How I’ve Used Headlines On Social Media To Get Attention

Part 26 in a 35 part series on headlines from John Caples book, Tested Advertising Methods.

Amazon-Proof Your Business➡️


How I’ve used headlines on social media to get attention.

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

This is a daily thing where we get together, and we talk about ways of how to stand out, wherever you’re at, and whatever business you’re in. So before we get started, I wanted to remind you about my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business. If you haven’t heard of it, then you ought to go get your very own free copy at

You can also buy it on, and And anywhere that you buy books, especially online, you should be able to find it, just look for, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business. Or search for my name Brian J. Pombo.

So welcome back, we’re going to talk about the all the different ways that I’ve used headlines. Now what are headlines, headlines are the first thing that you see, when it comes to advertising, or your social media or whatever you’re trying to get out there. There’s usually a line of words or word that draws a person in.

So in the cases of video on social media, your YouTube, your Vimeo, all the rest, it’s going to be that title. And the title, it may be the title that’s in your picture, it might be the you know, in the thumbnail itself, that might be the title that they’re looking at, or it’s the title that you actually titled it.

And that might be the one that they’re looking at either way that both of those work as a headline, I’m definitely used a lot of that I’ve used this exact same method for podcasts.

So that’s the title of that episode.

You can do that with anything that gets a certain amount of search credibility when people are searching for it. But also when they’re looking through their search results. Yours popping up, that’s a headline, that is the first thing they see, that’ll determine whether they go any further.

Another thing is with email, you know, we’ve talked a lot about that in the in the past few episodes, email subject lines are the headline of your email, if you’re sending emails out there and you’re wanting to get it opened, it doesn’t matter if the person knows who you are, if they’re on your list, if they’re a huge fan, chances are you’re not getting opened every single time.

That subject line is going to make a big difference as to whether they open or not person that talks a lot about that as been settle, go check out Ben settles stuff he’s got he’s got amazing material on how to get emails open, because he sends emails out on a daily basis.

So we’re the reason why we’re talking about this and I’m kind of giving a testimonial for headlines. And why you want to think about that has a lot to do with the subject, the real subject of today’s talk, which is number 26.

Out of the 35 headline formulas, the proven formulas that are presented by john caples, in his book tested advertising methods. And like I said, there’s number 26. And it’s titled use a testimonial style headline.

So if you have any form of testimonial, shove it right there in the headline, that’s a great way to get people involved. It kind of brings them right into the story. And if they’re interested in the subject matter to begin with a testimonial is definitely going to draw them in. It says your headline can be an actual testimonial, or it can be a testimonial style headline.

Here are three examples of each. I’ll read all three views. And since he already laid out there, let me tell you how I reduced for keeps why I cried after the ceremony. I was going broke. So I started reading the Wall Street Journal.

And then there’s a here’s the next three, discover the greatest value in high end loudspeakers that was quoted from magazine review.

After months in the taklamakan Desert, not only do we swear by this protection system, our camels love it to clothing add. And then do you have any idea how much fat is at this creamy chocolate pudding? None.

And the person speaking is pictured in the ad. So those are just a couple of examples of ones that are direct testimonials or ones that are testimonial styled. And you could do that you could do that in any in any format. Any way that you’re getting out there doesn’t have to be actual advertising.

But headlines work no matter who the crowd is and who you’re trying to get to and no matter what you’re doing. Something is functioning as a headline. It may not be words itself it may be a picture itself that is this function is a headline but somewhere somewhere along line and start watching ads ads are a great place to see it because they have a reason for you watching.

They have a direction they want to send you in. And so they’re going to say something either visually, or they’re going to say something through the voiceover. And so when you’re watching ads on YouTube, or what have you, watch and say, okay, which part of this is the headline?

What is the actual headline was the first thing they’re wanting me to see?

To bring me in further?

Sometimes they’re not distinct. When you’re not dealing with direct response marketing, there’s a lot of really absurd stuff out there.

It’s like, well, what, where was that headline taking me?

