MyPillow Giza Dream Sheets 🛏️ Product Review

How MyPillow’s Mike Lindell has used personality marketing and controversial political views to help drive sales.


Product review My Pillow Giza Dream Sheets. Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

Now, I’m not endorsing anything that Mike Lindell does, says, or sells. I’m here to talk specifically about how he does it, and how you can learn from it one way or another.

It’s a very interesting process that he uses. One, that he is only used up until the last handful of years when he started getting political is the idea, of sending people off by being political.

So he’s an extremely controversial figure out today. But I want to tell you, I’m not here to endorse his politics, or to denounce his politics. I want to talk about how that affects his sales.

Now, I guarantee you one thing is true. The people that like Mike Lindell and his MyPillow brand, only like him more because of his political outspokenness, it’s not that he didn’t turn people off. I’m sure he turned a certain amount of people off, but now it’s become part of his brand.

Now his support of Trump and this and that it’s all part of his brand. This is a guy that started from nothing, he was selling these pillows, at county fairs and so forth.

From my understanding, you know, you buy a booth and you just sit there and tell his story. And you talk about the bottom-up celebrity concept.

This is what he did.

He made himself into a celebrity whether he knew what he was doing or not. He has done it and he has created something that anybody can study. And you can use it one way or the other.

Now I’m not saying you got to go out there and be political, but at the same end, I’m not going to tell you about the Giza Dream Sheets, I didn’t buy these. My wife bought these.

I’m certain that she did not know what Michael Lindell position is on this or that or that that sway her one way or another from buying these. She had gotten some type of deal somewhere. Either from a friend or something that she had online, some type of deal where she could get them at a really good price and so she jumped on it. But I want to show you some of the packagings here.

So this came in the package. This is the actual package that the sheets came in here. Let me show you this. This is the little write-up.

Everything is branded with him.

He is a part of the brand.

And think about this, nowadays even furniture brand of any sort anything that you would consider furniture or bedroom material. Have you seen anyone promoting a pillow or a blanket based on personality?

Where the person that’s selling it because they’ve built up a personality there’s no commercials or something else?

You don’t see it very often at all, especially in this marketplace, but you can use it in any marketplace. It doesn’t matter what it is that you’re trying to sell.

Here’s a note from him.

Hello, I’m Mike Lindell the inventor of MyPillow for the longest time I’ve wanted to come out with these sheets. But until now, I haven’t been able to find anything that held up to my high standards. And he goes on and on about this Egyptian cotton and everything about it is just very brilliant, very well written includes one flat sheet and tells you the contents signed by Michael Sandel.

It means something because people know who he is. He’s become a celebrity to some people. He’s a joke to some people. He’s a crazy person.

But there’s more to it. I gotta show you the rest of this. So this is the packaging this is the product that’s what you would expect from a specialized direct sale of a high-end product that you’re getting through the mail right.

Then there was this piece that was in it. Separate envelopes, padded envelopes there’s a letter in here, Lindell Recovery Networks.

So if you don’t know about his story, he was a drug addict for the longest time and was able to recover was able he found you know Jesus, and everything else.

Here’s a promotion for that and also one of the shows that he promotes the hope report show. So he’s got a little ad for his side things there.

We’ve got this is the actual receipt for MyPillow.

We’ve got the MyPillow Product Catalog.

So he’s got the catalog is promoting all those other materials is for a pretty standard, but still it’s very, it’s very direct. Everything has his name and his picture pasted all over it. You can’t get away from them. Save $10 On your next my pillow order they try and get you one up here right away.

Here’s Lindell TV, he started his own TV station, what have you, It’s got all the different people that are involved.

So here’s the political thing, put right in there. It’s part of the product. It’s part of the presentation. It’s hilarious. Watch the whole Intel report. I mean, he is, he is all over all of this. It’s great stuff. And then the coup de gras, this is what gets you every time this is. And this is what I watch for these types of things.

When my wife told me that this was included in the package, I said, Oh, this is just great. If you haven’t heard about this, he has his book.

His autobiography is self-published autobiography. Look at this, it’s got I’m not sure if this will show up. So it’s got him I think that might be his mug shot or whatever, him before he got better. There he is happy.

What are the odds from crack addict to CEO Michael Lindell, the title of the book. The whole thing is like that, here’s the back with him and a picture of him as a kid.

For one thing, it’s kind of a funny, funny design of a book. But at the same time, who includes a book, when you buy bedsheets, who does that?

Someone that either understands or that he has people that understand this game, they understand the idea of personality and being able to really reach out and touch people and meet them where they’re at. He knows people aren’t going to buy his stuff if they don’t like him. One way or the other.

I mean, they might, they might just grin their grit their teeth and bear it and just go through and buy it if they really had a good promotion from someone else. But he’s gonna win them over one way or the other.

He’s gonna bring them his story of redemption, no matter what it was even this little, this little thing my wife missed it a little tacked up just in the envelope. It’s just a little quote from Revelation there.

