not as patient the with the kids necessarily as we are because they’re just not around them as often and every little thing irks them a little more, you know.

And so it’s one of those things where you’re always kind of on edge when you’re out in public with the kids, you’re trying to keep them from hurting themselves because the world is not childproof.

You’re trying at the same time you’re trying to keep them from getting in the way of everybody else. You try and keep them from being getting lost and running off and getting into this and that. Here, this whole place is relatively childproof.

I mean, it’s childproof because it for one thing it has to be because the only people that come here are kids and kids a very specific age group, for the most part, are the ones that are really geared to Legoland, unlike something like Disneyland, which we’re going to tomorrow, so maybe I’ll be able to do a message from there but different story.

You’re talking about Disneyland, the whole vibe of Disneyland the way it was designed, was to play to kids and kids at heart, so to play to everyone that wants to have a little bit of childhood innocence.

And so, adults go to Disneyland on a regular basis now.

Kids go to Disneyland of course always will but it isn’t just for them. There are lots of rides for adults and everything is legal.

And on the other hand, it’s very specifically geared toward children. But because of this because of the Legoland hotel how it’s designed, it’s funny I keep saying I probably mispronounced Legoland on occasion. Because the Google Maps says that you’re on Legoland drive, or Legoland drive, it tries to pronounce it and it comes out funny.

So we keep saying it funny between ourselves but the cool thing about this hotel and everybody, you’re surrounded by people with kids around the same age, so everyone’s a little bit more easygoing.

Unlike a lot of California, when you have kids the mask thing isn’t necessarily always a big as big a deal as it is to everybody else. For better or worse, whenever whatever your political slant is on that it doesn’t matter.

But that’s one thing you’ll see here is people are a lot more lacs about that type of thing.

In general, not everybody.

But in general, a lot more lacks than the rest of California.

It’s just all in all, you can kind of sit back and it’s not that big a deal. Because if a person was just walking around on their own around here, they’d stand out.

But if you’re with kids, and you’ve got your kids, you just feel like there’s not a lot of danger around here.

They got decent security, at least visible security.

Everything’s clean, relatively clean, but it also has a worn feel to it. It was just funny, when you’re around kids and kids stuff, everything gets worn out pretty quickly.

The whole place is a little bit worn.

In most cases, any other hotel that I would go to, I would consider that really low class. Here. It’s comforting because they can’t my kids can’t destroy their kids nine on everything, and going up things all day long out here.

So I know my kids it even if they did do damage it was it was not the first time and the staff here can handle it.

The staff knows how to handle kids because they’re handling them all the time. It just across the board. I like that.

But let’s take it back to your business. So I’m sorry for going on a rant here. But you take it back to your business, you say,

What am I actually providing?

Well, you’re providing what Lego Land is providing me Lego Land at Legoland Hotel, and the whole resort here.

They’re providing me a comfortable place to take my kids and hang out a less stressful vacation. I didn’t know that that stuff was even there. I did not even really realize that, that having kids and walking around with them was really all that stressful until it wasn’t there.

Now that’s not, but see, I’m not even sure if these people understand that that’s what they’re providing. I’m not sure if the corporate structure or the marketing team understands that.

So what they’re providing?

I’ll tell you what, if they sell that though, they’re going to have, they’re going to have some response. If they sell that even just to people who have already been here, they’re going to get response back from it, I can almost guarantee you, it’s that distinct for me. So you have to ask yourself for your business.

What are you providing in the end game?

What is the feeling that someone is going to have after getting the end result from using your product or service?

What is that feeling?

How would they describe it?

What’s the story that they would tell?

Have they told the story?

Have you asked them what the story is?

And what feeling how does that make them feel as opposed to how they felt previously?

That’s what you got to dig into.

What are you really selling?

That’s the question for tonight. That’s all I’ve got for you.

Go check out my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Poof Your Business for more strategies on how you can make your business competition proof.

You can get a free copy at

We’ll see you tomorrow. You have a good one.

In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

Legoland For Business Owners? ๐Ÿค—

Brian’s family trip continues as the fam gets set for a trip to Legoland in California.


Legoland for business owners.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

I have not walked in this place yet. Here it is late night.

Late night on, let’s see, what is it Sunday.

And I’m here to take my kids tomorrow morning to Legoland.

I’m staying right over here, at the Legoland hotel in California.

It’s been a fun experience. The hotel itself is very interesting how you can take if you’re looking at this from a pure business perspective, how you can take a toy, a relatively benign toy, little plastic bricks that you could put together to create different things, you can create a theme park out of it, you can then produce a hotel out of it.

Let’s promote the theme park, you can then have a second hotel, they got a little Lego Castle over here.

You could put all those things together and end up with something completely beyond what the creator could ever possibly imagine, including movies, everything else, you ever want to look at a huge business story in terms of being able to what would you call it, repurpose.

And take a very simple idea and move it over multiple multiple formats and backgrounds with The Lego Movie, though I mean, just everything that Lego touches all the other areas that they touch, including, you know, Star Wars and superheroes.

I mean, is there anything that does not do not have a Lego version out there.

Incredible what they’ve been able to do, what they’ve been able to get away with, and how they can print money off of taking one simple idea and duplicating a million times over. It’s something you can learn from something you could do in your own business.

But here’s how it really goes back to your business. Take your kids to places like this and look at the whole thing. This is what was talking about last night about combining business and family time.

Well, you can do that. Because it’s difficult to be in a place like this without any kids. Maybe if you’ve got a friend or two that are willing to come along with you, it won’t look as nefarious.

But if you’re just a single person walking around Lego, and everyone’s gonna look at you kind of strange, because it is very much a younger person’s, I mean, very younger audience that we’re dealing with here and so you might want to have some kids.

