86% Of My YouTube Titles Came From This Book!

Part 35 in a 35 part series on headlines from John Caples book, Tested Advertising Methods.

Amazon-Proof Your Business➡️ https://brianjpombo.com/amazonbook/


86% of my YouTube titles came from this book.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome to Brian J. Pombo Live.

What is today?

Today is the final day in our series of videos all about the 35 proven formulas for writing headlines, written by John Caples. In this book, Tested Advertising Methods, and I mentioned that 86%, and let me just say that is a complete guestimation on my part, in terms of YouTube titles, podcast titles that I’ve used, so much of it has come from the points out of this book, these 35 proven what he calls proven formulas for writing headlines, you could use them for writing YouTube titles for writing, email, email, subject lines, blog titles, anything that you’re looking to pull people in with, these 35 are great for, and this is the 35th one.

So I’m going to give you this very last one, and we’ll go into why it’s important. Number 35 offer benefits through facts and figures.

So if you can put facts and figures especially numbers, for some reason, numbers have an have a real specialty with grabbing people’s attention. Because it spells something that’s specific,

I said, 86% I made it up, I’m being honest about the fact that I made it up, I made up for the effect of bringing you into the video to explain what that means why you would have facts and figures.

So he has here, a couple of examples, burns up to 79% more calories than ordinary treadmills. Because we recycle our 100 million plastic bottles a year. Landfills can be filled with other things like land, for instance.

Let’s see here.

Here’s one that combines a testimonial with facts, facts and figures. John Timmons tested the $530, a bicycle model, and declared it’s perfect for you see it, adding in facts and figures, even if you kind of hybrid it out with some of the other formulas that we talked about, like a testimonial makes a big difference, because it just grabs people’s attention.

They’re like, okay, what is that? What’s going on here?

What’s the numbers about that you see a percentage, you see a number, you know, and it’s not number spelled out in words.

It’s the actual digital number, you know, on there.

And that grabs attention, which helps you to go to the next level, it’s all about getting the person’s initial attention. And then from there, getting them to take the next step, whether that be watch a video, whether it be open up an email, whatever.

That’s what headlines are all about. That’s what titles are all about.

That’s what we’re talking about, go back and watch all 35 to get an idea or go get yourself a copy of this book, I don’t get paid. It’s john caples, the guy’s been dead, forever tested advertising method. It’s a classic book. That’s only one chapter in this.

I mean, these are very simple, subtle tactics. But if you use them often enough, you’ll start to understand the psychology behind why they work. And then you could develop any type of headlines you want. From that point on. That’s the cool thing.

Okay, if you want to go beyond the tactics, and really study the strategy and understand the strategy that you can use to make your business unstoppable. I’m going to recommend my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business, you could see if you’re watching this, you’ll see the website, AmazonProofBook. com, if you go there, you can get a free copy, you can download the book, or you go grab a physical copy over at Amazon.com or anywhere that they sell books, you can just find it by typing into Google, or you can go on that website.

After you get the digital copy, you can find out how to get an inexpensive physical copy, I’ll send it to you directly and you’ll also get a copy of the audio book when we finally get that out.

So we come in pretty soon here. So go check that out AmazonProofBook.com we’ll be back tomorrow we’ll be on a whole new topic. We’re finally done with this.

We’re gonna set this book aside for a while and talk about something new that’ll help you to grow your business. You have a great night. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

Do You Use Questions In Your Headlines?

Part 34 in a 35 part series on headlines from John Caples book, Tested Advertising Methods.

Amazon-Proof Your Business➡️ https://brianjpombo.com/amazonbook/


Do you use questions in your headlines?

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

And I’m giving away the topic today, because we’re talking about headlines once again, this is the 34th out of 35 proven formulas for writing headlines, written by John Caples. In his book Tested Advertising Methods, and we’re we’ve gone through all of them, except for to the last two.

So this is the first of the last two tonight is number 34. These are formulas you can use for writing headlines. And honestly, I have I don’t have one of these that I have followed more often than this one. Okay, this is my favorite, because it’s simple. And it does a very fancy trick in it. And that’s all. All it says is number 34.