What do they want me to do?

What are they actually advertising?

You ever get that where you’re watching, you’re watching commercials, you’re on?

What was that even for, right?

That there’s a lot of garbage out there like that. And most of most of it does not function properly. What I’m trying to get you to do is use every thing in your arsenal you can to get people to go to the next level for with you, in your business in your cause what have you. So hopefully this helps out. This is just number 26.

We’ve gone through all that we’ve gone through the first 25 you go back all the watch all the videos on that and we’re going to go all the way up to 35 as we get going here, so come back tomorrow for 27 Don’t forget to grab my book, In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

Advice For Online Business Owners

Part 25 in a 35 part series on headlines from John Caples book, Tested Advertising Methods.

Amazon-Proof Your Business➡️


Advice for online business owners.

Hi, I’m Brian pombo. Welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

Tonight I wanted to remind you about well, first we’re going to talk about what the advice is for business owners.

But before I do that, I want to remind you about my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business. Oh, my Christmas lights aren’t on tonight.

I forgot to turn one for started. started the film. That’s okay. Nine ways to Amazon proof your business is a book that specifically for business owners. And it’s basically a way to make your business competition proof. How do you make it to where the competition doesn’t matter?

Well, you get a free copy at find out for yourself.

Let’s talk about that special advice for business owners. It’s really wrapped up in this whole series of videos that we’re doing on headlines. And I’m using the concept of advice for business owners because it’s tied in to number 25 out of the 35 proven formulas for writing headlines that John Caples wrote in his book, Tested Advertising Methods.

This basically says begin your headline with the word advice. So if you’re putting out any type of headlines out there, just try putting advice on the front end. And that’s going to pull in a certain amount of people. Now obviously, you better be offering some type of advice when you do this, right.

So he has a couple of examples here.

You know, advice to husbands advice to young person starting out in business advice to Brides, this is also a way to be able to call out your ideal audience, whoever specifically you’re after no one else is going to be interested in reading what you have or watching what you have that has to do with advice. I said advice for online business owners?

Well, I’m not looking to talk to anyone else. If you’re an online business owner, this is this is the right video for you. And just putting the word advice to and then putting in the people that you’re directly talking to will pull in that audience now what it’s not going to pull in probably anybody else.

So this is very much a sniper rifle approach as opposed to a shotgun approach, you know, so just realize when you’re doing this it has to go along with is the copy that you’re writing, or the videos that you’re putting out or the emails that you print out or what have you.

So this is what john Capel says about it. The word advice suggests to readers that they will discover something useful, excuse me that they will discover some useful information if they read the copy. The headline doesn’t ask them to buy anything, it simply offers free advice. Naturally, this is an attractive offer.

After you’ve enticed the readers into the copy, you can include sales talk, in addition to advice, the preceding 10 formulas, employing keywords, do not exhaust the list of keywords you can use. You can find other keywords in the headlines you you you see in daily newspapers, in the titles of books and magazine articles. For example, in the following titles, the key words are printed in italics, plain talks with husbands and wives, common faults in English principles of electricity.

What every girl should know.

Facts you should know about skincare.

So these are just added examples of how you can do do the same type of thing, having really powerful words in the very beginning to be able to bring people in first your headline, and then to whatever the headline is pointing to.

So that’s kind of the the lesson of this, these last few. These last few formulas that we’ve been talking about, where we just put a word on the end or a couple words on the end, to attract people first to the headline, from the headline, that from reading the whole headline to reading the rest of it or watching the rest for whatever you’re pointing to.

And from there, directing them into your marketing funnel or whatever you have, as a way to bring people in. So like I do with these videos are a way for to be able to get to know you pass along a little bit of helpful information, and hopefully direct people to my free book.

And from my free book, there’s offers to go further from there. But all along the way, you’re getting information that you can use so you can get all through my information, not buy a darn thing from me and get a whole lot of use out of it, hopefully, but at the same time.

