Who Are You Doing It For? 🤡 (P.T. Barnum Quote)

Brian uncovers an interesting quote from P.T. Barnum from his book The Art Of Getting Money.


Who you doing it for?

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J Pombo Live.

And that’s the question who are you doing it for? I come to this question by coming across a quote by P.T. Barnum.

P.T. Barnum of, you know, the circus and so forth, he wrote in a book called, The Art of Money Getting.

And in that book, he said, “If all the world were blind, except myself, I should not care for fine clothes or furniture.”

And it’s a funny way of looking at it, if you really consider the idea.

Okay, everyone’s blind.

Now, except for you, would you still be wearing the same clothes, driving the same car?

Would your house look as nice?

Would you even have the same items or would it matter at all?

I mean, you still got all the same relationships, everything else that people can’t see. And it brings up the concept of who are you doing it all for?

You know, what’s it all about for you, in the end, and you eventually have to get to that point anyway, best you get to it as quickly as possible, is who are you doing it for?

Now, there is advantages, especially if you’re looking to encourage people to do what you’ve done, to have some very visible evidence of that. I mean, that’s really necessary.

If you’re training people to do the same thing, you kind of have to put on a bit of a show. And as long as you realize that, that’s what you’re doing if you realize that your life is a show and that the certain things that you purchase aren’t for you that you realize that really is for other people, and you’re okay with that, then that’s fine. Most of us don’t think about it, what we end up doing is we end up including it into our psyche of everything that we want.

And everything that we want to do and want to have and want to be, it’s all tangled up with what other people think about us, even after you’ve been relatively successful, there’s still a little bit in there.

Sometimes the people change, it may not be the people you went to high school with.

Now it’s the people at work, or it’s the people who are making who are at a higher stratosphere of money-making than you are perhaps, you know if you’re looking to become a millionaire, you want to impress the millionaires, if you’re looking to be a billionaire, you want to impress the billionaires.

And so there’s always tends to be a little bit of that there. It’s I don’t think it’s that important to, you know, completely rid yourself of all of that. I think it’s important for you to know what your motivations are.

And realize that pleasing other people in terms of or making other people jealous, depending on how you look at it shoving in other people’s faces that only gets you so much of a high.

Then after that you’re gonna come down off of it, regardless of whether you’re driving around a Rolls Royce or whatever.

And you’re left with okay, what’s, what am I doing for me?

And what am I doing for the betterment of, of all that is good in the world, or whatever, you know, you have to come back to the idea beyond that.

Because no matter what, you’re going to be left with that anyways, at the end of the day, you’re going to be left with just what you got in front of you. If that makes sense. Hopefully, it does.

I just really I like this quote the way P.T. Barnum puts it and it’s within a section of his book where he goes into some of these ideas.

So it’s an interesting point that I just thought I’d throw out there to you. Now, I work with business owners and executives, and I look at partnering up either purchasing their business or in partnering up with their business and finding a way to be able to build equity.

And if that’s something you’d be interested in, I recommend every once a while I get people asking about it. I don’t promote that into my business that heavily. But if you’re interested, check out my book first before you do anything else to make sure that we would agree on where to take things, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business.

Amazon proofing is just the concept of being completely competition proof even if that competition was as big as Amazon.com you can get you can go purchase a book if you really want to get into it. I’d suggest doing that. You get that amazon.com anywhere. Or you can get a free copy from AmazonProofBook.com.


That’s all I got for tonight you have a good one get out there and just let the magic happen.