How To Transfer Trust In Marketing 📚 (Breakthrough Advertising)

Brian talks a section in Eugene Schwartz’s classic, Breakthrough Advertising in regards to building believability and trust in your copy.


How to transfer trust in marketing.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live. Where I get into the nice down and dirty psychology of marketing tonight. There are very few amazing teachers out there like the late great Eugene Schwartz.

This is his magnum opus, Breakthrough Advertising.

It’s a tough one to get, I believe Titans Marketing still sells this, for a pretty penny, worth every dime, Titans Marketing, for Breakthrough Advertising.

I can pick up this book at any time, flip to any page and get something great out of it, which is what I did tonight, I got this chapter, chapter 13, on the seventh technique of breakthrough copy, which is what he calls camouflage.

In the very first few paragraphs, he’s talking about that he calls it how to borrow conviction for your copy.

He’s talking about copywriting copy advertising copy because that was what Eugene Schwartz did, he wrote, copy for advertising. But the principles can be tied to any type of marketing whatsoever, which is an amazing thing is that especially to content marketing.

So you’ve got to pay attention to this, this is great stuff that he says he says in here. He says, “We have to discuss five separate ways to build believability in your copy.”

And he goes on with that. He says, “As long as there is faith in that publication, so if a person’s reading a publication, a magazine or a newspaper, as any space buyer can tell you, it remains an excellent medium for advertising because some of his trust carries over from the editorial pages to the advertising pages.”

So he discusses how trust is built up between the reader and the person that’s read, and they and the person that’s writing it, but the same thing is true across the board.

He even mentions it’s not just print, it’s all forms of entertainment, a person, you know, at this time he was talking about buying a radio or buying a television.

Sometimes people just do it to keep informed just to just to know what’s going on what’s happening and why it’s happening, and so on and so forth. So news media, and nonfiction, if you will.

But but people also rely on any form of entertainment, any form of entertainment, and there’s a trust base in that entertainment factor. So that the shows that you watch, if you if you watch television shows.

If you watch anything off of off of Netflix, that’s a series or anything of that sort. You are expecting very something relatively specific that you’re watching either a comedy, or you’re watching a drama or a thriller.

There’s certain things you expect you expect for it not to go to graphic you expect for it not to do that there’s certain things and it’s sometimes there are things you don’t even think about because you would never see any of those things on television.

But that’s part of your expectations, there’s a trust built up there.

If you have trust in anything, and whether you know you have trust in it or not what you do if you’re going back to something over and over again, you’re going back to a TV station, you’re going back to a YouTube channel, you’re going back to somebody’s blog, or what have you.

There’s a trust that’s built up.

That trust transfers automatically, it will automatically transfer to whatever’s being advertised as long as that advertisement doesn’t break the trust spell if you will, that that trust is there.

As long as they don’t completely go off the wall and stand out and appear to be completely different from what it is that you’ve based your trust in. Then that trust automatically washes over it and it gives it the ability to be believable if you will.

Let’s see if I didn’t lose my place as I’m sitting here waxing with you. Yeah, this is I mean, it’s just some amazing stuff in here.

He calls it a believability reflex.

He says it comes from phraseology.

So if you’re talking about a publication that you’re reading the phraseology that the way that everything is put together in terms of words, that builds trust, and that it carries an aura of truth all by itself, no matter what the material embraces.

He says it’s a conditioned reflex, that we automatically reflexively will begin trusting something fiction or nonfiction. I’m telling you, it’s the same thing.

If you are going through the process, and you’re going from, from, from whatever the person’s watching, listening to paying attention to, and you’re transferring over from, what he goes from editorial to the advertisement.

But you could just say the same thing from entertainment to the advertising, as long as you can blur the lines there as much as possible, then that trust maintains more and more and you have the ability to borrow the trust of whatever format it is that you’re advertising on.

I hope that makes sense to you because it really is a very important thing.

It’s something to watch yourself to make sure you’re not what you are, but make sure that you don’t get carried away with too much trust in the wrong authorities. You know, we do it we do, we do tend to do it with news, news items.

We don’t like that new station but we do like this new station.

So anything this new station says is right, and anything that one says is wrong. And not only that everything that is advertised on there, but you also have a good feeling about going with that advertiser, even though the same advertiser may be advertising over there.

But the smart ones have two very different style advertisements. And the really smart ones have two completely different names for the same company. If that makes sense. These things occur, it can be used for good or evil.

If you understand the trust factor, it happens all the way.

And it’s not just advertising.

It’s why I said marketing because it even happens in one on one sales. When you’re dealing with people, once a trust factor is in place, that trust can be transferred.

This is why network marketing works really well. If you’re working with somebody who is who is a trusted person who has earned trust of other people, and that as long as you are also trustworthy, as long as you can also talk the talk, use the same phraseology and introduce people to your opportunity products or what have you, you get the same thing that trust is transferred.

In some ways, it’s human frailty in other ways it’s one of the best things we got.

Having that understanding of how trust works is so important to your marketing. So hopefully this gives you a bit of it, at least an intro into the concept is a great book.

It’s very deep, not for everybody but if you’re wanting to get deep into the psychology of of advertising, you can’t go wrong with breakthrough advertising by Eugene Schwartz.

That’s all I have for tonight.

Go check out my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business. It’s shorter, easier to read. And a little bit more modern, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business you can get a free copy at

We’ll be back tomorrow. We’ll see you then.

In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

Your Customers Demand Proof 📚 (Breakthrough Advertising, Eugene M. Schwartz)

Many things have been said about the great Eugene Schwartz and his book Breakthrough Advertising.