Have your headline, ask a question.

That’s it.

That’s all you got to do.

Have your headline ask a question. That’s if you have to do that.

There’s something that happens in the mind. If there’s a question being asked, a person has to read it, and they have to consider it more than just a statement.

Any headline can be a statement. But when you’re asking a question, it causes the person to have to consider it to some extent.

Now, it may not be something that they understand. And so they can gloss over it and move on. Just like a lot of people won’t click on this video or this podcast episode or this blog post. Because it talks about headlines.

They’re like oh, headlines, whatever, and they move on. But what it is attracting is it’s going to attract a person who wants to know more about headlines. Okay, they are going to click on this and you might be one of those people. That’s why you’re watching or listening or reading this is because you’re interested in oh well, what’s he mean by that?

You know, if nothing else, it doesn’t mean they have an answer for that question. What matters is that they hear the question, and they consider what the idea is behind the question.

That causes interaction, that interaction leads to the next step. If you go back and you look at all the different videos that I’ve put out all the different podcast episodes from this particular show, which is made to be clicked on, it’s made to attract new people. They’re almost all questions.

That that is the is the thing that I always fall back on, is using a question, because a question causes curiosity, a question causes a person to go wonder what that means. It just pulls in people like nobody’s business.

So if all else fails, if you use this one headline formula for writing your titles, for writing your email, subject lines, for whatever, if you’re looking to pull people in, ask a question. It’s just that simple. And I could give you some of the some of the examples he has here.

What good are frequent flyer programs if the miles take off before you do?

Would you believe the milk jug on the right is 45% lighter?

Would you ever run out of trees for a forest product company?

Did you know you can give your dog perfect nutrition?

You see, some are better, some are worse. But a question will always cause you to stop and think about what the question is and think about whether you have an answer or whether you dismiss it.

Whereas a statement doesn’t necessarily have any pull any curiosity whatsoever for you. It’s just a statement. But questions are magical. There’s something really magical about questions. I’ve seen it over and over again, if you’ve ever done any type of one on one sales, one on one.

If you do a lot of one on one interaction with your customers, you’ll know the power of questions if you’ve done enough of it. And if you haven’t, you ought to pay more closer attention.

There’s there’s some great books on it. Let me see if I could think of any off the top of my head because I know I have quite a few.

This one right off the top.

How I Raised Myself From Failure to Success In Selling, by Frank Boucher. awesome book. We’ve talked about this one before.

One of his key points is asking questions. That’s how he’s done all his sales. his entire life is talked about asking questions.

This isn’t just a sales book. This is this is a communications book. Communications, so much of communications is based on the idea of causing interaction. And the only way you can really cause proper interaction is by asking questions.

I mean, it could go on and on and on about the power of question. But if you understand the power of questions and a headline, then you’ll know how to pull a person into your world, and how to get them to start thinking about what you want them to think about and do what you want them to do in the long run, which is what this whole process is all about.

Any type of marketing, communications, business strategy, it’s all about getting the customer, getting the patient, getting the whoever to do what you want them to do, and hopefully for their own good, hopefully, it’s a good it’s a good situation that you’re leading them to. So that is number 34.

Tomorrow, number 35. The final hour of the entire selection of proven formulas for writing headlines. So come back tomorrow, we’ll talk about that. In the meantime, you want to go and check out my book nine ways to Amazon Proof Your Business.

You get your own free copy at AmazonProofBook. com. You can check that out before we get back together. Otherwise, we’ll see you tomorrow. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

I’ll Show You A Headline Formula, That Works!

Part 32 in a 35 part series on headlines from John Caples book, Tested Advertising Methods.

Amazon-Proof Your Business➡️ https://brianjpombo.com/amazonbook/


I’ll show you a headline formula, that works!

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

Once again, we are here going through the 35 proven formulas for writing headlines written by john caples. We are on number 32 today.

So we’re almost to the end, we’re almost to the full 35. You go back and watch older episodes or listen to older episodes depend on how you’re taking this. And check out all the other headline formulas that we have, you could also go get a copy of this book, Tested Advertising Methods by John Caples.