There’s a lot of room in there where I can bring along people that would be most interested in working with me. If you’d be interested in working with me check out the book. I nowadays I’m really encouraging everybody to go through the book first before they end up working with me it kind of lines everybody up better.

Make sure they know where I’m coming from and it’s Lines everything up just a lot better to do it that way. If that makes any sense. If it doesn’t go check out the book, you’ll see you’ll see what I meant. And hopefully you can learn how to use some of that technique in your own business because the book talks about why the book is powerful unto itself. We’ll be back here tomorrow.

And we’re going to be going through number 26 in the list of proven formulas. In the meantime, you get out there and let the magic happen.

If You Want To Standout But Your Not Sure How…

Part 24 in a 35 part series on headlines from John Caples book, Tested Advertising Methods.

Amazon-Proof Your Business➡️


If you want to standout but you’re not sure how…

Hi, I’m Brian pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

We’re going to be talking about how to stand out, we’re going to give you a very specific example about how to stand out. And specifically, it tends to be in the area of business that I work in. I’m a business strategist.

But these type of ideas can help you stand out to get any type of traffic to your website, or to your material online, whatever you’re trying to get more attention to, you can use the power of headlines. And headlines work either as a title for a video or for a blog post or for anything that you’re doing online and offline.

But I like to talk a lot about the online stuff, because that’s a lot of the traffic that we get on these videos has to do with people trying to get attention online.

So where’s all this come from?

This is a series of videos, you’re welcome to watch the other ones that are in this series, they’re all by date in this area. And we’ve got a YouTube playlist out there that you can go back and watch. It all has to do with the 35 proven formulas for writing headlines, written by John Caples years and years ago, in his book, Tested Advertising Methods.

There are there are 35 of them, I’m just going to go through one of them today. And one of them I displayed in the title of this video. And that is it is number 20. Hold on, I had the page where to go 24 begin your headline with the word if that’s it.

That’s it, just start with the word if and it automatically takes you into a world and I’m going to give you I’m going to give you an example, these type of things can pull people in, it could pull their interest in now, when we’re talking online, we’re not just I’m not saying using the word if is going to get you showing up in the search engines, or showing up on Amazon or showing up in any particular area.

SEO and so forth, I’m talking about once they see your headline in the form of a subject line and an email or whatever. Once they see it, the word f has the ability to pull them in to read the rest of it. Because if is setting something up, and it sets them up for the rest of what you’re trying to say.

If the rest of what you’re trying to say is something that holds curiosity for them, they’re going to go after it right. Here’s a couple of examples that that gives us they given this book. Some of these are john caples examples,

I think it’s all the more or ones that were edited in later, you could tell by kind of the age of it. Let me see if they gave awards for cash management, we be thanking the Academy.

If you save her growth in security, we give an edge. If you think the ultimate speaker system would have a subwoofer, you’re half right.

Let’s see, if people seem to be working faster, it’s not the coffee, that’s trying to sell an office machine. So a lot of these are very specific to what they’re talking about. But you can you can bring it into exactly what you’re trying to say.

Or try to pull in a specific crowd with what you’re saying. So this is kind of a similar one that I used with this title here. And he says here is an “if” formula that has practically unlimited application, if you think you can’t, blank, excuse me, if you think you can’t afford blank, so your product or service, you haven’t checked blank, special discount, leasing terms, etc.

So that’s using the price thing to pull them in, based on whatever it is that you’re selling. So that that you go straight into it, you’re talking about what you’re selling, you’re talking about the main benefit, right there in the headline and your point in that crowd on that idea.

And I tend to tell people to try not to sell on price as much as possible. Unless that really is your main selling point, then you can you can sell it. But for most people in most industries, that’s not going to be a viable selling point.

But you could use it for anything you say, if you can’t blank, or if you are looking for blank, then blank, you know, and that’s you can use that any time.

But the word if has special magic, and that’s what he’s, he’s trying to show you here. The word if is the thing that pulls them in. And what you’re saying the rest of the time is going to determine what type of audience that you pull in to take them to the next level.

