Are Your Blog Titles Informational?

Part 14 in a 35 part series on headlines from John Caples book, Tested Advertising Methods.

Amazon-Proof Your Business➡️


Are your blog titles informational?

Hi, I’m Brian pombo. Welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live and if not, why not?

And if so, why would you care?

Why does it matter that they’re informational?

We’re going to go through that here today. And we’re not just talking about blog titles, blog titles is just another way of thinking about the same thing, which is the old time concept of headlines, headlines comes back to the idea of newspaper headlines, the idea of having headlines within a an old advertisement where you had basically almost whole words, where you’d have just one big bold message that pulls a person into look and read the rest of the article, or the rest of the ad.

That’s what the headlines purposes. So it doesn’t matter whether you’re talking about a blog title, or whether you’re talking about a subject line and an email, or the title of a YouTube video or a podcast episode, it’s all the same thing. Having a title is meant to pull them in. It’s all about headlines.

This is part of a series of videos that we’re doing all on the 35 proven headlines for writing……35 proven formulas for writing headlines, written by John Caples, in his book Tested Advertising Methods.

This thing’s been revised a bunch. So the examples I give weren’t necessarily from John Caples, you know, when he’s talking about technology, and nowadays, I believe this book originally came out in the 30s.

It wasn’t in the original, okay, they’ve revised it, but the concepts are all directly from him. And we’ve worked our way all the way through the 35. Up to number…where are we at now? Are we at number 14. Yes.

Number 14. And the reason why I’m talking about information in your blog title, it has to do with offering information of value. So what if you can offer some type of information within that title that will pull people in that we’ll get them to do the next step, which is the whole purpose of the headline at all.

So that’s why you might want to have information make that headline or the blog title more informational. So here’s what he says about it. He says people buy newspapers and magazines to read articles that give them information.

Therefore, it’s possible to get higher readership by writing your ad in the form of a helpful article. The copy usually consists of three parts as follows part one, information without sales talk, part two, information interwoven with sales talk, and part three, all sales talk.

Here are examples of headlines of ads of this kind. So here’s a few examples.

I’m not going to read them all for you, but I’ll read a couple of them for you. Too easy to no short pie dishes with this quick follow this agrieco plan for greener lawn, insider guide to old books, etc. Miniskirts aren’t the only way to feel young.

You see, some of these have like the name of the product within the headline itself. Some of them don’t. Some of them read just like you’d read any type of article or headline, headline to a story.

That’s the idea of making it informational, so that they’re going to go the next step to read the rest of the information. Isn’t that exactly what we do when we’re writing a title of a YouTube video, or the blog title?

You know, it’s the same idea. If you get really good that there’s another thing you got to deal with online, which I’ve touched on here and there, which has to do with search engine optimization.

So you’re looking for keywords that people are searching for, either within a certain website or within the search engines themselves. And that’s always that’s always something you got to keep in mind.

But what this really plays into is that once they see your title, that they’re more willing to click on your title than anything else that’s available for them to be able to look at watch, read what have you.

So hopefully that makes sense to you. It’s a very simple idea. All of these are extremely simple unto themselves. But when you string them together, when you string these 35 together, they are very helpful little things that you can go off of when you are trying to get a little bit more attention, especially if you’re saying the same ideas over and over and over again, which is very similar to what I do.

What are some of the ideas that I talk about on a regular basis are all found in my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business.

And this basically takes some of my most core ideas, breaks it down to the nine and has an we have a nice quick book that you can read. In fact, you get a free copy at We’ll be back here tomorrow with number 15 in the list of 35.

We’re going through all 35 so you won’t want to miss that. We’ll be back here tomorrow. In the meantime, you get out there Let the magic happen.

Free Book On Beating Your Competition

Part 13 in a 35 part series on headlines from John Caples book, Tested Advertising Methods.

Amazon-Proof Your Business➡️


Free book on beating your competition?

How do you beat that?

I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

I’m not going to spend the whole time talking about my free book offer, I bring it up every time anyways, if you want a free copy of my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business, go to, I just got through doing this video already, and did not press record properly. And so it did not go out.

