Lead Magnet Ideas 💡

Just what is a lead magnet and how can it be useful to your business?


Lead Magnet ideas?

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

Why am I holding in my hand a pocket constitution?

There’s a reason this can be used..well, let me back this up.

Let’s talk about lead magnets a little bit, okay?

What’s a lead magnet?

A lead magnet is when, when you’re in the process of building your business, you start to realize that having the leads, meaning having an understanding of people that are most likely to be interested in what it is that you’re selling, is one of the most powerful things in the world, especially if you have a list that you can continue going back to.

Now those leads can take many forms, it could be a snail mail address list.

It can be an email address list, it can be phone numbers, it can be text numbers, it can be anything that you have had some type of, or somebody that you have purchased this or has a prior agreement that you’re able to talk to these people.

Otherwise, you start getting into spam rules and everything else, which is a whole nother issue.

But if you’ve got a prior agreement that you can talk to these people from here on out, then you’ve got a way to be able to send your commercials to someone on a regular basis, or something that leads to a commercial.

That’s where the lead is the person that’s most likely to be eventually a customer of yours, even if they aren’t right away.

So a lead magnet is that thing that attracts that type of person and allows them to give you their information so that you can then use it and treat them as a lead.

The most common one you see online is people giving away whatever digital products most of the time, PDFs above have an e-book or a not a quick audio program, maybe a mini-course, you know, there’s a number of things that people will give away just for the ability to be able to get a lead.

Now there’s a step up from that, if you have an inexpensive product, which a lot of people have referred to as a tripwire and marketing, you have that inexpensive product to help really identify the best of the best of the leads out there.

That’s another story, if we’re just talking leads off of a free product, a lead magnet, there’s a whole bunch of different options out there.

This actually was used or is currently being used by the Cato Institute, which is a political Think Tank, that they use this as a way to be able to find their right people and they they don’t give these away from my understanding they charge a small amount for them.

But it allows them to identify the right leads.

But you could do the same thing.

Here’s what the interesting point is that I’m making, it’s not that you should go out and start printing up constitutions and give them out to people. How much of this did they actually write most of it the stuff that people want out of this. They didn’t write any of it. The only thing that’s been added to this is there’s a preface, this is by the founding director of the Cato Institute.

So I will preface and then they got the Declaration of Independence in the Constitution stuff that is completely free.

Anybody can go and look for it online if they want, and can get a million different websites coming back to them telling them word for word what these items are. These still work though, I’ve worked with moms still working with a nonprofit, that use this as a way to be able to start a conversation with their followers.

They were giving these away, or giving them away for a small donation is what it was. And, and so they actually were using the Cato Institute one first and then hopefully, eventually they would move over to their own.

But the idea is, is you don’t have to create the item, you don’t have to create the content, you can grab the content from somewhere else, you got to make sure that you either have permission or ownership or it’s something in the public domain.

But there’s a lot out there that can be done that way you can work with another partner and use some of their items and be able to give their stuff away give someone else’s books away. so on so forth.

Here’s the big IF, if it appeals to the same audience.

So that’s the whole idea that this works for Cato Institute because it appeals their audience, the nonprofit I’m thinking of, it appealed to their audience, they were having conversations about the Constitution and how it affects today’s life. That’s that all makes sense.

Oh, also, at the very end of this, they have a little promo sending people back to their, their website on law about section about the Cato Institute.

But for the most part, this is, this is a piece about the declaration of the constitution, people that go after this are going to be for that.

It is going to be one of those things that allows them to be able to now I’m not sure how well they’ve used it.

But it’ll allow them to be able to build up leads of people that are interested in these type of things, and allows them to then continue conversating with them from that point forward. Hopefully, that makes sense.

A lead magnet, oftentimes people say, Well, I gotta go and put one of these things together. It’s not necessarily true.

You just need to find something that people want that your ideal lead once and give giveaway to offer it to them for free or very inexpensively.

That’s the idea for tonight.

We come up with these ideas, they could sometimes be a tactic sometimes be a strategy, but they’re always based on some hardcore principle in terms of business strategy and marketing.

Go check out my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business. If you don’t want to buy it, you can get a free copy, Lead Magnet Free copy at AmazonProofBook.com.

See, it allows me to identify the people that are most interested in it also gives me a chance to conversate with people and find out where they’re coming from.

That’s gone a long way for me thus far.

We’ve had a lot of fun. That’s why I’m coming out with another book later.

So that’s all I got for tonight, you have a good one.

Get out there and let the magic happen.