Protecting Yourself From Distractions 👀

Staying on track with your goals.

Amazon-Proof Your Business➡️


Protecting yourself from distractions.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

It’s funny I like I like using props, they’re an easy way to be able to start communicating an issue. But I’m not gonna wear these the entire time. It’s just a prop.

The idea is protection. How do you protect yourself, these are some basically, I think these are technically painting glasses that you put on to keep stuff out of your eyes. I’ve used it for landscaping, and for shooting my gun, and so on, so forth. So there, there you have it.

It’s interesting thing about eye protection, though, it’s you don’t need it until until what happens. It’s like everything that takes eye protection, you like do I really need to wear these, especially if you’re not used to wearing glasses, if you’re not a person that wears glasses on a regular basis and it always seems like an extra thing until it’s actually needed.

And distractions are one of those things that we don’t ever really call it a distraction when it’s happening. Otherwise, it wouldn’t. If it was obvious, it was a distraction. We want to go for it but we get pulled into it. And then long after we’re mired down in it, we realize, Oh, it’s a distraction, I’m in a distraction.

So what makes a distraction, what defines a distraction?

I’m going to give you ways to be able to catch it ahead of time. One way is to get your whole team on board. I know this is a common theme that I’ve been bringing up a lot over and over again, it’s because nearly every client I have has this issue. And that’s an issue that I have myself.

If you have a team, if you have anyone that you would consider a team member.

I don’t care if you’re a solopreneur you’ve got your own business and you have a wife, or you have an assistant or anybody that you communicate with, bring them in to help keep you on track. Because it’s very common to get off track.

It’s so easy and this doesn’t matter what personality you are, it’s very easy to get off track. Certain personalities or certain people with certain combinations, sometimes we’ll get too focused in one thing.

And then that way, they will go too deep on something when they need to go a little bit wider. But that’s a distraction unto itself.

The more common distraction that you’ll see, though, is things that have nothing to do with the end goal. So if you have teammates of any type, you need to define help, or to show them what your end goal is, where you’re looking to go with something, what your main focus is, what time you’re looking to get there. And give them the power to point it out.

Without you flying off the handle to point out when you’re doing something that doesn’t appear to be towards that goal. You have to have this in place with you have it in place and you start practicing it and you start catching yourself and having them catch you and don’t be offended by it.

Even though they may not understand maybe it is towards your goal. But most of the time, it’s stuff that has nothing to do with our goals.

So yesterday’s episode we were talking about apps about building an app and how it’s very, very common for companies to go off and build an app because they think they need an app, because it’s a nice shiny object to get caught up in.

And it’s not they don’t necessarily have a reason behind it. And if there is a long term goal set by the company of any sort, it doesn’t match into it. It doesn’t tie into it, it doesn’t mean that it can’t. But it’s a tool.

It’s not the thing itself. The thing itself is something bigger. In most cases, obviously, an app may be the end goal, but that’s something different. You have to have the goal first you have to have know where you’re going have a timeline, or of some sort, it doesn’t. These things are not set in stone.

But you have to have something that is kind of in place a strategy on we’re here. We want to go there, right? And what are the steps necessary to get there. as you go along that process, you’re going to find distractions, things that pull you out over here and pull you out over here away from your line away from where you’re looking to go.

That’s a distraction is anything that pulls you away from where you know you’re supposed to be focused on. And it doesn’t mean that that distraction isn’t a bad idea. Just because it’s a shiny object.

It doesn’t necessarily mean it’s bad. And it doesn’t mean that that, that that distraction can’t fit into your timeline. But you have to make it fit. It’s got to fit into what you’re going into where you’re going and what you’re doing. If it doesn’t, it’s a distraction.

Now, maybe you’ve got time set aside for distractions. You know, I’m not saying your whole life has to be wrapped up in this one goal.

But you have to know that it’s separate from what you’re trying to accomplish. If you know that, if you acknowledge it, if you set time aside for it and you realize that the time you’re setting aside is taken away from the time that you would have put toward the process toward that long walk to your goal, then you’re good.

That distractions not bad. But if you want to protect yourself from distractions, if you have a long running issue with falling into things that don’t take you anywhere good,then you got to get other people on board, and you got to start paying attention to it yourself.

And you can’t get caught up with…well, just because the idea came to me, it must be a good idea. It must be the right thing to do, because I came up with it.

This is very common in business owners. I know because I use one, you know, it’s very common to think that every idea you come up with is brilliant and needs to be explored.

And it just doesn’t, you’ll go nuts if you do that, and you’ll never accomplish what you know is possible in your business. That’s the whole point of having a business is to actually accomplish something to provide value, and to go somewhere with what you’re doing. So hopefully that’s helpful to you, if you’d like more ways, to be able to really get that focus down right and to take things where you want to take them you got to get your strategy in order.

I recommend my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business. It’s a whole lot about competition. But in that process of being able to eliminate competition, you’re going to find where you need to be and what you need to be doing to get what you want out of your business. That’s what my books all about. if you go there, you can get a free copy. Digital Copy, we’ll be back here tomorrow night. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.