Hopefully that makes sense.

It’s all about standing out and standing out starts with whatever that initial contact that you have. In most cases, even to this day, it’s going to be the headline. It’s going to be the first string of words that they see.

Now sometimes the headline isn’t what you think the headline is. So I talked about like YouTube titles.

While it may not be the YouTube title, that’s the first thing they see, it may be the thumbnail on the YouTube. So those of you who don’t know much about YouTube, the thumbnails, the picture, the picture that you see, and you’ll notice that on so many of those really well done YouTube’s, it’s got words written right on the picture.

Well, then the words on the picture become the headline, you see something is driving as a headline. Now they may be coming in because of what’s portrayed on the picture. You know, the attractive woman the this the that whatever is on the picture, maybe point them in also, I’m not saying the headlines, the only thing that does it.

But oftentimes, the words are going to be the magic that push a person into finally clicking on what you want them to click on. And that’s the whole name of the game. It doesn’t matter. It’s human behavior. It doesn’t matter whether it’s digital, or analog, all of this stuff was written.

All the stuff that John Caples talked about was written for paper, for ink on paper, for newspaper and magazine are advertisements and articles. That’s what he was talking about.

But the same psychology is true. People read things one thing at a time, they start with a headline, they start with the pictures, that pulls them in to read a little further, they may not read the whole thing, but eventually takes them the ones that are interested in buying the ones that you’re wanting to buy will take them eventually to that call to action that causes them to do whatever it is you want them to do.

Sometimes it’s by something. Sometimes it’s give me your email, and I’ll give you something.

It doesn’t matter what it is, if you’ve got something that you want someone else to do. You got to understand the psychology of headlines. And this is another great one from john caples number 24 out of the 35.

Tomorrow we’re going to go through number 25 out of the 35 So come on back then. In the meantime, hey, go check out a copy of my free book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business. Go pay for on and you can go pay for it on Barnes and Noble and all the other places you got it or you get your own free digital copy at, AmazonProofBook com. We’ll be back tomorrow. In the meantime, you get out there and let the magic happen.

Because…You Want To Grow Your Business

Part 23 in a 35 part series on headlines from John Caples book, Tested Advertising Methods.

Amazon-Proof Your Business➡️


Because…you want to grow your business.

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

Every day we get together, and we talk about some idea that’s going to help your business to grow. And what’s the best way to keep your business growing is to get you to stand out.

Today we’re talking about how to use headlines in order to allow your business to stand out more stand out more in the public space. But I’m always talking about ways of standing out, and specifically to beat out your competition.

That’s why I wrote the book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business, it’s all about standing out, go get your own free copy at, free copy download of, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business.

Now, let’s talk about headlines. We’re discussing these we’ve got over a month’s worth of videos that we’re putting together here, where we’re going over the 35 proven formulas for writing headlines written, by John Caples.

And published in his book tested advertising methods and all comes out out of chapter five. This is number 22, in the 35.

This is oh excuse me 23 in the 35. This is to begin your headline with the word because this is an odd one. You don’t see this as often anymore. A lot of the older types of headlines you see this, but I like it because I think it makes things stand out. And I think it’s I think it’s a good one to try out. It’s one I haven’t used a whole lot. But after rereading this, I get the point behind it.

Here’s a couple of examples.

One, he used this one for that. So advertising cat food, because your pets quality of life is important to you. Or because fleas come back.

It’s all about kind of, say if a person were to ask, well, why would I want that?

Why would I want to watch this video?

Why would I want to read this book?

Why would I want what you have?

And you’re answering that by saying because and get straight to the root of what they’re after gets straight to the benefit of what they’re looking for. And if you use that that’s going to draw people in. Because it begs the question, it’s the answer that begs the question.

You’re saying because, this?

Well, what do you mean, because that and it automatically leaves that that little missing element that draws a person in just like a question draws a person in because it has the missing element of the answer?