I don’t get paid anything for promoting it. But it’s a great book that’s been updated through time, I just happen to have the fifth edition here. And this is chapter five, what that has all these headline formulas in it, this is number 32.

And this one’s very specific.

It’s let the advertiser speak directly to the reader.

So in other words, that having some personality in the headline itself, as if it’s coming directly from the person that’s selling the item, or produces the item, whoever that is, I happen to be the person that that does these videos, and does these podcasts.

So I put the title in my own voice. But here’s some other examples of how you can go about doing this.

Why I offer you this new kind of pipe for $5.

I’ll train you at home for a good job and computer programming.

Baby teeth have special needs.

Pediatricians recommend blank tooth and gum cleaner.

I guarantee you results worth $2,000 in one year.

It’s all about just adding in some authority and letting them kind of take charge of the headline itself. And personality is available with this too.

It’s a nice simple headline that anybody can use. And it fits in perfectly with with a couple of my strategies in my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business, you can get a free copy, go to AmazonProofBook.com and download your own free copy.

Or you can go and purchase a copy on Amazon.com or Barnes and Noble or anywhere that books are sold online. So but like I said, free copy AmazonProofBook.com.

Now we’re going to be back here tomorrow with another headline, we’re going to go through number 33. And then after that we got two more headline formulas to be able to run off of.

And these are all things that you can go back to time after time after time again, if you’re looking for a new idea for a title of a blog post, or an email subject line or what have you, anywhere you use headlines, you should try some of these headline formulas. They should be able to get your mind rolling. E

ven if you don’t use the exact formula, it might take you in a direction that can help you develop your own.

Hopefully that’s helpful to you. We’ll be back here tomorrow night. In the meantime, you get out there and let the magic happen.

Don’t Buy Ads Before Hearing This!


Part 31 in a 35 part series on headlines from John Caples book, Tested Advertising Methods.

Amazon-Proof Your Business➡️ https://brianjpombo.com/amazonbook/


Don’t buy ads before hearing this.

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo, welcome to Brian J. Pombo Live.

Why am I warning you not to buy ads, it’s because you could spend a whole lot of money waste a whole lot of money on advertising, on paid advertising that doesn’t need to be wasted. Okay.

And it all comes from knowing. I mean, there’s a whole bunch of things you got to know about writing ads. But one of the main things is the importance of a good headline.

If you haven’t thought long and hard about a good headline, then now is the right time.

And you’re in the right place, because this is a series of videos that we’ve done, all the way up until now. And for more videos after this, we are covering the 35 proven formulas for writing headlines, as written by john caples, in his book tested advertising methods, so go back, rewatch the videos that we’ve done up until now, and listen to the one that I’ve got here for you today.

This is a formula you could use to write headlines to attract more people get more people clicking on your stuff, get more people watching your stuff, whatever your advertisement is, it’s important that people follow along with the process, right?

The only way they’re going to do that is if they’re intrigued, the only way they’re going to be intrigued is if you write a really powerful headline. And this is a great one that you’ll see quite a lot out there. This is number 31 out of his list of 35. He says warn the reader to delay buying.

You’ve seen this I know you have just like in my title. Here, most headlines urge you to buy something. Therefore a headline advising don’t buy is an effective stopper.

So here’s examples. So the reason why is that, that whole concept of having a pattern interrupt, right. So here’s some examples. By no desk, until you’ve seen the new all steel executive. Read this before you order your zoysia grass.

Don’t buy car insurance until you’ve read these facts.

By no more soap until you’ve tried amazing new blank name of brand.

That’s the idea is just putting it out there and getting people to not do something telling them not to do something as opposed to do something will stop them right in their tracks.

And you’ve seen these, hey, don’t look at this until you’ve seen this. Don’t buy this until you take a look at this. These to this day. It’s a very common tactic when writing headlines, and it’s something you should take into account. It’s a very simple process.

And all of these all 35 are extremely simple little tips. But they can really improve your game if you practice them on a regular basis.

It’s easy to practice them when you’re doing organic content when you’re putting stuff out there and you’re not having to pay for it. That’s a great way to be able to sharpen your skills as far as this goes and see which ones really appeal more to your audience or don’t appeal to your audience.