But yeah, not sure I’ve heard his book compared to a piece of Very Thick New York Cheesecake before.😉🍰

Do Yourself a favor and pickup Eugene’s classic at Brian Kurtz website –


Your customers demand proof.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

I’m holding in my hand a copy of Breakthrough Advertising, by Eugene Schwartz.

Classic. Absolute classic when it comes to marketing, when it comes to, if you’re dealing in any type of sales or marketing, if you’re trying to get a message out to someone and convince them that you’re right and convince them to do something, you gotta get a copy of this book, it’s a it’s not an easy one to get.

It’s been reprinted currently by Titans Marketing, I think you go to ( and get a copy. I think that’s where I got this one.

And just, it is like reading…I don’t know how to explain it?

When it comes to books, it’s like eating a piece of very thick New York cheesecake, something that’s very rich, and you just have to take a little bit of time because it can jar you if you’re really paying attention. Because there’s so much depth in here and so many things that, to this day, people don’t talk about when it comes to marketing.

Although I have heard a lot of the geniuses out there, the ones that really know what they’re doing, they bring up these points over and over again. And the point I was just reading about in here, the only reason I’m holding this book is to give a plug to it, but also, because it brought up this concept of proof and the fact that your customers and clients, they’re going to demand proof whether they say it out loud or not.

It’s what’s going on inside.

Because you’re making some type of a claim right off the bat. At some point, if you are doing any type of sale whatsoever, you’re saying, if you get this, this is what’s going to happen to you.

And I know FCC and all these…FEC I should say, and all these other alphabet soup organizations and the government that they always try to stop claims from being made, but you can’t get a claim, in reality, a claim is going to be made, the real question is whether it’s a fair claim or not.

And that’s why you got to make sure you follow all the rules. But in terms of claims, you got to know what you are asking them to believe and what type of proof you’re providing, that it’s actually a true statement.

Whatever it is you’re offering, I’m going to give you an example. So I was working with a company years ago and I saw something similar that brought this up. And they made a claim that if you do this, if you take this nutrition product, if you consume it, that you will get blank. And I’ll tell you what, that what that general claim was, is that this nutrition product will raise your antioxidants on the inside. And therefore, you will have a higher antioxidant level and lower oxidized stress to your cells.

If you know anything about antioxidants. There’s a whole story behind it. And I won’t get into the science behind that. But this was their claim. And it was tough because it’s one of those things that you can’t outright prove.

In most cases, you can’t just go out and show people how this occurs. While they had gotten their hands on some technology, which would allow a sensor to see via the skin where your antioxidant levels were. And if you know anything about the science, it’s not this is not an exact science, this is not a direct transfer.

Just because you have high antioxidant levels doesn’t mean they automatically transfer the skin. There are other things that are taking place, it’s how your body metabolizes all the antioxidants and everything and whether it’s doing that properly, and whether you have other proper nutrition in order to have that occur as to whether it shows up in your skin.

But they bet the whole farm on the fact that this would happen, that they would be able to have these units out there with the people that are promoting this with their distributors that are promoting this product.

And they’d be able to take these around test people’s skin, have them take the product, test it after and be able to show that the product worked. We knew it was an all-or-nothing deal.

This thing either worked or it didn’t work and they were betting everything on it and they had for all I know spent millions of dollars to be able to move forward with this and one of my associates he said, if this works, this is going to take them beyond the stratosphere, if it doesn’t work, the company is going to go under.

The second thing occurred, okay, the company ended up going under, but it was only because there was pressure at the top and everything else and the people that were making the decisions didn’t make the proper decision.

But you got to think about how if you can actually prove your claim, how magical that is, you see, because it doesn’t necessarily mean that the antioxidants are doing anything.

But if you can show that that something is occurring in your body, because you consume this product, that’s all you need to show. That’s enough for most people, most people will go along with that, it doesn’t mean that it’s actually doing even anything healthy.

You know, the science and everything that people don’t have the capacity to go and research this stuff and really figure it out, or to follow along with every idea that you put out there. Whether they be theory or actual proven fact, they’re not going to go about doing that.

But if you can prove 1.1 points about what it is that you’re trying to put out there, people will fill in the rest. You don’t have to prove everything, you just have to prove something.

This is why testimonials are so powerful.

And especially if they’re really realistic testimonials, they’re not something that is manufactured, and actors being put out there, putting out testimonials and so on, which gets done that all the time.

It’s completely ubiquitous within any industry, that you have testimonials out there on television, that are completely dramatize, it’s nothing but an actor saying these words, this stuff happens and it ruins everything.

Find something real, find something real that you can present and prove to people, it doesn’t need to be a huge claim it just needs to be something that’s desirable. And if you can prove that claim, in some way, some form, you can make it more real for people so that they can trust you more.

It’s the trust of the trust that is going to get them over the finish line. It’s not the product, it’s not even the promise of the product is the fact that they trust you.

And you are taking that trust and cashing it in. So I’m hoping that makes sense.

Yeah, you know, this is more of a deeper topic. Anytime I ever bring up anything from this book. It’s one of these concepts that people have.

It’s really easy to get lost in those ideas because they’re very out there and nebulous, but hopefully, it makes sense. I’ve got a book that’s a little less nebulous, it’s a little bit more just especially if you’re just starting out on this journey of really strategizing your business to a high level, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business.

You go buy a copy the little hardbound books, or you can get a free copy at AmazonProofBook. com digital copy

We’ll be back here tomorrow night, talking about something either a principle a strategy, or a tactic that you can use in your business to grow things. Have a great night. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.