Well, you’re providing the answer without providing the question. And so it draws a person into either read the rest of your article to watch their video to take a look at the email that you put that subject line on that that’s a clever one.

I love to find out if you’ve ever used because to start out one of your headlines to start out one of your the subject lines of your emails, and what type of response Did you get off of that?

Leave me a comment down below. We’ll be back here tomorrow with number 24 out of the 35 of john caples proven headline formulas. And we’re going to continue on with this until we go through all 35.

In the meantime, you have a great night. We’ll be back here tomorrow. Come on back again and get out there and let the magic happen.

This…Will Make Your Business Standout

Part 22 in a 35 part series on headlines from John Caples book, Tested Advertising Methods.

Amazon-Proof Your Business➡️


This…will make your business stand out.

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo, Welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

What am I talking about?

I’m talking about two things.

First thing is, this book will help your business to stand out. It’s called, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business. Subtitle is, how to stand out in your industry and make every competitor irrelevant.

Now you that’s my book, I wrote it, you get a free copy over it over at

And in addition to that, that’s the first this the second this is we’re talking about how to use headlines to stand out. So this is standing out in advertising, that you’re doing any type of paid advertising or otherwise organic advertising, but also in anything that you’re putting out there.

You can use the power of headlines to be able to help you.

And we’re we happen to be going through the 35 proven formulas for writing headlines by John Caples.

John Caples, wrote about this in his book tested advertising methods, I have my own copy right here. And this is number, let’s say 22 that we’re going to be talking about tonight.

And what is it?

It’s once again, it’s one of these that we’re just talking about the first word of the headline that can make a difference. This first word is this, just by saying this, I’m drawing attention. I’m pulling it in here.

Here’s a couple of examples that he gives in his book, this soothing beauty bath is astonishing. To fastidious women, you can tell that’s an old headline.

This is the quietest dishwasher in America, this friendly sign everywhere. So you can build curiosity, you can do a whole bunch of things. But you’re saying something very specific, you’re pointing attention to something.

And the mind wants to see what this is. It’s funny how it works that way.

It’s very subliminal, it’s very under the surface. This is something else he says about he says beginning a headline with the word. This has two advantages.

Number one, it makes the headlines specific.

And number two, it draws attention to the product you’re advertising, and also goes with the service or anything else that you’re providing. That’s the power of just using the best word to start your headline, we’ve been talking about these all the ones up until now a whole bunch of them just have to do with using a single word or a single phrase, right at the beginning of your headline.

Whatever your headline is, it doesn’t matter we’ve talked about headline could be anything, it’s it’s the first thing that people come in contact with, that will determine whether they’re going to go further, either reading more watching more listening more, doesn’t matter what the media is.

All media works via headline whether they know it or not. There’s always something that starts off. That is the determinant as to whether a person is going to continue on and on. So hopefully you know about the magic of headlines.

And you’ll if you don’t go and check out this list yourself go and watch these videos where I go through the list of all 35 this is number 22 when we go in under over number 23 tomorrow.

In the meantime, like I said you get my free book,

Or you could buy a copy, buy a physical copy or get the audiobook or what have you. We’re going to be back here tomorrow with number 23. In the meantime, you get out there and let the magic happen.

Wanted: Copywriter Tricks That Work

Part 21 in a 35 part series on headlines from John Caples book, Tested Advertising Methods.

Amazon-Proof Your Business➡️


Wanted copywriter tricks that work.

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

Today we’re talking about copywriting tricks and specifically those that go along with headline writing.

So we’re going through the 35 proven formulas for writing headlines, written by John Caples. And yes, we are back here in the headquarters that we meet here on a regular basis. But we have been down in California, and recording these and putting them out from from on the road.

So we’re back here in the office. And I’ve got the book in hand from, Tested Advertising Methods. We are on number 21, when we’re talking about headline formulas, and this one is all about beginning your headline with the word wanted.

Okay, that’s it, then just say wanted, this is what we’re looking for.