Then get really good at doing more and more of those. Not that you want everything to sound identical. But when it comes to advertising, people probably aren’t seeing Enough of your stuff anyways. So you can stand to repeat yourself more often than you probably think you can. Hey, hopefully you found that helpful. That’s really a tactic.

We’re talking a lot about tactics here. That’s what we’ve been talking about for the last 31 episodes. We do this on a nightly basis, but I also do a lot in heavy strategies. Those are more deeper, more long term ideas on how to run things.

You check out my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business that deals with nine very specific strategies that you could use to completely demolish your competition and make you Amazon proof mini even the big guys like Amazon.com can’t stop you.

We’ll be back here tomorrow. Hey, make sure get your own free copy prepper get get your own free copy at AmazonProofBook.com. AmazonProofBook.com we’ll be back here tomorrow. In the meantime, you get out there and let the magic happen.

Standout Now!

Part 30 in a 35 part series on headlines from John Caples book, Tested Advertising Methods.

Amazon-Proof Your Business➡️ https://brianjpombo.com/amazonbook/


Standout now!

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live. And when I’m talking about standing out, I’m talking about you and your business. The whole game is standing out, getting out there being seen. If you’re not standing up and standing out, then you’re just like everybody else. You’re just another face in the crowd.

Someone may just happen upon you. Someone may have heard you were good from somebody else. Is that any way to really run your business, though?

Today we’re going to talk about one thing is standing out, there’s going to be multi levels here.

What’s it take to stand out?

Well, the top way that I recommend standing out in the crowd is to do content marketing, doing any form of content marketing, but committing to it over a period of time, if you aren’t doing already paid advertising a large amount of paid advertising, especially online, but anywhere, anywhere that you see that it’s working.

If you aren’t doing paid advertising, then you need to be doing organic content marketing, which means you need to be putting out articles, blogs, and so forth. You need to be doing some type of video or some type of audio, you need to be out there regularly. And when I mean regularly, I mean as regularly as possible.

So daily, if at all possible, multiple day, multiple times a day, if you can. But if you get out daily, that’d be huge. If you get out once a week, it’d be better probably than where you’re at right now. That’s how you go about standing out. That’s the process that it takes to stand out. Now I’m going to go deeper into why I’m talking about standing out now today, in just a moment.

But I want to let you know that if you really want to stand out, I got nine exclusive ways that you could stand out in my book nine ways to Amazon proof your business. Being Amazon proof is just the idea of had been competition group not having competition, not even allowing the big guys like amazon.com to be your competition.

That’s what Amazon proof is all about. Go get a free copy at AmazonProofBook.com. my newest book, AmazonProofBook.com for your own free copy. Otherwise, you get it anywhere that books are sold. Now, why am I bringing this up today?

It’s because this is part of a series that we’re doing all on the tactics surrounding the strategy of content marketing. Content Marketing is what I talk about a lot, I talk about other strategies in my book.

But if you’re going to be doing content marketing, if you’re going to be doing paid advertising, or both out there, you’re gonna need to know about the concept of headlines. And this is the entire series all about headlines.

These are this is not stuff that I made up. This is stuff that came from a guy named john caples. He wrote a book that anybody can go out there and get tested advertising methods, I don’t get paid for this. I just love the book. I love the stuff that john caples talks about and the people that have gone back over his stuff and rewritten A lot of it and made a lot of it more relevant to today. This is the fifth edition. And there are 35 proven formulas for writing headlines. And this is from all from chapter five.

This is number 30. I believe that right?

Yeah, number 30 out of the list of 35.

We’ve done 30 all the way up till now we’ve got five more to go. But this is this is this one. This one is very similar to the last two. The last one we talked about is using a two word headline the one before that is the reasons why you would want to use a one word headline today we’re gonna talk about why you want to use a three word headline, like standing out, stand out now, you know, why would you do something like that? The same reasons. They use one word or two word.

Being very distinct and clear about your audience. Not that standout. Now is all that clear and distinct, but it plays to the crowd I’m already talking to. So saying stand out now is one way of doing it that you can come up with better ways. Here’s a couple of examples.

