Easter Reflections ✝️🐰

Happy Easter!


Easter reflections.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

What does Easter have anything to do with business, we talk a lot about business concepts here, perspectives of being a business owner of being a person who’s in charge of some type of business here or there.

So what’s Easter has to do with any of these things, I’ll tell you what it has to do with, because when you’re out there, talking, if you’re putting out any form of content marketing, and you’re doing it yourself or someone on your team is doing it on a regular basis, you have to realize that different things that different words, we use mean completely different things to different people.

And people may visualize, you know, when they think of Easter, they may visualize the religious connotations of Jesus Christ rising from the dead.

They may visualize the Easter Bunny, Easter egg hunts, and all that. Or they may not think of any of that stuff, because they didn’t have any background to that growing up or anything else, a whole lot of this comes down to how we grow up, what we experienced, and so forth.

When it comes to holidays that are well known, but not celebrated equally across the board. Easter is one of those that has very deep religious connotations but is not seen the same way by everybody.

For me and my family, I’d mentioned before we travel all the way down from Southern Oregon, all the way down to Northern California, it’s about with my kids, it’s about eight, nine-hour drive.

It’s about six and a half hours long if you don’t have kids, but with kids, it can take a little bit longer. So in that process of doing that every year to come and visit my family, it’s just part of what I’ve always done.

If I came on here and talked about Easter, the same way that a lot of people would talk about Christmas are those times of the year are those holidays, that’s a different feeling for a lot of people.

Whereas with my family, it’s another big holiday where the whole family gets together. And different parts of my family all get together at different times. We have to kind of schedule things out and make sure that we hit up all these different places.

It’s a very different scenario for a lot of other people, it’s not that you shouldn’t bring out your perspective, and talk about where you’re coming from and what you’re all about.

The thing is, you just have to acknowledge that not everybody is necessarily from that perspective, they’re not all necessarily have that same background, or that same view of any particular holiday, especially when it comes to holidays.

So it really comes back to the rule of iterating the conversation that’s in your customer’s mind.

For to be able to do that you got to know kind of, you got to have a really good guess, solid guess on where your customer’s minds at.

If there’s a real mixture of it, you just have to acknowledge it, you have to point it out that you understand that other people may not see things the same way as you. It’s just it’s helpful.

I mean, you can always be a jerk about or you can always try and clear out a whole portion of your potential customer base that you don’t want to be around. Because they don’t have the same perspective as you and that’s fine, but do it with the foreknowledge that that’s what you’re doing. Do it with intention.

So hopefully that makes sense. We talk a lot about these ideas. So don’t get too thrown off about some of these things that I just kind of throw out there willy-nilly.

Go back watch or listen to some of these other podcasts. I’ve got over 1,000 already in the can that you can go back and listen to I love to hear your thoughts on this stuff.

Don’t just have a knee-jerk reaction. If this is your first time here. You have a good one, go get my copy of my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business if you really want to get perspective on things that you can do in your business long-term strategies to make yourself competition-proof.

That’s 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business. Pick it up wherever books are sold or get a free copy at AmazonProofBook.com. For those of you that celebrate it, you have a wonderful and blessed Easter and we will see you tomorrow.

In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

You Aren’t Your Brain 🧠

Day one of Brian’s trip down to California for Easter with his family.


If you aren’t your brain.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

I’m here in California having to speak a little quieter because other people were sleeping in this house. But I had a nice long trip down to visit family.

It’s been interesting because last night, I discussed how great I felt after getting back into doing some exercise. And starting later that night, something I had eaten or something else happened to where I started having issues. It was like getting hit with a two-by-four, I don’t know if I’m sick, I think it’s food poisoning.

Now we’re pretty sure, cuz both me and my wife tended to hit us at the same time, we think it was something odd that we ate. And so did not sleep well.

I had a horrible time today just trying to get ready to go so that we can be here in California. And it was just one of those things where it’s just really, really odd. But it all worked out.

In that process, I can tell that there were certain things I wanted to take care of, I wanted to handle, and I couldn’t do as easily you ever have that really thick brain fog.

It really hit me hard that I’m not my brain because I wouldn’t even be able to see that there was an issue, that my brain wasn’t processing things properly. My body was not processing things properly. It’s not me, it’s just the machine that I work through.

