Give It Your Best Shot, Tomorrow 😉

Life is short. Brian shares some thoughts, health and doing your best in the time you have, as he heads out to Bandon, Oregon with the family for Mothers Day weekend.


Give it your best shot tomorrow.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

You know, a lot of times people talk about, you know, just doing your best all the time, 100%, 110% and all that.

And really it comes. For me, it really comes down to doing your best one moment at a time. Sometimes you get down to the end of the day, and you say, I just, there’s so much more I could have done worse, or I could have done so much better.

Then in that scenario, you really have to say, okay, well, tomorrow you got to, you just got to set it in line for tomorrow and get some good sleep and get up as early as you can and try at it again.

So today, I’ll give you a little bit of background about how I how I came up with this topic. today. I’m out on the west coast of Oregon, a little town called Bandon, you can go look it up, Bandon, Oregon.

We like to come out in here, at least during the warm part of the year. This is probably a little early for that. Because it’s still a little cool out here.

But we’ll see how tomorrow goes.

We’re right on the beach and nice little motel we’ve never been here before. And we are just hanging out for Mother’s Day. So I hope you have a great Mother’s Day if you’re watching this on Mother’s Day or beyond, and I have my birthday coming up.

So I also like coming around to this area of the world during my birthday if we ever if we have time we have. So I’m here with the family.

I’m out in the car recording because everyone inside is trying to sleep so difficult thing for when I’m out of town, you end up getting a dashboard recording here. But they tonight after having a pretty decent day we had a good trip, uneventful in terms of travel, and which is good when it comes to happen a big family and then I got some Oh, relatively bad news about a family member who’s who has cancer and is having a large, essential piece of their body cut out because of it.

Now they think that they can take care of it and they think they’ll be able to extend their life longer.

But it’s nothing fun, It’s nothing you like to see. But it really comes down to from my perspective, realizing that we got a teeny tiny, short life in the great perspective of things. It really doesn’t last long.

You just got to do your best one day at a time. And it’s nighttime here. So My day starts tomorrow, I’m going to be the best person I can before I fall asleep. But everything else needs to happen tomorrow, just going to get out there and do it.

Hopefully get up, beat the family up hopefully to get get a couple things done. Before we we head out on our day adventure, hanging out at the beach and doing other things exploring what we’d like to do.

I just suggest you do the same because you don’t know how long your loved ones are going to be with you. You don’t know how long you’re going to be kicking it around. And so you just got to do your best one day at a time, always discover something new.

Be as courageous as possible.

Try new things, don’t leave any regrets as little as possible. Nothing more than that.

That’s all I got for you tonight. You have a great night we’ll be back tomorrow.

Go check out a copy of my free book over at it’s 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business. All about business, nothing as heavy as we’re talking about tonight.

We’ll be back tomorrow. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen. – The Secret Hack, To Productivity Hacks

Thoughts on using, to help you with your organization skills.

Checkout Notion –


The Secret Hack, to Productivity Hacks.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

I want to talk about productivity hacks, but specifically, the secret hack behind all productivity hacks. And this came after I’ve come in contact just in the past week, with a whole lot of people giving advice on pieces of software and services you can get online that are productivity hacks. That are things that will help you be more productive as a business owner, as a person that’s maybe entrepreneurial thinking or what have you.

And I and I will give you lists over time.

Here’s one specific one that I just came in contact with. It’s called notion. And I’ll put the link in the description. notion is a productivity hack. In a sense, it’s a website that allows you to organize your thoughts in a certain way.

I’m trying it out so far and as with most cases, I find that if they’re somewhat helpful, I really enjoy them in the very beginning.

But the real test is over time is after the excitement has kind of died down. And I have to deal with it on a regular basis.

All the fun is taken out of it because I know all of its functionality.

What now, how useful is it?

But so far I’ve been I’ve been pretty happy with this one, I’ll give you more info. As time goes on, we’ll see how well it works in the long run.

Here’s what I found.

Here’s the big hack behind all productivity hacks.

And it’s this one size does not fit all.

Just because it works for somebody does not mean it’s going to work for you, it can be great and life changing for them. I mean, honestly, one little piece of software, one little website or service that you subscribe to, or even Oh, the Holy Grail, the free online service, that changes your life, right?