Okay, these are three word headlines if you saw it, you have an idea of whether you want to read more or see more or watch more. Listen to these. burn fat faster. Get August free. That’s for a long distance service back when long distance costs money. Expand with style. That’s for home remodelers

double bonus sale see obviously somebody These are probably going to accompany a picture or something like that that’ll pull a person in further, they’re probably not the best headlines in the world.

But if you can bring your message down to three words, that’s another way that you can get your message out there in a very clear cut manner. If you could do that, you and you can focus on who you’re going after, and what they can expect to read or see or watch in the following. If they click on what you have, or if they’re reading the rest of an advertisement that you have out there. After they go through that headline, they should be clear about where they’re going next, and whether they want to spend their time there. That’s, that’s what it’s all about.

That’s what headlines are always about. But break it down to three is, if nothing more, it’s a great exercise to be able to really see okay, how can I minimize the words to make each word a little bit more powerful?

Now, don’t worry, tomorrow is not about having a four word headline.

Okay, that’s the last of the numbered headlines. We are going to go into something else differently tomorrow and number 31. So why don’t you join me back here tomorrow as we go in the next few days as we go through the next five proven formulas for writing headlines that john caples talks about, and join me on a daily basis because we put these out on a daily basis to help you and your business to stand out to be completely different and to really shine out there so that you can blow away the competition. You have a great night.

We’ll be back here tomorrow. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

Business Growth 😵

Part 29 in a 35 part series on headlines from John Caples book, Tested Advertising Methods.

Amazon-Proof Your Business➡️ https://brianjpombo.com/amazonbook/


Business Growth.

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

Today we’re continuing our series on the 35 proven formulas for writing headlines, written by John Caples. In his book Tested Advertising Methods, this is a later is the fifth edition of his book.

So it’s got a lot of modern day spins on things after john was already long and gone, people are still updating it. But we’re going through the 35. And today we’re hitting on number 29.

And it’s all about using a two word headline.

And this is a pretty simple concept. If you watch yesterday’s, we talked about doing a one word headline, giving the example of hernia as one of them. That was one I think that came directly from John Caples.

Well, here’s using a two word headline, here’s what they say. Sometimes it’s impossible to find a single word that will convey a meaningful message about your product or service.

Now we’re just talking about the headline just writing a headline, a title for something, that’s what we’re talking about. In that case, you use a two word headline. Thus, the 1996 equivalent of the one word hernia now uses the two word headline, hernia trusses. Other examples, free money computer program for banking. For this old time two word winner see figure 5.5.

So they’ve got a picture in the book about it.

Be strong 114 foods, engineering opportunities, farm animal, walk softly Good riddance, itchy scalp, head cold, you know, each one of these plays to fit something very specific. If you’re not interested in that you’re not going to read any further, you’re not going to go any further. You’re not going to click on that link.

There’s no reason to the two words should identify your audience should identify the problem you’re looking to solve. It should identify the product that you’re offering, in a sense, because it hits on that on that main benefit oftentimes, is what you’re focusing on. And so another one I hear a lot.

I know Dean Jackson brings it up free horse, not free horse but a horse for sale. That’s a three word one. We’ll talk about that one litre that had to come out of my mouth before I before I did the counting.

So two word headline, that’s just it’s the same concept.

What if you can simplify everything and break it down to two words?

What would those two words be?

So I’m talking about business growth and in this series, we’re talking about how to use headlines in order to grow your business.

If you’re looking for something more in depth, beyond the tactics looking for something more strategy based, I wrote this book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business you can get a free copy just for yourself electronic copy over at AmazonProofBook.com.

So go to AmazonProofBook.com. Fill out the information you can get your own free copy right off the bat. And there’s also ways you can purchase a physical copy and get the audiobook and everything else.

Just go to AmazonProofBook.com. Tomorrow we’ll be going through number 30 of the 35. We’re almost through all of these proven formulas for writing headlines. We’ll be back tomorrow. In the meantime, you get out there and let the magic happen.


Part 28 in a 35 part series on headlines from John Caples book, Tested Advertising Methods.

