Dirty Diapers Are Predictable 👶

You don’t want to know. 🙂


dirty diapers are predictable.

Hi Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

Coming to you today from Northern California visiting is my father’s home and visiting family for Christmas. And just want to give you a quick anecdote to kind of brighten your day if at all possible.

So I had a situation where we have a long trip from Southern Oregon to Northern California. It’s about well, today it took about eight, nine hours.

It’s only because we had kids major traffic, actually, the kids did really well. I’ve got three young kids and a wife. And we made it, we were really doing good. We stuck to the just quick breaks and tried to eat as much out of the car as possible. And then we finally got home that we got to Tracy got to our destination.

We kind of situation that were the youngest, is still has still doesn’t make the toilet every time. You know, he’s still in the training mode. And we notice he had not gone number two yet. He’s pretty regular about hitting that a couple times a day.

It still hadn’t happened and we’re hitting later in the night. We know what’s coming, we know that eventually, there’s going to be some dirty business to deal with. And it’s just a matter of when. Sure enough, after he’d already gone to bed. And we’re all in the same room. We learned pretty quickly that happened and we had to go through the cleanup process. So what’s this mean to business and everything else?

Well, what it what it means is bad news, whatever you consider bad news, whatever the bad situation. You’ve got certain things that you know are going to come up in life and in business, you know, it’s going to pop up. Don’t be surprised when it does. Be ready for it. Be ready for when it happens.

If it hasn’t happened for a long time. Realize it might just be around the corner. Not that you should, you know, totally expected or try to bring it on. But don’t be surprised when it does. That that bad news, whatever it is your life. It’s dirty diapers, it’s going to show up. It’s going to happen. Be ready for it. Don’t freak out.

So stupid analogy for the day. That’s all I got for you. Go check out my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof your business get a free copy of AmazonProofBook.com I’ll be back here tomorrow. In the meantime, you get out there and let the magic happen.