Wanted pulls a person in, they’re gonna say, well, what’s wanted, you know, and a lot of us are familiar if nothing else by cartoons of the old westerns to where they’d have a wanted side wanted, you know, Yosemite Sam or whatever, and having the bad guys face there.

And just going back to that idea, and understanding that that will always, to this day, this book was written quite a while ago, to this day that still holds true. You put the word wanted, and whatever you’re wanting, or whatever you’re looking for, or whatever, or whoever you’re looking to attract.

You put that in the headline, and that’s going to pull people in to read the next line, if it applies to them, which is what you want. You wouldn’t want anyone reading or going to the or clicking on your video. If it doesn’t apply to them.

I mean, make sure you focus on the exact market that you’re looking to attract look specific, the more specific you can be, the more attractive it’s going to be to them in the long run. So this is great.

Here’s a couple of examples wanted autographs and historical documents, wanted your services as a high paid real estate specialist wanted safe men for dangerous times. And here’s what here’s what John Caples says about it, the word wanted is a compelling word, it makes the reader curious to know what is wanted.

Furthermore, the headline wanted to hyphen, your services as a paid real estate specialist suggests a great demand for real estate specialists. As mentioned previously, this particular headline belong to a come a coupon advertisement and appeared again and again in many magazines, proof enough of its effectiveness.

So this was one that he had specific relationship with amusing and so using the word wanted and or something like that, can pull a person’s eyes in and get them to read a little further, as long as you’ve got what they’re after.

They’re going to go on to the next step, whatever that next step is, when it comes to your advertising to your message, wanting to get the word out and knowing that the headline is the magic to getting them to take the next step, whatever that is, whatever you’re looking for them to do. So hopefully that makes sense.

Make sure you watch all of our videos, because we’re going through all 35 of these steps. And this was always one of my favorite ones, as you see in the word wanted. Tomorrow, we’re gonna be going through number 22.

In the meantime, make sure and get yourself a free copy of my book, while balls available, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business you get a free copy at Happy Holidays.

We’re here past the point of Thanksgiving in the year 2020. But these are ideas that lasts throughout the millennia, the hill as throughout the years. So stick with it. Watch the rest of these.

Find the ones that really fit for what you’re doing and for your audience and use them over and over again, to attract new people to whatever message you’re trying to get out there. Hopefully that’s helpful. Hey, have a great night. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

Who Else Wants Advertising Headlines Examples?

Part 20 in a 35 part series on headlines from John Caples book, Tested Advertising Methods.

Amazon-Proof Your Business➡️


Who else wants advertising headline examples?

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

Today coming to you from dining room of my in laws here in Fresno, California. And we’re going through our headline examples that we’re talking about.

These are all from John Caples, book Tested Advertising Methods, where he talks about his 35 proven headline formulas and this is number 20.

This one all has to do with beginning your headline or title or what have you, with who else. And I love this one, because I originally learned this one early in my career with internet marketing, and I was working with Adam Short, who has the niche profit classroom, I don’t know if he still calls it that, or if he still has that open to the public. But that was a great class training session to go through.

And he was one of the first ones that introduced me to the idea of headlines is specifically for internet marketing. But it was using all those direct response techniques like john caples would teach about it.

This was the first time I was been exposed to it. And one of the ones that he uses was the who else example?

And its a basic question. Here’s a couple of examples of it.

Who else wants a wider wash with no hard work?

Who else wants a kissable complexion within 30 days?

Who else has hair that won’t stay combed?

You know, you could use it with whatever using who else automatically. It asks the person whether they’re one of the products they have, you know, if they’re one of the people that want what you’ve got, or if they’re one of the people that have the problem that you want to be able to solve.

It pulls them into the conversation in a very subtle way. But it’s a quite, it’s a great way to be able to get attention. It was one of the earliest headline formulas that I used over and over and over again.

It’s really a really useful one, I hope hopefully it makes sense to you. You know, I’ve got my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business, which is one of those things that I’ve always asked you know, who else wants to be able to beat out the competition. And that always leads them into this conversation about Amazon proofing your business.