Amazon-Proof Your Business➡️ https://brianjpombo.com/amazonbook/



I am Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

Today we’re continuing on with our series of headlines talking about the proven the 35 proven formulas for writing headlines written by john caples. And his book tested advertising methods. Were on number 28 today. And this is a very simple one.

But it has it has a particular history behind it, and has a certain psychology about it. And this is one you it’s not the most obvious right off the bat, and unusual. But it’s important to get an idea about I’m sorry, I’ve got I’ve got a little bit of a sniffle because I was outside, we were outside having a little fire pit.

My hair is all out of whack everything else, so I got my got my baseball cap on.

And we’re you know, we’re getting ready for the season. As you can see, we’re getting all the decorations up and everything else. So it’s it’s funny how that works. But you’ll notice the title of this video and the title of this podcast episode is a one word title. This comes directly from John Caples.

Number 28, he says use a one word headline. That’s unusual, isn’t it?

It’s not typical thing you’d see here what he says about this, he says advertisers who run small ads are sometimes able to find a single word that can serve as a headline. This method is successful if the single word is meaningful, and selects the right audience.

So do you have a word that does that?

That’s a real question.

The method has, the method has the advantage that the single word can be printed in big type and thus give big display to a small ad. So if you have a very small amount of space, in which something with a single word will gain more attention, because you have and it doesn’t hit directly to the point does it hit your audience is that the type of thing that will pull somebody in, you can take it for granted that these one word headlines are effective, otherwise mail order and patent medicine, advertisers would not continue to use them year after year.

And you saw this a lot with paper advertising and so forth.

When you would buy like a small area inside of a magazine or inside of a newspaper and a classified ad. And you only had a little bit of space. If you can hit directly with one word, it can pull people and you can say the word and then basically say what it is you’re selling. Give a phone number or an address for them to write for more details. That would be enough to be able to get along if you understand the psychology behind that it’s actually very powerful.

If the absolute minimum that you can use to get attention and to get the right kind of attention to get the right type of person that you’re looking for. Then that has mastery over your marketplace. That is really understanding your market better than anybody else. It gives a couple of examples here.

Accounting, aviation, diamonds, reduce law, patents, nerves, corns, vitamins, bashful question mark. And he also says that the two of the old time classics one is hernia.

And the other is sex and sex is that is a common one because they used to used to run it in college papers and would say sex now that we have your attention, here’s how to get the most money for your use textbooks, etc. At some bookstore or something.

But if it’s if it’s an audience that’s not used to that type of thing, that it would grab their attention a younger audience, it would make sense that you’d be able to get their attention with that, or hernia. I mean, who who’s gonna pay much attention unless you’ve got a hernia issue unless you have a fear of having a hernia issue.

But if you have, if that’s directed towards you, if that one word bolded in all capital letters, has the ability to pull you in, then it will. I’m not saying the word entrepreneur necessarily brought you in here but I would be interested to find out if this is your first video you’ve seen in the series.

And you haven’t seen any of my other videos but you saw the word entrepreneur and you clicked on it just to see what would happen. Then I’d love to hear from you just sit and put a little comment down below wherever you’re watching this. One word headlines has that type of magic and tomorrow’s video.

Tomorrow’s podcast is going to be very similar. So you want to tune in tomorrow for number 29 of the 35. We’re getting real close to the end of this series of the 35 proven formulas for writing headlines.

If you have found this interesting, if you’re wondering, okay, but how would I actually use this?

How would this actually come to benefit me, I’m going to recommend you check out my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business, you get a free copy at AmazonProofBook.com.

There are nine specific areas that you can use within your business to make it completely competition proof. And if you’ve got those taken care of, then these tactics and that’s what we’re really talking about is tactics.

These tactics can help get you the ability to stand out. But if you don’t have those other areas taken care of, in the nine ways, it’s going to be a little bit tough, you may have a tougher time standing out. And these tactics may just distract.

You don’t want to do that. But if you’re interested, and you’ve read through the book, and or you’re interested in reading the book, start reading through the book and then show up tomorrow where I go through number 29. You have a great night. We’ll be back tomorrow. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

Can You Pass The Headline Test?