So I’m going through the whole process over again, I’m just bringing you in on it, because I’m probably going to say some things out of order because the first one was perfect. That’s just how it happens.

What we are going to talk about, though, are the 35 proven formulas for writing headlines that John Caples wrote about in his book, Tested Advertising Methods.

So this these are all from chapter five, we’ve been going through these one at a time. And today we’re on number 13. Number 13 is feature a free offer. That’s why I mentioned the free offer of the book, even though I bring it up every time I highlighted it in the title and set it right out front.

Because that’s what we’re talking about. If you’ve got any type of a free offer, you want to put it out there and give people a chance to dig deeper to see what is really entailed in your free offer.

So mine is pretty simple, it’s a digital book that you go to the website, you fill out a thing and you get a free download. Pretty simple.

It also has options for getting a physical book and so forth. But here he’s got he’s got some great points in here. But when he’s talking about featuring a free offer, he says a free offers a device that frequently leads to future sales.

The free offer may take several forms as follows.

Number one, a free trial number two a sample of the product or service number three a booklet about the product or number for a premium that requires the purchase of the product number five, or a combination of any of the four.

Okay, pretty straightforward and simple. is a couple examples free trial lesson. Free gray hair treatment, when you donate $10 to Easter Seals will donate a Motorola portable to your free cell phone service.

100 free haircuts if you’re free Saturday, so are we you know, there’s just examples. It can take many forms. But it all has to do with a free offer that you’re putting out there. And just highlighting it in the headline.

Like we said before, a headline could be anything, it could be a link to for somebody to click on.

It can be the title of a podcast, it could be anything that you have out there subject line in an email. The whole idea is it is the thing that leads them to do the next step to read your article to read your advertisement, what have you. And also, we’re talking about the real power of the word free.

You’ll look at you look at my the title for it’s not the title the URL for my free book is a better domain name, although I it was one of the ones that I was looking at may have been, you know, free Amazon book or something like that.

Joe Polish has a great domain name he uses called If you go there, you’ll get to see whatever the latest free book that he’s that he’s pushing, you could see it right there.

He encourages other people to do the same thing with their name. So that’s a nice little tip you can run with.

I was talking with my friend Kevin. He’s a business associate, and this was earlier today. And he mentioned, we’re talking about somebody’s free book that they were offering.

He says, I jump on every free book offer. He says, I’m just one of those type of people I jump on it, every time he says it doesn’t matter if it’s free plus shipping and handling to get the physical book says I do it every time.

You’re going to attract certain people right off the bat that go for the free word, or the free book word or whatever it is that you’re offering.

You got to take that into account. When you’re looking at your marketing, you’re thinking about who you’re looking to attract. But there’s there’s something there’s very few things that are as powerful as the word free.

I think John Caples talks about that elsewhere in this book. And you can hear a lot of especially a lot of the traditional direct response marketing gurus through time have said the same thing that free is a very powerful word.

Something you got to you got to keep in mind because it because it’s so attractive, you may be pulling in people that you may not want to pull in. So it’s something to keep in mind. We’re going to go through all the rest of these. This was number 13.

Like I said, there’s 35 so just stay tuned and we’ll be we’ll be going through some more. But we’ll be back Tomorrow. In the meantime, you just get out there and let the magic happen.

90% Off Business Strategy Session!

Part 10 in a 35 part series on headlines from John Caples book, Tested Advertising Methods.

Amazon-Proof Your Business➡️


90% off business strategy session.

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

I’m using that headline that title for this podcast and video as an example. Although it’s true for the next 24 hours, I’m going to be offering 90% off my strategy sessions, which you can find over at

Normally we charge $627, for a 60 minute strategy session, that’s when I sit down with you, either over a video chat or a phone call or in person, and we sit down and we take a look at your business, we take a look at where you are, where you want to be, and how you can plan on getting there.

And I charge $627 for that, but there’s 90% off right now for the next 24 hours from the moment at which this is posted till 24 hours later, regardless of where you’re watching this. As long as you’re getting in touch with me in that in that period of time, I will acknowledge it and give you a 90% off send you a special link just for it.