Which I mean, it’s completely on brand, and probably completely change genuine. I mean, this is just who this guy is, from my understanding everyone I know that I’ve never met this guy, either on a business level or political level or what have you.

They say he is pretty much what you see on TV is he’s very genuine. And that is something you can’t buy stuff like that.

But you can promote yourself.

When you’re that confident in where you’re coming from. You can promote ease. It’s not like he’s even promoting himself. He’s not running for president or anything to my knowledge. But he is using his personality, to be able to sell his products. It’s the simplest thing in the world.

It worked for him before he got controversial. It’s working for him now. It’s absurd.

I’m certain that it’s completely changed his model because it’s he got kicked out of a bunch of stores that everything for is supportive of Trump and his question, you know, the elections and all that stuff.

Very interesting gentleman, very interesting business model.

It’s something that you can take, though.

Number one, I’d say you know, look at the possibility of possibly being controversial in your, in your marketplace.

Look at the possibility of putting yourself out there as not that you’re promoting yourself as a celebrity, but you’re a personality, you’re somebody that people can get to know in a sense and you’re out there that you’re accessible. Think about writing a book, a book works in any marketplace.

So that’s all I got. I’ve got my own book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business. You can get a free copy at

You go get that right now download for free. That’s all I have for tonight because I gotta go. The time is up. You have a good one. We’ll be here tomorrow.

Get out there and let the magic happen.

MyPillow and the Power of Demonstration

The power of demonstration and getting people to try your product.

Amazon-Proof Your Business➡️


MyPillow and the power of demonstration.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

I had to have a little prop here to remind you, if you haven’t seen the advertisements that are out there for my pillow. been around for quite a few years now Michael Lindell has been in the news lately is a controversial figure, right?

Been a huge supporter of President Trump, got kicked off Twitter for the things that he was saying regarding the election and so forth. And so I’m not going to get into all that.

But I wanted to use him as a great prop to talk about the power of demonstration. Now, this wasn’t even on my pillow that I was using here, just an average pillow. But he went and basically invented this product, and then started marketing it.

And I believe one of the first places he was marketing at ad was at fairs like county fairs and shows and stuff like that. And he would be the one out there promoting it, he was the pitch man out there with his pillow, talking about how great it was, how wonderful how it changed his life and how it can change your life to in here, try it out here feel it here, do you see how different it is, you see this, you see that?

This is a power of something we like to call demonstration in the business, the power of demonstration, if you can take your product or service and turn it into a demonstration, turn it into something that people can either experience virtually, like if you’re doing it on video, something like that, or can experience physically can literally experience what it is that you provide.

Frank Kern has a term for this. He says I, I help I demonstrate helping people by actually helping them, you know, and so he’ll, he’ll always put on these conversations that he has with people out there. And he spreads it out. And showing what he literally does with people when they pay him, by showing them what he does for free.

It was just an interesting concept.

But that’s the power of demonstration. This is why my pillow was able to go from once he really worked his pitch well was able to take that onto TV, and do paid advertisements, both the long form and short form on on TV, and then eventually online.

It’s a really powerful tool. Many, many, many millions, and billions are made off of the power of demonstration. If you can get people to use try out, feel touch, get involved, interact with what it is that you provide the benefits that you provide, if you get to get them to try it first. So they can experience it.

That’s demonstration.

And so you got to think of from your business standpoint, how can we do that? With the products and services that we have? How can we demonstrate it? How can we get people to try it? How can we get people to be involved and interact?

And you can do this on a whole lot of levels. Like I said, you can do it in person, which is a little difficult to do here in early 2021, with COVID, lock downs and all that stuff. But you can also do it online, you can do it virtually, you can do it on a video or an audio broadcast. You can do it on television, they still sell ads there, believe it or not, you can do it in a million different ways.

But what you have to do is have the idea that yeah, this is something we should be doing. This is something that we haven’t taken advantage of yet. But that is something that people seem to want and you must have come in contact with it.

Or you must have done it at one point in your business’s life and just aren’t doing it anymore. And if that’s you, then you need to think about that. And you need to go the next step. If you’d like more ideas on how to go about doing that, or having long term strategies to make a tactic like that really useful.

Go check out my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business, you can get a free copy at it’s a little bit of a demonstration itself.

You get to read the book before you buy it, or just read it and never buy it but you get to in a sense you get to experience me because I have a whole lot of other things that I offer people services that I offer beyond just the book the book is a demonstration of my abilities, thoughts and perspective on things.

And if it’s something that’s helpful to you and it’s something you think that someone like me can help in your business, then you can then go about through the process of hiring me or bringing me on with a strategy session.

We talked about that in the book go check it out, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business at

We’ll be back here tomorrow night with another tip either a strategy, a tactic, or a principle that can help explode your business and change your life. You have a great night. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.