Now, if you don’t have kids, here’s the trick, the real trick is if you don’t have kids, what you got to do is get somebody else’s kids and take them.

Okay, and here’s how I would do it. Because I spent many, many years as a single white male, and did not have kids of my own.

I and I never had to do this directly, because I always had nephews and nieces and a good relationship with their parents. So it wasn’t, it was never an issue. And I went a lot of places with them.

But what I would recommend you do, if you don’t have that is, is think about the people you know, who do have children, and including yourself in those activities as much as possible and just tell the parents, hey, directly, I really would love to check out Legoland.

But I have a hard time figuring out how to do that is just as just a single person. And so how what I’d love to do, I’d love to take your kids now if you’ve got the money, take their kids and pay for the whole darn trip.

If you don’t have the money, say, hey, let’s take your kids, you pay for you and your kids, I’ll pay for myself. And I’ll help babysit and I’ll help do anything else I can to offset charges.

To help make it easier for you. I can help watch them or take them in different directions. If you want to go one place with the older kids and I’ll go one place with younger kids. We could do that.

There’s a whole bunch of different ways you can handle that and you can use the situation to be able to study the amazing business prowess

of how they have been able to do this. I Legos is just one example going to any of Disney’s properties is another but you can see this on multiple levels in different scenarios where they can take licensed property and just be able to print money over and over and over again. I could spend a year at this one location, dissecting each of the pieces out there for you on video.

I will dissect more Lego in the future and we’ll see, we’ll see how the land goes tomorrow.

Maybe we’ll go more into it or maybe I’ll completely ignore it and go in a different direction but this is the story I have for you tonight coming to you from Legoland California.

And I’ll be back tomorrow night with more. This is all part of the fun. I’d love to hear what you think about Lego and that story. You know, this little company started in Denmark, you know, many, many, I mean, close to 100 years ago now.

And now, what it’s become, so that you can’t possibly imagine, but you have a great night. We’ll be back here tomorrow.

Go check out my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business if you really want to know how to stand out in the way that Lego does. Go check out a copy of that book. It’ll get you started in this whole way of thinking about business.

Get a Free copy at

9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business. I’ll be back here tomorrow.

You have a good night. Get out there and let the magic happen.

Traveling For Business With Family ๐Ÿš™๐Ÿ‘ช

Brian continues his family trip while prepping to fly down to Southern California.


Traveling for business with family.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

I am sitting here in the garage of our hotel, we have three kids under the age of seven old trying to get to sleep. This is a very temporary stay because we’re looking to fly out of here and probably leave the hotel around five o’clock in the morning. So this will be fun.

We’ve got an early morning flight out of here, we’re going down to Southern California where we’ll be visiting Lego Land and Disneyland and this is not a typical business trip.

This is a podcast that we do here, we tend to focus on business concepts and ideas, whether you’re talking tactics, strategies, or principles.

Most of the time when you see me out and about we’re dealing with a business trip type scenario. But when you’re with family, it’s the same thing no matter what they are going to see it as vacation, they’re going to see it as a fun time out.

And you’ve got to be able to do business along the way.

Now, while this isn’t a distinctly business trip, I am doing business along the way, I’ve got my laptop with me, and every spare.

Second, I’ll be doing the stuff I got to do there but while you’re doing that, you also got to take care of family, if you got a wife, if you got kids that that can or husband or what have you, it can get to be really interesting.

And you got to be that there’s one word that’s very clear, that comes to me over and over again, it’s something I’ve it comes a little more natural to me, even though I’ve been through a whole lot to force me to be more flexible.

Flexible is the word, you have to be flexible when you’re traveling, especially by air. But even beyond that, you have to learn to be flexible, we got into a situation where we thought we were going to be leaving from a different place today.

We had things switched upon us to our benefit that a better situation arose but we had to be flexible. And my wife said I’m starting to learn to just go with it when I’m not in control of things.

That meant a lot hearing that from her because she’s not a naturally flexible person. She likes to be in control of things.

So it’s been a very interesting eye-opening situation, but also a lesson in flexibility.

We get to the hotel, they don’t really know where our room is like we’re on the right floor. But for some reason, the room numbers are out of order and so they’re not. And the staff doesn’t know where the missing room is.

So we had to kind of go door to door until we found ours out in the middle of a strange place where you went think that number would be.

I mean, really lots of fun stuff like that kids are going bonkers because they’ve gone through Thanksgiving and gotten all sugared up and everything and, and they’ve been eating leftovers and living out of other people’s houses for a while now. And so they’re learning to be flexible, but we also need to learn to be patient in dealing with them. Now we’re, we’re just gonna throw fuel right on the fire by taking them to a theme park, three days in a row.

We’ll see how this goes.

We’ll see if you hear from me over the next few days.

Hopefully, I plan to come to you no matter what. If I can, if I can. Excuse me, this is what happens you get tired and everything else.

If I cannot walk off to the side and be able to talk with you straight from some of these locations. Probably not going to happen. But if I can, I will.

So that’s what I got for you tonight. The key is flexibility when you’re dealing with family but I highly encourage you to bring your family along on business every time you can.

Your life still goes on and it’s important for your children to see you still while you’re in work mode or around the time that you’re in work mode.

That’s not a bad thing and you got to integrate your family as much as you can into your business. The people I know who haven’t their families have fallen apart. And if that you you can attest to this. I’d love to hear from you.

Leave a comment with whether you think I’m wrong on flexibility on this anybody.

Leave a comment wherever you’re watching or listening to this or go to and comment under this post.

That’s all I have for tonight. Go check out my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business and you get a free copy at and I’ll be back here tomorrow, hopefully if I’m still alive.

You have a good one get out there and let the magic happen.