So send me a personal message. Or if you can’t send me a personal message on the on the format that you’re at, be sure and just send a leave a comment down below. And I’ll be sure and respect that as long as you get a hold of me within within 24 hours, I’ll get back in touch with you within 24 hours of then.

We’ll make sure we get you set up with a strategy session. Now, this is all part of the process of building up headlines. What we we’ve been reviewing lately are the 35 proven formulas for writing headlines written by John Caples.

From chapter five of his book tested advertising methods, you definitely go get a copy of this and go through these all yourself or you can watch this series of videos that we’re doing. And we’re going through it one by one, this one is happens to be number 10. And it’s all about featuring a reduced price.

So yesterday, we just talked about having a price within your headline. Your headline, your title, your subject line of your email.

Today, we’re just talking about reduced price. So if you have the option, if you’re discussing a reduced price within your advertisement within your piece of social media, what have you, you might as well put it on the title, it’ll pull people in, it’ll draw people in that especially the type of people that might be interested in getting whatever you’re offering.

Now, it could just be the discount itself that you’re talking about in the title, but you could use the price itself. And so simple, simple concept. I also have on top of that we we advertise on a regular basis. My book because it’s new this year, just came out in August. It’s the, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business you can get a free copy at you get a free copy.

And you can also find out how you can get a hard copy of it at a discounted price along with other goodies including an audiobook version. So that we’ve got that you got this. There’s something you can walk away with.

If you’d like to find out more about other headline formulas that you can use, just plug in and make sure you check out the other videos I have on this specifically there’s a playlist over on YouTube, you can watch them one by one also. That’s all I got for today. In the meantime, you get out there and let the magic happen.

Would You Spend $20 to Feel Like A Million?

Part 9 in a 35 part series on headlines from John Caples book, Tested Advertising Methods.

Amazon-Proof Your Business➡️


Would you spend $20 to feel like a million?

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

Now, what am I offering you for $20?

It’s my book, okay, this isn’t just an ad for my book, I’m going to get to a point about why this matters. Okay, if you wanted a physical copy of my book, go to AmazonProofBook, com, sign up for the free copy. And then you’ll get a chance to pay $20 for a physical copy and the audio version, the audio book version, which is coming out very soon. So that’s a quick little ad.

But what I want to talk to you about is the headline that I use for that. And that is specifically an idea that I got from this book, Tested Advertising Methods by John Caples.

I don’t get paid when you go out and buy these books, but you’re welcome to. It’s a great book, old classic. And I’m talking about the concepts from chapter five, the 35 proven formulas for writing headlines, we’re doing a series of videos.

This the 9th point that he was making up in terms of talking about headlines.

This is a headline formula. It’s very simple. It’s called feature the price in your headline.

That’s it, you just feature the price that you’re offering something for in your headline, and it doesn’t mean, the price doesn’t need to be the grand thing about what you’re offering. It doesn’t need to be the lowest price. If it’s the highest price, it doesn’t matter.

Having it in your headline draws people to it. They’re like, Okay, what what is he offering?

I mean, just my headline alone that I’ve titled this video, and audio with is something that nobody else, you’re not going to know what it is right off the bat.

I’m saying, you know, would you spend $20 to feel like a mean million. That is specifically taken out of his book where he says, would you spend $5 to feel like a million, all I did was I changed the number. I’m already offering the book on my site for that much the physical copy of the book that you can get.

But all I did was I switched it around. I’m not telling you what you’re going to get to feel like a million. All I’m saying is that, would you spend $20 to feel like a million dollars that this uses a bunch of techniques that grabs a person’s attention. One is it’s a question.

Questions are great for headlines, any form of headlines, any type of title for a video, any type of subject line in an email questions are great because it causes a person to stop and answer in their own head. It really pulls person.

That’s why you’ll see a whole lot of the videos that I have out there. And titles to my podcasts are questions, they’re direct questions about the subject matter that I’m talking about. So that’s really useful.