At least that’s how I view it and I don’t see any other way I could view it based on just my own experience, I’m sure in your experience, you could say the same thing.

If you just have enough perspective, you could see that if you have the ability to see something like your brain not functioning properly, then you must not be your brain, or there at least is a separate part of the brain that is functional.

Well, the other part is, is dysfunctional. So it’s just an interesting idea. Just toss it out there nothing too heavy today. As I said, not fully functioning right now. And my body’s not fully functioning but getting over it, whatever it is that I will go through and get over it. And look forward to seeing all my relatives and everything tomorrow and maybe doing something fun with the family. So go check out my book.

If you haven’t yet, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business, you can get a free copy at AmazonProofBook.com And that’s all I have for tonight. We’ll see you tomorrow. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

Best Mood-Altering Activity 🚙

Thoughts on traveling with family and exercise for better health.


Best mood-altering activity.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

When I’m talking best mood-altering activity, I mean, a person could take that a whole lot of different ways. What I’m talking about is something to keep your mood up over a longer period of time.

It’s a simple thing and something that everyone always talks about. But I found ways that work out the best for me.

So why am I talking about this, this is a business show, we talk about business and the concepts that business owners deal with and so forth. But I wanted to bring this up because it does go back into the kind of personal journey that you go on as a business person.

So we’re getting ready to leave town. For those of you who watch or listen on a regular basis, you’ll notice that we tend to leave town we have services that watch over our home, and so forth, but we tend to leave town around the holidays, the different holidays of the year.

One of them can oftentimes be Easter, and so we go home and visit our family.

It’s been a while since we’ve seen them and so we they live down in California. It’s always a fun trip just to get in the car and get out of town, we’re very much a traveling family.

As things improve in business, we’ll probably be traveling even more because we really enjoy it. And I just noticed that my mood was really good from last night all the way through to today.

There’s a whole lot of things that go along with that eating right, and all that stuff’s good. But I added an element for those of you who listened or watched yesterday, I added a little element back to my routine, and we’ll see if I can keep it up.

But a little bit of exercise just a little bit, not a lot, just a little bit. Specifically, I mentioned yesterday, I do a high-intensity interval training. And it’s a very small amount.

So much, you’d say there’s no way that could possibly do it but it does certain types of exercise. If you exercise too much or wear yourself out, you’ll feel worse when you’re done than where you started.

It’ll affect you for days on end, this specific style of exercising, I really like because it doesn’t take too much out of me. It may feel a little sore, you know, within the first couple of hours. But after that feel great.

There are just the natural juices that start flowing, and you start feeling a whole lot better. There are a whole lot of things you could do out there to make you feel good immediately. But if you could make yourself feel I don’t want to say make yourself feel bad.

But in a sensible exercise I have not a moving person I like to sit still I don’t like to be active. I’m not a sports nut, when it comes to me actually doing the sports I’ve just never, it’s never appealed to me.

I was able to find something, an exercise that works for me that I can do that isn’t doesn’t take too much time. And at the same time gives me a real pep in my step so to speak. I really enjoy it and I forgot how good it feels just to do a little bit.

You could say it’s all in my head but one thing I’ve noticed is it’s literally 36 hours, about a pretty close to 36 hours. It’s like a day and a half if that’s if I’m doing my math, right. It’s about a day and a half. Before I start feeling it come off a little bit.

I know some people call it the runner’s high and stuff like that. But this is it’s something very specific and it’s something that I’m really happy with. So don’t run after those things that make you feel good right off the bat run after the things that give you kind of a sustainable, feel good. And I found those things tend to last.

I can be completely off and this could probably, you know, watch if I do it too often. It’ll probably kill me they’ll find out there’s something horribly wrong with it, but right now, it’s doing good. That’s where I’m at in my life.

I just thought I’d share it with you. So that’s all I have for tonight.

Go check out my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business if you want to make yourself competition proof if you want to make it to where you stand out to where you don’t even have competition.

Go check out this book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business you can go purchase a copy or you can get a free one. Download it at AmazonProofBook.com. That’s all I have for tonight. You have a good one. We’ll be back tomorrow.

In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.