That can happen. It can happen it can, it does exist for some people.

But you got to remember, it has a lot to do with your co nation with your mentality with your personality with how you function, and everybody’s different.

This is what’s crazy, everybody’s different.

Now, if you know more about co nation, like we’ve discussed before that Kathy Kolbe way of thinking, you can look up more at, K O L B E dot com.

You can find out all about her companies, and the ideas that they’re trying to spread in terms of figuring out people’s co nation. So being able to quantify how you work best, and then showing you how to do that and how to work with others that work best in different ways.

That’s been a huge eye opener, because it shown me that just because I can’t figure out how to do something that seems to work for everybody else, doesn’t mean there’s something wrong with me.

It’s just not the way I’m wired.

I’m wired a different way, and I’ve got to find other people that are wired in other ways to be able to fill in the gaps in my business, in my projects that I work on and everything else.

So what’s that have to do with productivity?

Productivity is different for everybody. Everyone’s going to be productive in different ways.

This is the kind of the issues with school right now is they tend to have one cookie cutter way, especially the public school system has one cookie cutter way in the United States, of how you should be doing it of the proper way that you should be sitting in a class for this much time.

You should be paying attention to the teacher, you should be writing notes. You should have a certain amount of homework every night. All the shoulds.

And even parents do this to their kids. They think well, this is what worked for me, so why isn’t it working for you?

You must be lazy.

You must have something wrong with you.

You must need, you know, mental therapy or something. You must need medication not that there aren’t people that do but in general, I don’t think it’s necessary.

I think that we are so different in how we function and how we think that we think that one thing works for all and so with productivity hacks, taking it back to you and taking it back to become be trying to be more productive.

I’ll give you my own story.

My own story is I’m extremely unorganized, have been my entire life.

I mean, there’s organization to it but not…it’s not a real strict organization.

I love organization, I love things that are organized, I love being able to find things, being able to train myself.

In order to do that, I have failed time after time, after time, after time again.

I can put things in order. I can organize things I can alphabetize things.

I remember even as a kid, I had my baseball cards organized in shoe boxes, and I had them alphabetically organized, you know, or I could do it a million different ways.

But I tend to stick alphabetical and I love doing that type of thing. It’s relaxing for me to be able to organize things that are very alike things if I could organize them great.

But my life is not a bunch of like things, my life is a whole bunch of different things, different projects, different businesses.

And so, disorganization always tends to win out when I’m trying to focus on something else. Everything else goes on organized and I forget how I had it organized to begin with.

And so most of the productivity tools out there do not fit me and I can tell within a few minutes that they don’t fit me.

Every once a while I get closer and closer for the longest time I was working with Trello T R E L L O, I don’t know if you’ve seen that one, Trello.

It’s basically in the sense, it’s like a digital cork board, if you could say that.

It’s very, very useful for what it does that and they have a they have a name for that type of structure and that type of organization. And I can’t remember what it is off the top my head. But there’s a process for that and those are great.

That’s a very, it’s a very open system. But it hasn’t worked the best, I haven’t been able to do it ongoing.

It’s very difficult for me to bring a new person in and train them up on that and explain to the big picture, which is where notion comes in this notion, website allows me to zoom back and show them the big picture.

But also zoom in to each individual area, and show the details of it and be able to go deeper and deeper and deeper into one subject. So that’s a cool thing.

Maybe that’s be up your alley, maybe not.

Maybe you’re completely different for me. Don’t get caught up with all the productivity hacks, try something out.

Either it works or it doesn’t work.

If it doesn’t dump it, set it aside. bookmark it, if it makes you feel better, so that you have the ability to go back to it later. But don’t get freaked out, find what works for you.

And find what works for your team and the people that work with you. And if you do that, you’ll be happy in the long run.

I guarantee it at least that’s how it’s worked for me.

Hopefully that makes sense to you. If you like some strategies to help you grow your business this is my main thing is I helping you grow your business. Sometimes we deal more personal mindset issues.

But if you’re talking large scale your entire business, you’re gonna want to check out my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business. You can go and buy it wherever books are sold, or you can go to and download your very own free copy. Do it now while it’s still available. That’s We’ll be back here tomorrow night. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.