But by putting a price in there, especially if you don’t say what that’s for, or say specifically what they’re getting for that price. That is a curiosity effect that brings a person in closer. So he has a couple different examples of this. He says, magnificent all mahogany dining room table 749 guaranteed 17 jewel quality watches 1695 it’s true, genuine kidskin leather only 2995.

You see, he’s not even saying specifically. In that case, what has the leather you know, he’s not telling you that. He’s just saying, here’s some qualities, here’s a price, what do you think about that it draws you in to find out the rest of it, it draws you in to find out why that price is that a good price? Is that a bad price?

The price itself is a draw, the fact that you’re seeing the dollar sign is a big deal, or wherever you’re using this and whatever, whatever your currency sign is. That’s the idea behind it. It’s very simple idea, we got two other formulas that have to do with price that we’re going to be going over in the next two videos.

But that’s all I have for tonight. Hey, sign up and make sure you catch the next videos as they come out. And you can always sign up the email over at

Or when one thing you can do is you can go sign up for my book, and that will automatically put you on a list to be able to get these on a regular basis. And you can sign up wherever you’re watching this right now. If you’re on YouTube, subscribe to the channel.

If you’re on Facebook, you know, like and follow and come and check us out every day. We’re going to be going through all the rest of the 35. And we’ve already have some that are already out there. So go check them out. We’ll be back here tomorrow night. In the meantime, get out there and just let the magic happen.

Just Rediscovered! Headline Creation Secrets

Part 8 in a 35 part series on headlines from John Caples book, Tested Advertising Methods.

Amazon-Proof Your Business➡️


Just rediscovered! Headline creation secrets.

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

There’s a reason why I introduced the show that way. Number one, it’s my headline, it’s the headline that I use to title each episode, I always start out with it, it’s a way to draw people in, let them know that what they’re watching is exactly what they clicked on, or what they’re listening to.

And so that title kind of pulls a person and takes them a little bit further. And so we’re talking about headlines, we’re talking about the usefulness of headlines. This is part of a series that I’m doing all on headlines, and we have rediscovered some major secrets from a very old source.

This book right here, Tested Advertising Methods, you might be familiar, this is a very common cover. It’s been around for quite a long time, is is by John Caples.

In chapter five, he goes through 35 proven formulas for writing headlines, and we’re hitting each and every one video by video, audio, by audio, text by text. These get put out as blog posts and everything else.

So whether you’re reading this listening to it or watching it, hopefully you’re getting the idea of how to easily write your very own headlines in a way that gets attention brings people in draws them to you, and gets them to do whatever you want them to do, whether that be watch a video, read your email, or read the rest of an article or an ad that you’re putting out there in any format. So headlines are very useful in that sense.

So I’m going to talk about number eight out of the 35. And he says, basically, it’s very common with the ones that have led up till now one through seven are all under the concept of news type headlines.

And this eighth one is the final one in that section. It talks about writing your headline in new style, just any, any type of new style, does it have some type of new style, and that’s why I started out with saying, you know, just rediscovered and kind of going off of that and bringing a person in at least to read the rest of the headline.

Then to go further if they’re interested in headline creation. So this is one of the ways you can do it. And he gives a couple of examples in this book, you can go out and get a get a copy of this book, if you want.

He says, here’s a couple of examples of headlines that against that right in news style. The wind you loved in Paris are here. The world’s first atomic watch, discovered amazing way to grow hair.

The myths about babies are gone. And these innovative toys have taken their place. You see, they all read, like the type of headline that you would catch on, you know whether you’re looking online through the news, or whether it’s a headline of a magazine, or a magazine cover, that it’s all very similar.

You have to really keep your eyes open for the things that attract your eye. Whether you’re looking through the tabloids, just as you’re going through the grocery line, you just happen to see, watch for the things that catch your eye and think to yourself, okay, why did that catch my eye?

Why did that headline what was the word that first pulled me in?

And what was the rest of it that made me think a little bit about what was being said he whether it was whether it regarded you know, alien babies or whatever, you know?

What is it that made the pay attention to that. And then if you can try to duplicate that in your headlines, you can’t you can kind of rediscover back engineer, the way that it worked on you, and be able to help it work on others. Here’s another way to do it.

