Record Everything 📼

Brian talks about his old record from the 80’s and the value of recording your work.


Record everything.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J Pombo Live.

I have here, my handy dandy cassette recorder from the 80s.

Had to have been the 80s. Does this have a date on it?

Would’ve been late 80s I’m guessing and I would it has a little microphone right here. So I record like this and hold it out and ask people questions with it.

People who grew up around me will remember this exact model because I’ve had it all these darn years.

Recording everything, what am I talking about when it comes to business?

It’s been a huge theme throughout my whole life and when I started recording on little cassettes, audio cassettes, I saw there’s a huge value in having things recorded.

You could go in a million different directions with it. And it’s just so natural that I fell into this area where I work a lot in content marketing, helping people and businesses get into the content, marketing space, and build things off of it.

It all comes from the concept of recording everything.

And deeper concept. The reason why you should be recording everything in your life. And I’m not just saying record audio, I’m saying record video, record audio, record your thoughts as words on paper, record, type it out, whatever.

Record ideas, concepts, procedures, record it all.

It’s all useful to some extent, and the stuff that isn’t useful, it’s easy to get rid of, especially with digital, the fact that we everything’s digital now.

When I was growing up, all we had was just regular photography. So when we when it came to taking pictures, we were careful about what we took pictures of because pictures weren’t cheap.

I started getting a little bit cheaper with disposable cameras and so forth. But even then you felt like you had to be careful about what you took pictures of.

I remember taking a bunch of pictures with a disposable camera, that these were the cameras that you would that you literally you could if the film stayed inside, and then they broke it apart to get the film out once the whole camera was done, the whole, the rest of the camera can be thrown away. I love the concept.

Most of the time when I took pictures with disposable cameras, they never turned out.

So I always felt like that was a huge waste of money.

But that nowadays with digital, there’s no end to what you can hold on to space in terms of the amount of space on a phone or a computer or, or a thumb drive. It’s so inexpensive and getting less expensive all the time.

It’s so easy to hold on to things, that there’s no reason why you shouldn’t be recording everything. In businesses, it’s extremely helpful and it comes down to this concept of system.

This is one of the three tenants of, is the concept of being system-based, you have to have a system-based business at some point.

If it’s anything you’re ever going to walk away from, if it’s anything that you’re ever going to sell, if it’s anything that you’re ever just going to want to take a vacation away from you have to have procedures and processes recorded.

You’ve got to have this down somewhere you got to show people how it’s done in as many ways as possible.

I was speaking with a group today and there were some new people involved in this group. And we were talking about these different processes that we do on a regular basis.

As I was going through it, I was going through all the stuff that excited me about these things right now. And then they brought something someone else brought something up and I’m like, Oh, that’s a huge piece I completely forgot didn’t major piece of what I was talking about.

And if they would have gone forward with just what I would have told them off the top of my head. They could have fouled it up massively without this one extra little piece.

This is why we record things.

This is why you don’t want to be the eternal teacher for all time. You have to record your teachings you have to record your findings in everything so that you have something that can go on and on and on. without you being there.

Content Marketing becomes information marketing is becomes information products and so forth.

These are things that go far beyond you. I was talking with another gentleman that’s running for office. And he was discussing all the different marketing agendas he had.

I said, what don’t forget, people want to get to know who you are, you got to put video out there, you got to get to let people get to know you. If there’s nothing out there, they’re not going to have that chance other than if they catch you somewhere in person.

You’ve got to be out there, you got to have video out there working for you. 24/7. That’s content marketing, is getting content out there.

So that people can learn so that people can know.

But it doesn’t matter if it’s internal structures within your business, business, and system like we say system-based, or whether it’s out there, doing the job of letting people get to know you or getting to know your product, your service your business.

It’s all the same thing. Record record record, never stop recording.

It’s one of the most it’s all that gets left behind in the end and what gets recorded. What gets measured. gets better.

So hopefully that makes sense.

Hey go check out my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business. You can get a free copy at

That’s all I have for today. You have a good one. Get out there and let the magic happen.