Part 27 in a 35 part series on headlines from John Caples book, Tested Advertising Methods.

Amazon-Proof Your Business➡️ https://brianjpombo.com/amazonbook/


Can you pass the headline test?

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

We’re going to talk about the headline test, whether you have the ability to pass it or not. But first, I want to remind you about the book that I’m giving away for free current costs on on Amazon.com, and somewhere around $20, Nine Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business.

You can go and buy your own copy or you get a free online copy at AmazonProofBook com.

The whole book is about how to explode your business, how to stand out how to demolish your competition. That’s what it’s all about.

So go check it out, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business, AmazonProofBook.com, to get your own free copy.

Now, let’s talk about the headline test, shall we?

What’s the headline test?

The headline test is something I just made up. Okay, here’s the headline test.

Do you use headlines on a regular basis?

Do you study headlines?

I want to see if you answer yes to any of these questions.

Do you study headlines?

Do you have headline templates that you use?

If you answered yes to any of those, you’re in the right direction, you’re in the right place, because I’m going through the 35 proven formulas for writing headlines, as written down by John Caples.

In his book, Tested Advertising Methods, his fall from chapter five, and we are on number 27, I think today. Let’s see here, number 27. And what’s number 27, it’s offer the reader a test. This is very interesting. This is a very interesting one.

Now if you answered no to any of those, you really need to pay attention to what we’re talking about. And you need to go back and watch the other videos in this series. They’re all in order for one to 35.

Like I said, we’re on number 27 in this video. And we’re going through each one of these, any one of these can be used over and over and over again, as a form of headline as a form of title for something that you have a blog or video, a podcast episode.

Any of these things can be used over and over and over again, if you’re not using headlines.

So the question is why?

Why are you not using headlines?

You’re probably using them and you don’t realize you are but you aren’t treating them the right way. And so you have to think about these things. So he talks about offering the reader a test.

Now, we’re not just talking readers, he’s talking readers because he was writing this at a time when he’s talking about advertising, written advertising, okay, stuff that’s out there and ink and paper.

Now we have digital advertising, we have stuff that people will may be reading or people may be, they may be hearing it, they may be seeing it without reading it. They may be watching a video. This is what we’re talking about here. Okay, so here’s a couple of examples that he gives.

Can your scalp pass the fingernail test?

Can your kitchen pass the guest test?

Can you pass the memory test, a test of your writing ability?

These are all different headlines that have been used previously. And they all pull a person in. For one thing, there are multiple more questions. But just the word test is a challenge. And think about all the things you’ve seen out there on social media that are some type of a challenge, some type of a game, some type of a test or a quiz to take.

Sometimes they’re in the format of an advertisement, oftentimes, they’re in a format of a website has some type of, you know, time of year, you know, see what month you were born in what that says about you, you know, and they have these little things that you could go fill out well, they’re trying to get you to go to their website, so you can see the ads on their website.

And they’ve got, they’ve got back end deals where they make money that way, or they’re trying to get you to do something else. But they’re very addictive and look at I mean that this is an older book, and that this guy was writing ads in the early 1900s and 1920s.

At that time, he’s talking about talking about tests in the headline. It’s not just the value of the test itself. There’s something in human psychology that goes throughout time that loves a challenge that is interested by a challenge or by a test, or by something, it’s like, well, why not?

Can I pass that?

You know, people get into I mean, many of you may have clicked on this because of that challenge because of the title of this video, which is why I used it to prove a point Tests challenge that the term nowadays is gamify to gamify things we act like that’s a new idea. This is not a new concept. This is an old concept.

We just have a different word for describing the same thing. When you allow people to be challenged, you allow people to see whether they’re up to snuff on something. That’s something that is always attractive to people.

You will pull in certain people depending on the subject line. In your headline, the subject behind the headline is the type of people you might pull in more of, but tests are very attractive to people. It’s a very funny thing.

But another great tip from John Caples. When it comes to headlines tomorrow, we’re going to be going through number 28 out of the 35 come back then in the meantime, you get out there and let the magic happen.