You can do the same thing with emails, as you’re going through your emails, no doubt you have a whole lot of emails in there that you never even open.

Then there’s ones that you can’t help but open even if it’s someone that’s sending you email on a constant basis. You may not open them all the time, but then they send one it’s like, well, what, what’s this and it draws you in, pay attention to why it draws you when what makes you click on it, what is the thing that pulls you forward. And just that idea is the same idea with news headlines. So that’s all he’s talking about here.

You make it like the news. The news isn’t just there to just report.

They don’t just do that. They sensationalize things, they word things a certain way to pull you in, whether it be a headline in a newspaper, or a magazine, any of the traditional style media or things that are coming through, you go to the front front page of or any of these pages that will have a bunch of news stories pasted over the top of them.

Go to the go to the front page of YouTube and look at all the stuff that’s popping up and the type of things that though the titles, the titles and how they’re put forth and watch for the news items and see. Okay out of the news, because you go specifically to the news section. A lot of these sites.

You go from, typically the new station look at how they titled things could be a very boring topic, but they’ll title it in a way to get you to click on it.

You can do the same thing. And there’s no there’s nothing wrong with trying to make something sound like news. I’m just talking about something that’s rediscovered because I rediscovered it. I’m bringing it to you. It. Is it news?

No, it’s not us. But it all depends on how you define news. But if I can see it in a newsy way to pull person in, I’m not lying. I’m not and you got to be careful about how you how you go about looking at that and how you how you quantify that, but something to consider.

So that’s the tip for today.

We’ve got 35 of these all together. So we’ve gone through eight, we’ve got all the rest to go through, come back tomorrow. In the meantime, before we get back together again, go check out my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business.

You can get a free copy at AmazonProofBook com. This is why I’m able to bring these videos to you. Because people will go on there, get my free book. And also, you’ll be able to find out ways you could purchase a hard copy and so forth over at You have a great night. We’ll be back here tomorrow. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

A 2020 Warning: About Headlines

Part 7 in a 35 part series on headlines from John Caples book, Tested Advertising Methods.

Amazon-Proof Your Business➡️


A 2020 warning about headlines.

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo, welcome to Brian J. Pombo Live.

What are we talking about right now what we’re talking about is headlines. This is a series that I’m doing all on the power of headlines, how you can use them throughout your advertising throughout your social media, anywhere that you’re trying to get attention for you and your business.

You should be using headlines you should understand the psychology behind headlines. That’s why I’m doing this series all on john caples 35 proven formulas for writing headlines, which is in his book, Tested Advertising Methods. You can go get a copy out there that sort of older book, you can find a revised editions, and you could find older editions out there, fabulous book, but this is a chapter five.

It’s all on these formulas that he recommends for writing headlines. And it’s a great way to start thinking about the psychology of headlines.

I’m what just want to remind you, once again, I have a book on the psychology of your entire business strategy, it’s called, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business. You can get a free copy at

We use these videos as a way to get out the word about my own bill books. So you might as well go get yourself a copy

So let’s talk about today’s tip, shall we this is the number seven formula that he has in his book, and it’s all about put a date into your headline. That’s what he says put a date in your headline.

There’s a lot of different ways you can go about doing this. But the main idea is putting a date in there like I use the date doesn’t need to be a specific date. It could be anything. And so what we’re talking about, I mean, just in this headline that I use for the title of this video in this podcast, on talking about 2020 just using the year, sometimes you can use the actual day of the week. Here’s a couple examples that he gives.

Beginning June 1, low summer rates at Miami Biltmore, July sale of fashion gloves.

Why GE bulbs give more light this year.

How to keep ahead this summer.

You can speak French by October 15.

Why does putting a date matter?

Putting a date causes a person to pay closer attention one, because you’re entering the conversation already going on in the in the customers mind, right?

They’re having they’re they’re already thinking about what’s coming up. And so by you putting a month out there or a year out there or something else, you’re saying that this is topical, that this matters right now that this might have something to do with you and it draws them in.

