Old Will Always Become New 👴👶

Thoughts on trends and human behavior.


Old will always become new.

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo. Welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

Today I wanted to talk about this concept that I’ve seen most often in dealing with business. Because I’m a Business investor, I deal with a lot of different types of businesses, I study a lot more than even the ones I deal with and you see patterns.

And these are patterns of human nature.

We get certain concepts of something that’s new, that’s fresh, that’s different, that’s odd, that’s weird. And it never stays the same.

That odd weird thing, you start seeing more and more and more until it becomes normal.

Then the thing that was normal then becomes odd and weird. Everything old becomes new, and everything new becomes old. And it just this constant cycle.

This is true, very, very much in business. And anyone that’s been involved with Ionic Yes, I would say 5 to 10 years doing any type of marketing for business. You’ll see this trend over and over and seems to even be speeding up I think with technology.

It’s allowed a lot of these societal issues that have always existed to be able to speed up. But this this comic strip, this is from the rubes comic strip. Lee Rubin

Rubin. I think you can find it at rubes cartoons.com I believe that’s right.

He was I don’t own this comic strip or have rights to it. I saw it in social media, so I figured I’d show it to you.

So for those of you listening, it says the amazing untattooed ban, and this guy posing with his skin with zero tattoos on them.

It posing in a way that was very similar to the sideshow circus act because at one time, a person that had an enormous amount of tattoos was odd was weird, was different, was avant garde.

It was it was a freak, a sideshow freak would only do that.

Through the years and really honestly, within the past 15 years, I would say, tattoos have become more and more popular to wear a person that is fully tattooed.

Just about nearly all their body covered in tattoos is commonplace nowadays.

And it’s less common to see someone with zero tattoos.

Now, that’s not making a judgment call one way or the other about tattoos. The point is, is something that was odd and really nonconformist has become the conformist and the nonconformist is a person that doesn’t get a tattoo.

You see these things, and this always happens, this happens in everything. This happens up in your talking media’s of marketing.

So at one time, there, you had piles of junk mail, in your mailbox, I’d say 20 years ago, I pull out some pile out of my mailbox on a daily basis, a huge pile of stuff.

So much so that you it was, it wasn’t that effective, there was ways to be effective. But it was tougher back then, because there was so much competition.

Obviously, some of it must have been effective. Otherwise, they wouldn’t have been spending money on it. But it just seemed like such a waste, such a waste and paper and everything else.

Most people were sick of junk mail and I was when I was younger. And nowadays, you don’t get that much unless you have a whole lot of subscriptions unless you’re you donated somewhere or have have are used to receiving a whole lot of mail, you probably don’t receive that much.

Not like you used to a lot of our bills and everything else has become electronic, so on and so on.

So, in that situation, nowadays, it’s more profitable to use direct mail to market to people because there’s so little competition because it’s so different. It’s so it’s almost odd to receive things in the mail, especially a very clear cut marketing piece that does a good job.

You don’t see those type of things, so what’s old becomes new again.

You’ll see the same things with online stuff. There’s no doubt it will it will always change it will never be exactly the same. But but something old will become nougat which is why I love studying history because you always see, you never see a complete repeat of history.

But you’ll always see history rhyme over time again, someone will pull it out and out an idea. Or you can pull out an idea from something that was done many years ago, and be able to renew it in a new way.

Because human nature, the weird thing is human nature never really changes. It’s just the trends change, the fads, the things that we’re into the things that are in versus the things that are out, the things that are normal versus things that are crazy.

Those things change, societal preferences change. But humans as a whole don’t change. Human Nature doesn’t change, we get used to certain things, and then we started going in a different direction.

But then we get used to that and we find ourselves eventually back in the same spot doing the same things, fashions come and go, and then come back again 20 years later, just how it works.

If you realize this, then you will never completely throw away ideas, you may shelve it for a while, you may take an idea, an advertisement that isn’t working today, shelve it for a little while, and then try it again later.

And it probably will work it may take a little bit of tweaking to make it fit.

But these ideas if they work one time, they will work again eventually. So never toss away history. Never, never forget that.

The Tattooed ban isn’t a freak forever. It just, you just don’t see it, you don’t see something like that stick long term is these are short term ideas.

Take advantage of them.

Take advantage of the freaks in your neck of the woods to gain attention.

This is how you get attention.

At one time anyone suggesting that someone like Donald Trump could be president?

People would would would say that’s absurd that people on all sides of the aisle would say that’s absurd, and yet it happened. So then something that’s odd, becomes reality.

So where’s that leave reality reality now normal?

What was one time considered normals considered odd?

It’s you can see it in all forms of nature, the best thing to do is just be able to sit back, acknowledge it, and they say, okay, how can I use this to my benefit?

How can I use this in order to gain attention?

I talked all about this, the concept of standing out in my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business.

Because really, the main concept is how do you stand out?

How do you stand out so much against competitive forces in your industry, that they’re no longer competition?

That’s the key.

Go grab a copy of my book, or you can download a free copy AmazonProofBook.com That’s all I got for tonight. We’ll see you tomorrow.

In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.