4 Ways To Fix A Headache 😫

Thoughts on headaches.

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Four ways to fix a headache.

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

Why am I here to talk about something that isn’t typical, we usually talk about business issues here, ways to handle business handle people in business, and so on, so forth. And today, I want to talk about something that we all have in common, and that’s our human bodies and in most cases, if you’ve got a body, you’ve got a brain, and if you’ve got a brain, you have what we refer to, at least in America as a headache on occasion.

If you’re anything like me, you don’t get headaches that often. If you do, it could be a chronic issue. And this is in no way meant to help you self diagnose or anything like that get to a doctor could do a brain specialist, check it out, and figure out what’s wrong with you if it’s happening on a regular basis.

I know a lot of a lot of hormonal issues and everything affect headaches, a headache is your body’s way of telling you that something ain’t right, I mean plain and simple.

If you’re getting headaches at any time, something is off balance in some way. And so I got four things that I tend to look at when it comes to having a headache. Why am I bringing this up?

Because for the last couple days, I’ve had a very, very light headache that has come and gone and I’m not exactly sure what it is. So we’re waiting, I’m kind of taking my time with it. And it just occurred to me that I never discuss things like this, even though this affects everybody.

This is for things that usually help out extremely, I usually get over headaches pretty quickly, when I when they do come about, like I said, I don’t get a very often. First thing, first thing I always check, especially with me, it’s hydration.

If you’re dehydrated in any way, I think it’s one of the most common issues that people have today, is being dehydrated, and they don’t realize it, it took me years and years to realize that a big portion of my I have, I have generally low blood pressure. And a whole lot of that comes from being dehydrated.

As I became a little bit more healthy, who lost weight and everything, I focused on keeping myself hydrated and not just by drinking water by the gallons, but in being careful about not having too much caffeine.

In making sure that I have electrolytes, which is something we don’t talk a whole lot about in society that they when I was a kid that was always Oh, well you don’t have to worry about electrolytes unless you exercise a lot, and I never exercised. So I never worried about electrolytes and in that case, you have Gatorade.

I mean, that’s that was just how it was, I didn’t know what an electrolyte was, or anything else. One thing I found out is there about three main ones that you got to watch for it. So sodium, magnesium and potassium. And I have magnesium every single day.

Take it with my vitamins in the morning and I take some magnesium, it makes a big difference, especially if you have if you’re on a low carb diet, you tend to flush out a lot of minerals a lot faster. And so because of that, I gotta always replace it with magnesium. So I’m good on that sodium is salt and I tend to I tend to take a lot, I have a high salt diet.

And so that it’s actually pretty helpful for me, potassium, I add a little bit of potassium into my drink in the morning, that you could get that no salt or whatever you mix it in with anything.

So I just happen to take it that way. I’m usually pretty good about staying hydrated. But every once in a while if I’m not feeling quite right, and I got a headache quite often times because I’m dehydrated. If I fix that, I’m good. Second thing that I found that gets rid of a headache, and these are in no particular order, it just tends to be the things that I watch.

Second thing that I try and do is I try and be a little introspective and see if there is anything that’s bothering me. So I’ll take a little bit of time out, close my eyes and just kind of notice things and see if there’s something back there even subconscious or something that might be bothering me that I’m not handling, right.

If I do that, and I find something oftentimes if I let that pass, a headache will go away if it was caused by something like that, at least initially. If it’s caused by something like that. You can you can nip it in the bud pretty early if you catch it.

That I think that’s pretty common. For most people, I tend to be pretty non emotional. It’s really funny I took up not long ago, today, I took a one of these personality tests, and it was called the Big Five. I don’t know if you’ve heard of this one.

I don’t know much about it. But one of the things that they measure after when you take this quiz online is your neuroticism. And which is basically your emotional, the more neurotic you are, the more emotionally imbalanced you are at least this is how it describes it.

They do it on a scale of 0% to 100%. And mine came back at 0%. I don’t think that’s true. I’m sure I’m a little neurotic. But I’m pretty low in comparison to the average, I think. So. The idea that headache is brought on by any type of heavy emotional issues with me is less likely, although it does happen from time to time.

So it’s something I got to keep an eye on. That’s number two. The third thing that I recommend doing, if you’ve got a headache, and you know, you’re hydrated, you know, you’re feeling okay, and nothing’s bothering you. Get outside, get some fresh air and go for a walk fresh air and go for a walk, if at all possible.

If you could try that that’s my third recommendation that sometimes will clear something up. And I won’t even know what caused it or anything else. But just having that and being able to step away from everything for a while. That can be helpful to number four, when all else fails with me. I mean, obviously, you always have things you could take over your Tylenol and other things like that.

But if we’re just talking about natural remedies, the last thing I will try to sleep, and I’ll do anything necessary to get to sleep. And you know, I may take a supplement or something else to help.

But if I can just sleep it off quite often, I will not have a headache when I get up if all those other things are covered. So that just tends to be the order that I tend to do things in. When it comes to having a headache. This is a little weird one. It’s not a heavy one. It’s just real light. And so I’ll keep you updated. If it turns out to be some horrible, some horrible lung tumor or something like that, you know, God help me, but we’ll see. You never know. So I’ll let you know in the future. We do these on a nightly basis. So come on back tomorrow.

Before we get back together, go check out my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business. If you haven’t got your own free copy. Go get your own free copy at AmazonProofBook.com. We’ll be back here tomorrow night. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.