So if that’s something that you’d be interested in, check out my free book. You get your own copy at We’ll be back tomorrow with number 21 of these headline formulas. We’re going through all 35. So come on back tomorrow and we’ll see you then. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

Which Of These Headline Templates Do You Like The Best?

Part 19 in a 35 part series on headlines from John Caples book, Tested Advertising Methods.

Amazon-Proof Your Business➡️


Which of these headline templates do you like the best?

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

Once again, I’m coming to you from my dark in new car out in the middle of nowhere. Today’s middle of nowhere is in Clovis, California, I think we’re in Clovis, Fresno area.

And I just coming back home late visiting my in laws, and coming home late after going to see a comedy show with my brother in law and sister that was a lot of fun, that they were on the stage doing the comedy, it was really good stuff.

But we’re here to talk about headline templates.

Okay, we’ve been doing this series of the top 35 headline formulas for these formulas for writing headlines that were put out by john caples. A million years ago, in his book tested advertising methods and we’re on to number 19.

This one I displayed in the book in the title of this video and podcast, when I’m talking when I use the word witch.

So this is number 19. This is a headline template you could use begin your headline with the word witch, whi ch which started out like that, here’s a couple of examples to get for you to kind of get the feeling for it.

Which is the best battery value for your car.

Which of these five skin troubles would you like to end?

And here’s a slightly different one that doesn’t even use the word witch but it has the same connotations. Do you have these symptoms of nervous exhaustion you see what what it’s doing is it’s it’s listing things out it’s doing something very similar that we’ve seen online on social media.

You’ve no doubt seen it if you have a Facebook or anything of that sort, where you have basically a quiz you know, find out which of these things you know, find out which which this which that and it pulls you in by you discovering more about yourself.

Let me tell you what John Caples says about that, he says, this type of headline that he’s talking about this last one that I just read this, do you have symptoms and nervous exhaustion. This type of headline has two advantages. Number one, it’s interesting, it appeals to the readers keen interest in themselves.

They like to find out if their own difficulty is among those mentioned, you see, and we could all see that we all know, something like that, that we were attracted to a quiz to take or anything of that sort.

Number two, the mentioning of a number of symptoms enables copywriters to cover much ground, almost every reader is likely to have at least one of the symptoms. So it doesn’t really matter what you’re attempting to get across. If you can pull a person in by asking them which, which of these are you interested in.

So tonight, I was asking, you know, which headline works the best for you and what you want to do? We’re only covering one type of headline tonight, we’re using the word “which,” go back and watch some of these other videos that I’m doing, where we talk about other words, you can use other formulas that you can use to create stellar headlines.

When we’re talking headlines, we’re not just talking headlines themselves for advertising, just those type of templates. We’re talking any type of headline, the type of headline that you use as a subject line, and an email address, or the title for a podcast or a video, or anything of that sort.

Anything that you’re putting out there as a form of advertisement or content to pull people into your business. This is what we’re talking about when we’re talking about headlines. So learning more about this is learning more about your market base.

It’s learning more about the people whose attention you’re trying to get. If you want to stand out, you got to know about headlines, because heddle behind headlines is AI psychology, and the science of standing out. It’s capturing people’s attention.

That’s what it’s all about. And a big piece of that I cover in my book nine ways to Amazon proof your business.

If you want to get your own free copy, you can go to

Otherwise, hey, one way or the other, stick with us. Make sure you watch all of these videos in this series. Like I said, we went through number 19 tomorrow night we’re going to hit on number 20.

Regardless of where I’m at, I’ll think I’ll be in Fresno tomorrow. Maybe we’ll be somewhere with a little bit more light. I’m sorry about the darkness for those of you watching this on video.

And you can always listen to these via podcast wherever you listen to podcasts. Just Brian J. Pombo Live and search us out there you can always listen there and make sure you never miss an episode. You have a great night we’ll be back tomorrow. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.