Second. It’s also a way to be able to kind of put a deadline on something and deadlines work across the board on advertising deadlines. Some people swear that you should never do any form of advertising without a form of deadline.

One of them, let me see if I have his book right here is a guide that I talked about in my book. And I don’t see the book right off the top, I always I’m always moving books around because I’ll pull them off the shelf and I’ll be showing somebody or talking about something, I won’t put it back outrageous advertising by. Excellent here it is, Outrageous Advertising by Bill Glazer.

This book right here, one of the main things he talks about is never putting out advertising without a headline without a deadline of some sort. So what caples is talking about is putting it right in the headline, if you have a deadline, put it in the headline, it’s a nice little rhyme to it.

It grabs people’s attention, and it causes them to act quicker than they would have otherwise. That’s why we put dates and headlines.

That’s why it makes sense. It doesn’t mean you need to put it in every single headline, none of these formulas need to be done every single time. And none of them are foolproof.

It’s just another way to get attention to get them to do the next step. Whatever that is, if it’s an email, like we talked about before, it’s about opening the email, you put the subject line to get them to open the email, and then what’s in the email should be getting them to do something else.

If it is an article, or a headline on an advertisement on a piece of print advertisement or piece of advertisement online. The whole point of the headline is to get them to read the rest of the article to read the next paragraph to read the sub headline, and to walk them through the process. That’s the whole point of headlines.

So you want to find out more about these 35 proven methods. I’m going to be talking about them you’ll be able to find the playlist. We’ll have a link in the description about it and you could find it over on any channel where you happen to check this out.

Whether it be via podcast, or on YouTube or what have you, any social media that you’re watching or listening to us on now?

We’ll be back here tomorrow with the eighth proven formula for writing headlines. In the meantime, you get out there and let the magic happen.

At Last – Email Subject Line Formulas You Can Use

Part 6 in a 35 part series on headlines from John Caples book, Tested Advertising Methods.

Amazon-Proof Your Business➡️


At last – Email subject line formulas that you can use.

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

We’re going through the top 35 headline formulas that were created by John Caples. You find them in this book, Tested Advertising Methods. Or watch this video series where I review each of these steps.

This is the sixth step. And when we’re talking headlines, it doesn’t matter whether you’re talking email subject lines, or YouTube titles, or a title for your blog, or the headline on a an article or an advertisement that you’re putting out there.

It doesn’t matter whether it’s online, or it’s offline, the same thing captures humans eyes no matter what. Okay, the same thing works. Now, to get them to the point to where they actually see it. That’s something else we were talking about that before.

And you can you can look up all of our videos on SEO on search engine optimization, that’s something different. But once you’re in front of them, to get them to pay attention, and to go in deeper into whatever it is that you’re talking about.

That requires doing using formulas like this. And you could do this, like I said, for email subjects, it’s a great way to be able to do it. Because if you’re already in their email box, you’ve that’s half the battle, then you just got to get him to open up the email. And that’s all comes from the subject line.

So this is number six, he says begin your headline with the words at last. Once again, it’s very similar to the other ones using a word or words, to be able to get somebody to pay attention to it.

When you say at last, you’re saying in in a sense, this is important, what you’re about to see hasn’t been done before. And so like I used for a title for this video, we just put the words at last in front. So he’s got different versions in this book of how you can go about doing that at last a steam iron with a magic brain, at last a toothbrush guaranteed for six months.

He says using the words at last creates the impression that here at last after long preparation is a product that many people have been waiting for. It doesn’t have to be a product, it can be anything, a variation of it last, you can use similar things like has a remedy for the common cold, that has a remedy for the common cold than found at last. So just putting that last in different part.

And then there’s here’s two approaches to at last news quality without using the actual words. So here’s a ways to do the exact same thing.

Finally, professional flea control at a fair price just using the word finally instead of it last, imagine an automobile so precisely engineered, it feels as if it were formed from a single piece of steel. You see, same idea at last kind of pulls the person in, gets them to read the rest of the sentence. And then hopefully gets them to go the next step whether that be clicking an opening an email, watching a video, reading the rest of your article, what have you. It’s the same idea. If you get really good at writing headlines, a lot of things will open up to you because you have the ability to capture people’s attention, which is what it’s all about. Hopefully that makes sense to you.

If you’d like some tips on how to take your business from where it’s at to really make it explode and do away with competition, which is a huge part of getting your business to explode.

Check out my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business. You could find a free copy for yourself and anyone you know, at That’s

We’ll be back tomorrow with number seven in this list and you’ll be able to find depending on when you’re watching this you’ll be able to find all the ones we’ve done up till now. We’re gonna do all 35 in a playlist. So go and check that out.

And we’ll be back here tomorrow. You have a great one. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

New Trick For Writing Headlines

Part 4 in a 35 part series on headlines from John Caples book, Tested Advertising Methods.

Amazon-Proof Your Business➡️


New trick for writing headlines. Hi, I’m Brian Pombo. Welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

Here’s a new trick, it’s probably new to you. It was new to me, though technically, it’s an old trick. This is a trick that was talked about by John Caples. In his book, Tested Advertising Methods.

An old book on old tricks, but the new trick itself is actually very simple. And it is the fourth concept, when it comes to his 35 proven formulas for writing headlines comes from chapter five of his book.

This is number four, begin your headline with the word new, that just by using new in the very beginning of your headline, like I used in the title of this video, just by using new, you will attract people to read the rest of the headline. Therefore or the title, or the subject line of your email doesn’t matter where you’re using a headline, headline is an old terminology from direct response marketing. But wherever you’re using it, if you use the word new right off the bat, it’s going to encourage them to read the rest of the headline, which is the point major point of the headline is to get the headline read.

Then to get the next piece read or the next piece watched or listened to. or Yeah, read looked at. That’s the whole point of the headline is to draw people in to the piece of advertising, whatever that advertising is, I don’t care if it’s a podcast, or a blog post.

Okay, we’ve got just as an example, this is the I mean, this isn’t an example.

I’ll give you the examples. Hold on one second. These are the examples that John Caples gives for headlines.

New lemon blossom plot pie, new standard driver airbag, new ergonomic interior, new four wheel ab five, new six CD changer, more powerful engine, new progresso 100, white meat chicken soup, new tin channel, handheld GPS only from Magellan, new Black and Decker electric drill, new method of keeping your personal finances.

It’s just a very simple word that draws people in it gets people a little bit excited, has kind of a newsworthy feel to it, which is why he puts it under his what he considers news headlines, and you’re saying it’s new.

So you’re automatically saying it’s news. This is something that people are going to want to see. The fact that it’s new, tells the person, okay, there’s something I haven’t seen before, what else?

It’s subtle. It’s subliminal, but it draws a person in. This is a great quote that comes from the previous chapter from Winston Churchill. He said, advertising nourishes the consuming power of men, it creates once for a better standard of living. It sets before a man the goal of a better home, better clothing, better food for himself and his family. It spurs individual exertion and greater production.

Now I could probably do that in a Churchill accent, but I’m not going to, I’m not going to attempt it right now at this time of night. Let’s do that another time. advertising is good. But you got to do it well enough to get the attention.

That’s what advertising is all about pulling in attention, and then sparking people to be interested in what you’re talking about. So that you could eventually have a customer out of the deal.

This is just one way. This is the fourth way. This is a whole series of videos that we’re doing. There’s going to be 36 videos in all, and this is just the fifth video.

But the fourth point out of the 35 proven formulas for writing headlines by John Caples. Tune in tomorrow for number five or if you’re looking at these later, you should be able to find the playlist with all the videos one by one. Any of these can be used and exploited for any of your needs possible.

When it comes to advertising. It’s important to have some form of headline no matter what you’re doing. It’s that first initial sentence, that first initial phrase that pulls pulls people in. Hopefully that makes sense to you. If not keep watching. I think you’ll get a feel for it as we go along.

We’ll be back here tomorrow night. In the meantime, go out and grab a copy of my book, 9 Ways To Amazon-Proof Your Business you can get your own free copy at We’ll be back here tomorrow. In the meantime, you get out there and let the magic happen.